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24 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 1542. Fuchs. Historia Plantarum. 516 fig. outlines only, but beautiful. Edward VI. 1548. Matthiolus. Comraentarii in Dioscoridem. 1551. Turner. New Herbal. 1552. Tragus. De Stirpibus. 567 figures. Serapio. De Simplicium Historia. Printed. Dodoens. Frugum Historia. Elizabeth. J 560. Miraldi. Secretorum Enchiridion. 1562. BuUeyn. Castle of Defense against Sicknesse. Dr. Fenny, jirst British entomologist. 1568. Turner. Herbal, Completed, with figures from the small editions of Fuchs. 1570. Lobel and Pena. Adversaria. The first arrangement of plants. 1578. Lyte. Herbal. A translation of Dodonseus. 1050 plants. 1583. Dodoens. Herbal, completed and all the parts published together with 1305 figures. 1585. Csesalpinus. De Plantis. The Jirst strict logical system. Newton. Herbal to the Bible. 1588. Tabernasmontanus. Kraeuterbuch, begun. 1592. Columna. Phytobasanos. 1594. Mountain. Gardeners' Labyrinth. Thefi,rst English hook on Gardening P 1597. Gerarde. Herbal. 1599. Imperati. Historia Naturalis. 1600. Schwenckfeld. Stirpium, &c. Silesiaa Catalogus. TheJirst Flora of any country. 1601. Clusius. Rariorum Plantarum Historia. This author is highly esteemedfor the purity of his Latin. James I. 1605. Clusius. Exoticorum Libri decern. Lobel. Adversariorum altera pars. 1611. Clusius. Curae posteriores. J612. Besler. Hortus Eystettensis. 1083 figures on copper. The first superb work in botany. 1616. Columna. Ecphrasis. 1620. C. Bauhin. Prodromus Theatri Botanici. 1st edit.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 25 1623. C. Bauhin. Pinax Theatri Botanici, 1st edit. An immense collection of synonyms. Chaules I. 1629. Johnson. Iter Cantianum. The first account of a herborisation in England. Parkinson. Paradisus terrestris. Thefirst catalogue of common garden plants. 1652. Johnson. Ericetum Hampstediense. The first catalogue of a small lotanizing ground. 1633. Gerarde's Herbal. 2850 plants. 1634. Mercurius Botanicus. The first sepa- ration of British plants from foreign ones. 164'3. Parkinson. Theatre of Botany. 3800 plants, with new figures, cut in England. 164-8. Bobart. Hortus Oxoniensis. Thefirst catalogue of a British botanic garden. MarcgrafF. Historia Brasilise. Charles II. 1650. How. Phytologia. 1220 plants. Thefirst attempt at a complete list of British plants. J. Bauhin. Historia Plantarum. 1652. Culpeper. The English Physician. 1st edition. 1655. Lobel. Stirpium lllustrationes, a How. 1656. Cole. The Art of Simpling. Tradescant. Museum. The first catalogue of an English collection. 1658. Browne. Hortus Oxoniensis. 1659. Lovell. Pambotanologia. 1st edition. 1660. Ray. Catalogus Plantarum Cantabrigensis. 626 plants. Thefirst work by Ray. 1664. Evelyn. Sylva, with Kalendarium Hortense. The first Gardener^s Calendar. Turner. British Physician. 1665. Lovell. Pambotanologia. 2d edition. 1667. Merrett. Pinax Rerum Britannicarum. 1400 plants. Willisell mentioned hy Merrett as an active collector. 1669. Morison. Hortus Blesensis. 1670. Ray. Catalogus Plantarum Anglise. 1050 plants. Grew. Anatomy of vegetables begun. 1672. Morison. Plantse umbelliferas. Thefirst monograph, 1673. Ray. Catalogus Stirpium externarum. 1675. Malpighi. Anatome Plantarum.


1623. C. Bauhin. Pinax Theatri Botanici, 1st edit. An<br />

immense collection of synonyms.<br />

Chaules I.<br />

1629. Johnson. Iter Cantianum. The first account of a<br />

herborisation in England.<br />

Parkinson. Paradisus terrestris. Thefirst catalogue<br />

of common garden plants.<br />

1652. Johnson. Ericetum Hampstediense. The first catalogue<br />

of a small lotanizing ground.<br />

1633. Gerarde's Herbal. 2850 plants.<br />

1634. Mercurius Botanicus. The first sepa-<br />

ration of British plants from foreign ones.<br />

164'3. Parkinson. Theatre of Botany. 3800 plants, with<br />

new figures, cut in England.<br />

164-8. Bobart. Hortus Oxoniensis. Thefirst catalogue of<br />

a British botanic garden.<br />

MarcgrafF. Historia Brasilise.<br />

Charles II.<br />

1650. How. Phytologia. 1220 plants. Thefirst attempt<br />

at a complete list of British plants.<br />

J. Bauhin. Historia Plantarum.<br />

1652. Culpeper. The English Physician. 1st edition.<br />

1655. Lobel. Stirpium lllustrationes, a How.<br />

1656. Cole. The Art of Simpling.<br />

Tradescant. Museum. The first catalogue of an<br />

English collection.<br />

1658. Browne. Hortus Oxoniensis.<br />

1659. Lovell. Pambotanologia. 1st edition.<br />

1660. Ray. Catalogus Plantarum Cantabrigensis. 626<br />

plants. Thefirst work by Ray.<br />

1664. Evelyn. Sylva, with Kalendarium Hortense. The<br />

first Gardener^s Calendar.<br />

Turner. British Physician.<br />

1665. Lovell. Pambotanologia. 2d edition.<br />

1667. Merrett. Pinax Rerum Britannicarum. 1400 plants.<br />

Willisell mentioned hy Merrett as an active collector.<br />

1669. Morison. Hortus Blesensis.<br />

1670. Ray. Catalogus Plantarum Anglise. 1050 plants.<br />

Grew. Anatomy of vegetables begun.<br />

1672. Morison. Plantse umbelliferas. Thefirst monograph,<br />

1673. Ray. Catalogus Stirpium externarum.<br />

1675. Malpighi. Anatome Plantarum.

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