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470 115.Lecidea. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. Pl.cell.aph. 31. Lecidea incana. Silver-grey lecidea. Crust spreading, leprous floury, soft, uneven light greenish grey; apothecia scattered, sessile, brownish; border not cut, paler. Byssns 56,2. pulverulenta incana, fariiiaj iiistar strata, Dilhn in Rail Syn. Byssus incana, Lin, S. P. 1639. Lichen incanus, Achar. Prod. 1 ; Engl. Bot. 1683. Pulveraria incana, Florkein Berl.Mag. 1807,7. Lepraria incana, Achar. Met/i. 4 ; Lic/i. 6S5. On the bark of trees, on mosses and the ground, 32. Lecidea vernaUs. Springtide lecidea. Crust very thin, greenish white; apothecia slightly bordered, afterwards nearly globular, crowded, conglomerated, rusty flesh- colour. Lichen vernal is, Lin. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 3, 234 ; E/igl. Bot. 845. Lecidea vernalis, Achar. Meth. 68; Lich. 198, excl. var. H. On mosses, which it encrusts. 33. Lecidea sulphurea. Brimstone lecidea. CriLst tartarlike, cracked, broken, uneven, smooth, pale brimstone-colour; apothecia adnate, flat, scarcely bordered, brown and hoary, paler in the circumference, grow irregular and convex. Liciien sulphnreiis, Achar. Prod. 58; Engl. Bot. 1186. Verrncaria sulphurea, IIoffm. Germ. 190. Lecidea sulphurea, Wahlenb. Lapp. 477. Pannelia sulphurea, Achar. MkUi. 159. Lecanora sulphurea, Achar. Lich. 399. On rocks and stones. 34. Lecidea oroslhea. Mountain lecidea. Crust cracked in beds, uneven, rather powdery, brimstone yellow; apothecia small, sessile, slightly convex, not bordered, nearly the same colour, grow hemispherical, pale brownish, paler towards the bottom. Lichen orostheus, Achar. Prod. 38; Engl, Dot, 1549. Lecidea oroslhea, Achar. Meth. 72. Lecanora orosthca, Achar. Lich, 400. On rocks. 35. Lecidea decolorans. Bleached lecidea. Crust granular, greyish white, granules falling into powder; apothecia flattish, vermillion-red, flesh-grey, livid and brown, border raised, paler, grows bent.

Plcellaph. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. llS.Lecidea. 471 Lichen muscnrum, Weher Spic. 183. Variolaria tenella, Achar, Lich. 326, tlie crust only. Verrucaria decolorans, Hoffm. Germ. 177. Lecanora minutula, Achar. Lich. 385. Lecaiiora granulosa, Achar. Lich. .384. Lecidea jungeimanniae, Achar. Melh. 1. Lccidea granulosa, Achar. Lich. 65. Lecidea decolorans, Florke in Berl. Mag. 1809, 193. On rotten moss and wood, and on the ground. 36. Lecidea grnmdosa. Granular lecidea. Crust solid, granular, rather nipply; apothecia grow hemispherical, wrinkled, blackish brown and black, con- fluent. Lichen quadricnlor, Dickson Crypt. 3, 15; Engl. Bot. 1185. Lichen escharoides, Ehrh. Crypt. 313; Engl. Bot. 1247. Lichen granulosus, Ehrh. Crypt. 145; Dicks. Cr.? Verrucaria escharoides, Iloffni. Germ. 194. Verrucaria granulosa, Hoffm. Lich. 2,21. Lecidea granulosa, Achar. Bleth. 67. Lecanora granulosa aporelica, Achar. Lich. 384. Lecidea desertorum, Achar. Lich. 168. Lecidea escharoides, Achar, Lich. 167. On the ground, in heathy sandy places. ,S7. Lecidea anomala. Anomalous lecidea. Crust rather cartilaginous, cracked, smoolhish, grows uneven, wartlike, greyish white; apolhecia pale flesh-colour. Thrown and black, flattish afterwards convex ; border paler and at length disappears. Lichen tricolor, Withering Bot. Arr. 4,20. Lichen ferruginosus. Turner in Lin. Tr. 7. Lecidea hamadryus, Achar. Lich. 072. Lecanora anomala ferruginosa, Achar. Lich. 281. Lecanora anomala tenebricosa, Achar. Lich. 382. On the bark and trunk of trees. Thallus very variable, and still more the apothecia. 38. Lecidea cyrtella. Convex lecidea. Crust thin, nearly membranaceous, smooth, whitish apothecia crowded, small, convex and nearly globular, pale brown, afterwards blackish brown; edge when young thin, whitish, similarly coloured or disappearing. Lecidea cyrlella, Achar. Bleth. 67. Lichen cyrtellus, Engl. Bot. 2155. Lecanora

Plcellaph. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. llS.Lecidea. 471<br />

Lichen muscnrum, Weher Spic. 183.<br />

Variolaria tenella, Achar, Lich. 326, tlie crust only.<br />

Verrucaria decolorans, Hoffm. Germ. 177.<br />

Lecanora minutula, Achar. Lich. 385.<br />

Lecaiiora granulosa, Achar. Lich. .384.<br />

Lecidea jungeimanniae, Achar. Melh. 1.<br />

Lccidea granulosa, Achar. Lich. 65.<br />

Lecidea decolorans, Florke in Berl. Mag. 1809, 193.<br />

On rotten moss and wood, and on the ground.<br />

36. Lecidea grnmdosa. Granular lecidea.<br />

Crust solid, granular, rather nipply; apothecia grow hemispherical,<br />

wrinkled, blackish brown and black, con-<br />

fluent.<br />

Lichen quadricnlor, Dickson Crypt. 3, 15; Engl. Bot. 1185.<br />

Lichen escharoides, Ehrh. Crypt. 313; Engl. Bot. 1247.<br />

Lichen granulosus, Ehrh. Crypt. 145; Dicks. Cr.?<br />

Verrucaria escharoides, Iloffni. Germ. 194.<br />

Verrucaria granulosa, Hoffm. Lich. 2,21.<br />

Lecidea granulosa, Achar. Bleth. 67.<br />

Lecanora granulosa aporelica, Achar. Lich. 384.<br />

Lecidea desertorum, Achar. Lich. 168.<br />

Lecidea escharoides, Achar, Lich. 167.<br />

On the ground, in heathy sandy places.<br />

,S7. Lecidea anomala. Anomalous lecidea.<br />

Crust rather cartilaginous, cracked, smoolhish, grows<br />

uneven, wartlike, greyish white; apolhecia pale flesh-colour.<br />

Thrown and black, flattish afterwards convex ; border paler<br />

and at length disappears.<br />

Lichen tricolor, Withering Bot. Arr. 4,20.<br />

Lichen ferruginosus. Turner in Lin. Tr. 7.<br />

Lecidea hamadryus, Achar. Lich. 072.<br />

Lecanora anomala ferruginosa, Achar. Lich. 281.<br />

Lecanora anomala tenebricosa, Achar. Lich. 382.<br />

On the bark and trunk of trees.<br />

Thallus very variable, and still more the apothecia.<br />

38. Lecidea cyrtella.<br />

Convex lecidea.<br />

Crust thin, nearly membranaceous, smooth, whitish<br />

apothecia crowded, small, convex and nearly globular, pale<br />

brown, afterwards blackish brown; edge when young<br />

thin, whitish, similarly coloured or disappearing.<br />

Lecidea cyrlella, Achar. Bleth. 67.<br />

Lichen cyrtellus, Engl. Bot. 2155.<br />


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