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472 115.Lecidea. 4. CENOTHALAME^. PLcell.aph. 39. Lecidea riipestris. Rock lecidea. Crust thin, tartarlike, not broken, greyish white; apoiliecia sunk, flat, bordered, when old convex, border sometimes disappearing, bald, brownish red, inside the same colour. Lichen rupe.-tris, Scopoli Cam. 1372. Lichen calvus, Dickson Crypt. 2, 1 S ; Engl. Eot. 948. Verrucaria rufescens? Hojfm.Germ. 173. Lecidea rupestris calv.i, Achar. iletli. 70. Lecidea rtipestriii, ^c/(ar./.zc/i. 206, exc. var. ;S. On rocks, especially lime-stone. 40. Lecidea luteola. Yf^llowish lecidea. CruM thin, whitish, granules nearly globular, pale becoming dirty grey; apotliecia sessile afterwards convex, brownish yellow. Lichen vernal is, //o^jH. Lfc//. 5, 1 ; Engl. Bot. 8i5. Lichen luteolus, Schrad. Ge.rm. 85. Lichen porriginosus, Ttirner in Linn. Trans. 7,94. Lichen rubellus, Ehrh. Crypt. 14, ISf?. Verrucaria ruhella, Hoffm. Germ. 174. Verrucaria vernalis, llojffm. Ge.rm. 175. Lecidea luteola, Achar. Metli. 60; Licli, 195, a, B, y, 8, e, ?, exclu

Pl.cell.aph. 4. CENOTHALAME^.. 115. Lecidea. 473 Lichen fnsco-liUeus, Dickson Crypt. 2, IS ; Engl. Bot. 1007. Patellaria fusco-lutea, Hojfm. Lich. H, 10. Parmelia fusco-lutea, Acliar. Lich. 180. Lecidea ciiiaereo-fiisca jungeimanniiB, Achar. IJcli. 203. Lecidea fiisco-lulea, Jlchar. Lich, 198. On decayed mosses. Thallus envelopes the mosses so complete!}' as to appear branched. 44'. Lecidea ccesio-rnfa. Reddish-orci/ lecidea. Crusi cracked in beds, wrinkled, green isii grey ; apoihecia flat, rusty red, edge at last crenated, grows convex, scarcely bordered, reddish black. Lichen ferrugineus, Huds. ytngl. 526, Lichen crenularius, TVither. Bot. Arr. 4, 23. Lecidea crenulata, Achar. Meth. 11. Lecidea cassio rufa, Achar. Meth. 71 ; Lich. 203. On stones and mountains. 45. Lecidea icmadopliila. JVel-lovbig lecidea. Crust leprous, uneven, slightly granular, greenish-white; apoihecia nearly sessile, flat, flesh-colour, afterwards bent, centre wrinkled; edge thin, scarcely any. Liclien ericetoium, Lin. S. P. 1608 ; Engl. Bot. 372. Lichen aeruginosus, Scopoli Carn.2,3Q\. Lichen icmadophila, Lin, Suppl. 450. Lichen elveloides, Weber Gott. 186. Lecidea icmadophila a, jS, y, Achar. Meth. 58; «, iS, Lich. 191. On the ground, on mosses, trunks of trees and rotten wood 46. Lecidea marmorea. JSIarlle lecidea. Crust thin, greyish-white ; apothecia nearly globular, afterwards pitchershape, white, centre flesh-colour, edge swollen, not cut. Lichen marmoreus, Scop. Cam. 1579; Eitgl. Bot. 739. Parmelia marmorea, Achar. Meth. 170. Lecidea marmorea, Achar, Lich. 192. On decayed mosses. 47. Lecidea cupularts. Cup lecidea. Crust rather tartarlike, scarcely divided, greenish-white; apothecia superficial, pitchershape, white, centre pale brickred, externally frequently powdery. Lichen marmoreus. Withering Bot. Arr. 4, 24, Lichen cnpiiiaris, Dickson Crypt. 2, 58 ; Wither. B. Arr. 4, 23. Lecidea cupularis, Achar. Meth. 56. Lecidea marmorea cupularis, Achar. Lich, 193. On slaty and limestone rocks.

Pl.cell.aph. 4. CENOTHALAME^.. 115. Lecidea. 473<br />

Lichen fnsco-liUeus, Dickson Crypt. 2, IS ;<br />

Engl. Bot. 1007.<br />

Patellaria fusco-lutea, Hojfm. Lich. H, 10.<br />

Parmelia fusco-lutea, Acliar. Lich. 180.<br />

Lecidea ciiiaereo-fiisca jungeimanniiB, Achar. IJcli. 203.<br />

Lecidea fiisco-lulea, Jlchar. Lich, 198.<br />

On decayed mosses.<br />

Thallus envelopes the mosses so complete!}' as to appear<br />

branched.<br />

44'. Lecidea ccesio-rnfa. Reddish-orci/ lecidea.<br />

Crusi cracked in beds, wrinkled, green isii grey ; apoihecia<br />

flat, rusty red, edge at last crenated, grows convex,<br />

scarcely bordered, reddish black.<br />

Lichen ferrugineus, Huds. ytngl. 526,<br />

Lichen crenularius, TVither. Bot. Arr. 4, 23.<br />

Lecidea crenulata, Achar. Meth. 11.<br />

Lecidea cassio rufa, Achar. Meth. 71 ; Lich. 203.<br />

On stones and mountains.<br />

45. Lecidea icmadopliila. JVel-lovbig lecidea.<br />

Crust leprous, uneven, slightly granular, greenish-white;<br />

apoihecia nearly sessile, flat, flesh-colour, afterwards bent,<br />

centre wrinkled; edge thin, scarcely any.<br />

Liclien ericetoium, Lin. S. P. 1608 ; Engl. Bot. 372.<br />

Lichen aeruginosus, Scopoli Carn.2,3Q\.<br />

Lichen icmadophila, Lin, Suppl. 450.<br />

Lichen elveloides, Weber Gott. 186.<br />

Lecidea icmadophila a, jS, y, Achar. Meth. 58; «, iS, Lich. 191.<br />

On the ground, on mosses, trunks of trees and rotten<br />

wood<br />

46. Lecidea marmorea. JSIarlle lecidea.<br />

Crust thin, greyish-white ; apothecia nearly globular, afterwards<br />

pitchershape, white, centre flesh-colour, edge<br />

swollen, not cut.<br />

Lichen marmoreus, Scop. Cam. 1579; Eitgl. Bot. 739.<br />

Parmelia marmorea, Achar. Meth. 170.<br />

Lecidea marmorea, Achar, Lich. 192.<br />

On decayed mosses.<br />

47. Lecidea cupularts. Cup lecidea.<br />

Crust rather tartarlike, scarcely divided, greenish-white;<br />

apothecia superficial, pitchershape, white, centre pale brickred,<br />

externally frequently powdery.<br />

Lichen marmoreus. Withering Bot. Arr. 4, 24,<br />

Lichen cnpiiiaris, Dickson Crypt. 2, 58 ; Wither. B. Arr. 4, 23.<br />

Lecidea cupularis, Achar. Meth. 56.<br />

Lecidea marmorea cupularis, Achar. Lich, 193.<br />

On slaty and limestone rocks.

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