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502 131 . Endocarp. 5. IDIOTHALAMEiE. PL cell. aph.<br />

Lichen fluviatilis, TVeber Gotling. 265.<br />

Lichen aquaticus, Weiss Crypt. 11 ; Engl. Bat. 594.<br />

PJatisma aquaticum, Hojfm. Lich. 2, 64.<br />

Endocarpon fluviatile, Wahlenb. Lapp. 462,<br />

Endocarpon Weberi, Achar. Meth. 128 ; Lich. 304.<br />

On rocks and stones under water.<br />

Thallus while wet a fine green ; when dry blackish-brown<br />

or dark green ; underneath sometimes deep black.<br />

E. Opegraphide^. Thallus crustlike, flat, expanded,<br />

adnate, uniform ; apothecia sessile, flat, bordered, linear.<br />

XI. 132. GR APHIS. Adanson. Trait-moss.<br />

Thallus crustlike, flat, expanded, adnate, uniform ; apothecia<br />

composed of a long thalamium immersed in the<br />

thallus; perithecium single, cartilaginous, halved, lateral,<br />

black, enclosing a linear nucleus on both sides ; centre<br />

naked above and below ; inside cellular-streaked.<br />

1. Graphls scripta. Written trait-moss.<br />

Crust membranaceous, smooth, rather shining, whitish<br />

and rather greyish, nearly regular ; apothecia slightly raised,<br />

naked, wavy, simple or branched ; centre slitlike; thalloid<br />

border raised, membranaceous.<br />

Lichenoides crusta tenuissiraa, peregrinis velut Uteris inscripta, Lillen<br />

in Rail Syn. 71,48.<br />

Lichen scriptus, Lin. S. P. 1606.<br />

Opegrapha scripta, Achar. Meth. SOj Engl. Bot, 1813.<br />

Graphis scripta, Achar. Lich. 265.<br />

On the smooth bark of trees in woods.<br />

Apothecia resemble Hebrew or Chinese characters.<br />

2. Graphis puluerulenta. Powdery trait-moss.<br />

Crust spreading, membranaceous, whitish ; apothecia<br />

slightly raised, wavy; centre grooved, gaping, grey-hoary;<br />

thalloid border raised, slightly swollen.<br />

Opegrapha pulverulenta, Persoon in Uster Ann. 1, 29 ; Engl. Bot. 1754.<br />

Graphis pulverulenta, Achar. Lich. 266.<br />

On the bark of trees.<br />

3. Graphis cerasi. Cherry-tree trait-moss.<br />

Crust very thin, grey, greenish, shining; apothecia<br />

slightly raised, straight, long, simple, pointed, nearly pa-<br />

rallel; centre grooved, slightly hoary; thalloid border thin.<br />

Opegrapha cerasi, Persoon in Uster Ann. 11, 20; Engl. Bot. 2301;<br />

Achar. Meth. 27.<br />

Graphis cerasi, Achar. Lich. 268.<br />

On the bark of cherry and sloe trees.

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