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564 201.Stilbum. 8. NEMATOMYCEiE. PlceU.apL<br />

2. Stilhum vul^are. Common glancehead.<br />

Stromnta cylindrical, thickish, crowded into yellowish<br />

white tufts ; heads hemispherical, withering.<br />

Stilbum Tulgare, Persoon Syn. 682.<br />

On half- rotten stalks ; autumn.<br />

3. St'ilhim lullosum. Bullous glancehead.<br />

Stroma slender, bulbous at bottom, ochre-yellow; head<br />

spherical, white, strewed with a yellowish powder.<br />

Stilbum bulbosum, Persoon Syn. 682.<br />

On rotten plants, in covered situations; autumn after<br />

heavy rains.<br />

Fam. IX. 9. GASTEROMYCE^. Fungormn pars,<br />

Linnaeus, Jussieu. GasferomT/ci, Persoon.<br />

Thallus 0; peridium single or double, membranaceous<br />

or leatherlike, bladdershape ; sporidia naked, or intermixed<br />

with fibres, included in the peridium, at first generally liquid.<br />

A. Peridium thin, sessile, irregular, lecoming fihrmis, or<br />

skinny ; sporidia in heaps. Spumarideae.<br />

Peridium membranous, globular<br />

sporidia naked, conglomerate Eurotium. 202.<br />

Per. sessile, outside towlike, ins. flaky;<br />

sporidia naked, conglobate JEthalium. 203.<br />

Per. membranous, fibres membranous<br />

at the axillae ; spor. in heaps Lignydium. 204.<br />

Per. cellularly fibrous, ascending<br />

sporidia in heaps Spumaria. 205.<br />

Per. membranous; fibres upright;<br />

sporidia in cylinders Strongylium. 206.<br />

Per. membranous, becoming fibrous<br />

sporidia crowded Lycogala. 207.<br />

B. Peridium thin, sessile, irregular, vanishing in dust<br />

sporidia in heaps, Myrotheciadeee.<br />

Dermodium.<br />

Perid. flattened, branlike, brittle<br />

sporidia conglutinated Myrothecium. 208.<br />

Perid. flattened, covered with granules;<br />

sporidia conglobated . ., Dichosportum. 209.<br />

Perid. globular or cylindrical, thin;<br />

sporidia heaped Licea. 210.<br />

Perid. irregular, very thin, vanishing;<br />

sporidia conglobated, very numerous . .<br />


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