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568 206. Strongyl. 9. GASTEROMYCE^. PL cell, aph,<br />

V. 206. STRONGYLIUM. Ditmar. Cylinder-mould.<br />

Sporangidium indeterminate in form; peridlum simple,<br />

membranaceous ; flocks upright, stiff, bundled, ascending<br />

from the bottom ; sporidia crowded into cylinders.<br />

Strongyllum fidiginnides. Smokelike cylinder-mould.<br />

Sporangium I'oundish, rather convex, brown.<br />

Trichoderma fuliginoides, Persoon Syn. 231, 1.<br />

Lycoperdon fuliginosum, Sowerby Fungi, 257.<br />

Lycogala atrum, ^Ib. et Schvsein. Fung. 131.<br />

On rotten trees, and floating timber.<br />

VI. 207. LYCOGALA. Micheli. Blood-mould.<br />

Sporangium globular, or slightly irregular; peridium<br />

membranaceous, becoming a mass of fibres; sporidia<br />

crowded.<br />

1. Lycogala punctata. Dotted Mood-mould.<br />

Sporangi hemispherical or globular, in tufts reddish<br />

grey-brown both inside and out ; surface dotted.<br />

Reticularia Lycoperdon S, Bulliard Champ, 95.<br />

Lycogala punctata, Persoon Syn. 158,3.<br />

On rotten trunks of trees.<br />

2. Lycogala turlinata. Topshape Hood-mould.<br />

Sporangium topshape, pale, smooth.<br />

Reticularia Lycoperdon 2, Bulliard Champ. 93.<br />

Lycogala turbinata, Persoon Syn. 138, 2.<br />

On rotten wood.<br />

3. Lycogala argentea. Silvery Hood-mould.<br />

Sporangium nearly hemispherical, silver-grey, smooth.<br />

Lycogala griseum majus, Micheli N. Gen. Pi. 216.<br />

Reticularia Lycoperdon, Bulliard Champ. 95.<br />

Mucor Lycogalus, Bolton Fungi, 133.<br />

On rotten trunks of trees.<br />

4. Lycogala mmiata. Scarlet Mood-mould.<br />

Sporangia globular, aggregated; surface smooth, bloodred,<br />

afterwards brownish; sporidia rose-colour, afterwards<br />

pale.<br />

Mucor fragiformis, Schocffer Fung. 193.<br />

Lycoperdon Epidendruni, Sowtrby Fungi, 52, and 400.<br />

Lycogala mlriiata, Persoon Syn. 138,4.<br />

Lycoperdon variolosum, Hudson Angl. 64.5.<br />

On rotten trunks of trees ; autumn after rain.

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