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.534. ISl.Roestelia. 7. PROTOMYCE^. Pl.cell.aph.<br />

1. Roestelia cancellata. Rail-like restelia.<br />

Tufts brown, aggregated ; thec(JE cancellated, bellied j<br />

tip closed.<br />

jEcidiuin cancelladim, Persoon Syn. 205.<br />

Lycopeidon ciincellatum, Jacq. Austr. 1, 13.<br />

Cancellaria pj ri, Sovcerby Fungi, 409 and 410<br />

On the lower surface of pear-leaves.<br />

2. RvesteUa lacerafa. Torn restelia.<br />

Tiifts iron-colour, aggregated; thecce cancellated, concave<br />

; tip toothed ; teeth separate, spreading.<br />

jEcidium laceradim, Sotcerby Fungi, 318.<br />

^cidium oxyacantlifE, Persoon Syn. 206.<br />

On the lower surface of the leaves of apple-trees, hawthorn,<br />

and mountain-ash.<br />

3. Roestelia cornuta. Horned restelia,<br />

T'lifts brown, aggregate; base reddish; thecce long conical,<br />

cylindrical ; tip toothed, turned back.<br />

^cidiuni coinutum, Persoon Syn. 205; Sowerby Fungi, 319.<br />

Lycopcrdon corniferum, Fl. Dan. 838.<br />

Lycopeidon corniculatuni, Ehrh. Crypt. 20.<br />

On the lower surface of the leaves of wild service.<br />

Leaves spotted red on the upper surface; peridia few<br />

together; sporidia greyish-red.<br />

4. Roestelia lerleridis. Berberry restelia^<br />

Tufts yellowish, round, convex ; thecce cylindrical, orangeyellow;<br />

mouth 5-toothed.<br />

^cidiuin beiberidis, Dc Cand. Syn. 51.<br />

Lycoperdon poculiforme, Jacq. Coll, 1, 122.<br />

On the lower face of berberry-leaves.<br />

5. Roestelia campanulata. Bellshape restelia^<br />

Tufts reddish-yellow, round, convex ; thecce cylindrical,<br />

bellshape; mouth not cut, yellowish.<br />

jEcidium berberidis, Sowerby Fungi, 397.<br />

iEcidium berbeiidis /3, Be Cand. Fl. Gall. 247.<br />

On the lower face of berberry-leaves.<br />

II. 152. ^CIDIUM. Persoon. Ecidium.<br />

Sporidia 1 -celled, sessile, globular, in heaps, bursting<br />

from the epidermis of plants, and girt with a short, calyxlike<br />

peridium or theca formed of it.

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