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470 115.Lecidea. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. Pl.cell.aph.<br />

31. Lecidea incana.<br />

Silver-grey lecidea.<br />

Crust spreading, leprous floury, soft, uneven light greenish<br />

grey; apothecia scattered, sessile, brownish; border<br />

not cut, paler.<br />

Byssns<br />

56,2.<br />

pulverulenta incana, fariiiaj iiistar strata, Dilhn in Rail Syn.<br />

Byssus incana, Lin, S. P. 1639.<br />

Lichen incanus, Achar. Prod. 1 ; Engl. Bot. 1683.<br />

Pulveraria incana, Florkein Berl.Mag. 1807,7.<br />

Lepraria incana, Achar. Met/i. 4 ; Lic/i. 6S5.<br />

On the bark of trees, on mosses and the ground,<br />

32. Lecidea vernaUs. Springtide lecidea.<br />

Crust very thin, greenish white; apothecia slightly bordered,<br />

afterwards nearly globular, crowded, conglomerated,<br />

rusty flesh- colour.<br />

Lichen vernal is, Lin. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 3, 234 ; E/igl. Bot. 845.<br />

Lecidea vernalis, Achar. Meth. 68; Lich. 198, excl. var. H.<br />

On mosses, which it encrusts.<br />

33. Lecidea sulphurea. Brimstone lecidea.<br />

CriLst tartarlike, cracked, broken, uneven, smooth, pale<br />

brimstone-colour; apothecia adnate, flat, scarcely bordered,<br />

brown and hoary, paler in the circumference, grow irregular<br />

and convex.<br />

Liciien sulphnreiis, Achar. Prod. 58; Engl. Bot. 1186.<br />

Verrncaria sulphurea, IIoffm. Germ. 190.<br />

Lecidea sulphurea, Wahlenb. Lapp. 477.<br />

Pannelia sulphurea, Achar. MkUi. 159.<br />

Lecanora sulphurea, Achar. Lich. 399.<br />

On rocks and stones.<br />

34. Lecidea oroslhea. Mountain lecidea.<br />

Crust cracked in beds, uneven, rather powdery, brimstone<br />

yellow; apothecia small, sessile, slightly convex, not<br />

bordered, nearly the same colour, grow hemispherical, pale<br />

brownish, paler towards the bottom.<br />

Lichen orostheus, Achar. Prod. 38; Engl, Dot, 1549.<br />

Lecidea oroslhea, Achar. Meth. 72.<br />

Lecanora orosthca, Achar. Lich, 400.<br />

On rocks.<br />

35. Lecidea decolorans. Bleached lecidea.<br />

Crust granular, greyish white, granules falling into powder;<br />

apothecia flattish, vermillion-red, flesh-grey, livid and<br />

brown, border raised, paler, grows bent.

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