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PI. cell. aph. 1. PROTOMYCE^. 53S<br />

Sporidia free, 1 -celled, globular,<br />

naked ; epidermis bullated Albugo. 155.<br />

Sporidia pedicelled, 1 -celled, ovate,<br />

naked; epi^ermw ruptured Cceomurus. 156.<br />

Sporidia pedicelled, 2-celled, ovate,<br />

naked; epidermis ruptured Diceoma. 157.<br />

Sporidia pedicelled, many-celled,<br />

naked; pediceUs free Puccinia. 158.<br />

Sporidia pedicelled, many-celled,<br />

naked; pedicells conglomerated Podisoma. 159.<br />

B. Sporidia many-celled, free.^ 7iaked ; stroma ; growing<br />

on decayed vegetables. Stiibosporideae.<br />

Sporidia spindleshape, pellucid Fusidium. 160.<br />

Sporidia oblong, blunt , , Stilbospoka. 161.<br />

C Sporidia Ludlike, under the epidermis of living plants.<br />

Xylomidese.<br />

CriLSl cellular, inside pale Xyloma. 162.<br />

D. Sporidia 1-celled, pedicelled ; tlieccB irregular, gelatinouSi<br />

on live plants. Gymnosporangidete.<br />

Erumpent; ^/ifcte irregular Gymkosporangium. 163.<br />

E. Sporidia l- celled, free, expanding • tliecce free.<br />

iEgeritideffi.<br />

Sporidia globular; fhecce round ^seiuta. 164.<br />

(Sj&o?ic?ia spindleshape ; ///ec^ globular Fusarium. 165.<br />

F. Sporidia l-celled,free,; theccc evolute, pedicelled, free.<br />

~~ Tubercularidese.<br />

S/io?-?"^. globular ; /Aec^ pedicelled Tubercularia. 166,<br />

A. CcEOMiDEiE. sporidia dustlike, free, heaped, sessile<br />

or pedicelled, one or many-celled, growing at first under<br />

the epidermis of living plants, then bursting through it,<br />

naked or covered with a false peridium or thec^ formed of<br />

the epidermis of the plant on which it grows.<br />

I. 151. RGESTELIA. Link. Restelia,<br />

Sporidia 1 -celled, free, sessile, globular, heaped together,<br />

girt with a false peridium ; peridium irregularly glomerated.

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