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Ptc€ll.aph. 5. IDIOTHALAMEiE. 132. Graphis. 503<br />

4. Qraphis letulina. Birch trait-moss.<br />

Crust very thin, white, bordered, with black; apothecia<br />

sunk, nearly simple, elliptic, long or starlike ; centre broad,<br />

flat, rather hoary ; thalloid border raised membranaceous.<br />

Opegrapha betulina, Persoon in Ust. Ann. 7, 31 ; Engl. Bot. 2281 ;<br />

Achar. Meth. 20.<br />

Graphis betulina, Achar. Lich. 268.<br />

On the bark of birch-trees.<br />

5. Graphis dendritica. Shrublike irait-moss.<br />

Crust rather cartilaginous, uneven, very white ; apothecia<br />

sunk, wavy, branched, black ; branches diverging, forked,<br />

pointed; centre broad, flat, naked; border of the perithecium<br />

scarcely any, thalloid border very slight.<br />

Opegrapha dendritica, Achar. Meth. 31 ; Engl. Bot. 1756.<br />

Graphis dendritica, Achar. Lich. 271.<br />

On the bark of trees.<br />

Apothecia when moistened becomes transparent, brownish.<br />

6. Graphis serpentina. Serpentine trait-moss.<br />

Crust cartilaginous, membranaceous, uneven, wrinkled,<br />

regular, white and grey ; apothecia sunk, long, crowded,<br />

bent, sometimes branched, blunt, grey-hoary ; centre<br />

grows flat; thalloid border thick.<br />

Opegrapha serpentina, Achar. Meth. 29 1 Engl. Bot. 1755.<br />

Graphis serpentina, Achar. Lich. 269.<br />

On the bark of trees.<br />

Habit singular, and quite distinct from G. pulverulenta.<br />

7. Graphis Lyelli. Ly ell's trait-moss.<br />

Crust membranaceous, smooth, pale olive-colour; apothecia<br />

crowded, seldom branched, curved, swollen, blunt;<br />

centre broad, convex, grey-hoary; thalloid border thick,<br />

white, powdery.<br />

Opegrapha Lyelli, Engl. Bot. 1876.<br />

Graphis Lyelli, Achar. Syn. 85.<br />

On rugged barks of trees.<br />

8. Graphis elegans. Elegant trait-moss.<br />

Crust round, granular, bald, white ; apothecia sunk, scat-<br />

tered, short, straight, seldom branched ; edge of the perlthecium<br />

grooved lengthways.<br />

Opegrapha elegans, Engl. Bot. 1832.<br />

Graphis elegans, Achar. Syn. 85.<br />

On the smooth bark of young trees.

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