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VLcell.aph. 4. CENOTHALAME^. 112.Rinod. 453<br />

16. H'lnodina glaucoma. Wall-eyed rinodine.<br />

CruH tartarlike, cracked in beds, even, greyish white<br />

apothecia sunk in the crust ; centre fiat, afterwards convex<br />

nearly globular, sea-green, hoary, at length becomes naked<br />

and black ; thalloid border not in the least cut, and when<br />

old disappears.<br />

Lichen rupicola, Lin. Mant. 132.<br />

Lichen comijositus, Wither. Bot.Jrr. 4, 14.<br />

Lichen glaucoma, Engl- Bot. 21.56.<br />

Lichen varians, Davies in Lin. Trans. 2, 18.<br />

Lichen albido csesius, Schrad. Germ. 87.<br />

Liclicn sordidus, Persoon in Uster Ann. 7,26.<br />

Urceohiria tessulata compositii, Achar, Mclh, 143.<br />

Parmelia gl.-iuoma, Achar. Meth. 161, except var. /3.<br />

Lecanora glaucoma, Achar. Lich. 552, except var, /3.<br />

On whinstone and other rocks.<br />

17. Rinodifia luiescens. YelloivisJi rinodine.<br />

Crust spreading, thin, membranaceous, warty, pale,<br />

sprinkled over with a pale yellowish green powder; apotliecia<br />

scattered; centre plano-convex, slightly bordered,<br />

hoary, upon a flesh-colour, reddish 3'ellow or grey ground<br />

thalloid border bent.<br />

Verrucaria lutescens, Hoffni. Germ. 195.<br />

Parmelia luiescens, Florke, Berl. Mag. 1807.<br />

Lecanora elatina, Achar. Lich. 387.<br />

Lecanora lutescens, Achar. Lich. 367.<br />

On the bark of fir and other trees.<br />

18. Rinodina alhella. JVtiiting rinodine.<br />

Crust thin, cartilaginous, smooth, milky white; apothecia<br />

scattered ; centre slightly concave, pale flesh-colour, afterwards<br />

convex, grey, hoary; thalloid border swollen, not in<br />

the least cut.<br />

Lichen albelhis, Persoon in Us^ vr/nH. 11, 18; Engh Bot. 2154.<br />

Verrucaria umhilicata, Hoffm.Germ. 171.<br />

Parmelia albella, Achar. Meth. 163.<br />

Lecanora albella, Achar. Lich. 361).<br />

On the smooth bark of young trees.<br />

e. Apothecia with the centre slightly jlesh-colonr, pale,<br />

pearly, yellowish, wax-colour or inclining to orange.<br />

19. Kinodina parella. Archel rinodine.<br />

Crust cracked, plaited, warty, very white; apothecia<br />

thick, crowded, mis-shapen by squeezing; centre slightly<br />

concave; thalloid border turgid, not cut, nearly the same<br />

colour as the centre.

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