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450 112.Rinod. 4. CENOTHALAME.E. Pl.cell.apL Verrucaria abictina pilularis, Tloffm. Germ. 193. Parinelia periclea, Achar. Mtth. JJch. 156. Lecanora periclea, Achar. Lic/i. Univ. 355{ Lichen pericleus, Achar. Prod. 78 ; Engl. Bot. 1850. Lichen abietinus, Ehrh. Crypt. 166. On the bark of fir-trees, and on old posts or palings. 5. Rinodina exigua. Diminulive rinodine. Crust unequal, dark, blackish grey ; apolhecla very small, aggregate, flat, afterwards slightly convex; thalloid border white, crenulate, growing brownish and disappearing. Lichen exij^uus, Achar. Piodr, 69 ; Engl. Bot. 1849. Parmelia exi^iia, ^ic/tttc. ii/e

PLcelLaph. 4. CENOTHALAME^. 112.Rinod. 451 Lichen fuscatus, Schrad. Germ. 83. Lichen p'lctus, Dicks. Crypl. Brit. 4, 12. Lichen badius, Jlchar. Prodr. 67. Verrucai ia badia, i/oJ/'m.Gerw. 182. Lecidea piciiia, Achar. Metli. 51. Farnielia sqtiamulosa amaui.i, Achar. Meth. 182. Parmelia fuscata, Achar. Meth. 189. Lecanora bad la fuscata, Achar. Lick. 407. Lecanora badia amaura, Achar. Lich. 408. On stones and rocks almost everywhere. 9. Rinodina ventosa. Bloivn-iip rinodine. Crust cracked in beds, rather pale ; beds convex, plaited, warted ; apothecia pressed close, at length irregular ; centre flat, swelling, brownish red ; thalloid border thin, not cut, lower than the centre. Lichenoides tartareum lividum, scutellis rufis ; inargine exili, Dilkn Muse. 13a. Lichen ventosus, Lin. S. P. 1607. Lichen srelidus, i/udAo?i F;._'ing-?. 528. Lichen flavesceiis, J acq. Misc. 2, 79. Lichen cruentus, Weber Goett. 1. Lichen scopulnnun. Ft. Van. 712. "Verrucaria ventosa, Hoffm. Lich. 27. Parmelia ventosa, yJchar. Meth. 166. Lecanora ventosa, Achar, Lich. 399. On stones and rocks. 10. Rinodina frustulosa. Broken rinodine. Crust tartarlike, much cracked, variegated black and white; apothecia flat, pale brown; thalloid border white^ growing convex, blackish brown. Lichen frustulosus, Vickson Crypt. Br. 3, 13 ; Parmelia frustulosa, Achar. Meth. 172. Lecanora frustulosa, Achar, Lich. 405. On rocks. 11. Rinodina effiisa. Engl. Bot. 2273. Spread rinodine. Crust spread, thin, rather powdery, grey, brassy; apothecia small, pressed close, centre flat afterwards convex, pale reddish brown ; thalloid border thin, soon disappearing. Lichen salignus, Schrad. Germ. 84. Lichen effusus, Persoon. Verrucaria eifusa, H'ffm. Germ. 174. Parmelia effusa, Achar. Milh. 174. Lecanora etfusa, Achar. Lich. 386. On the hollow trunks of willows. 2 G 2

450 112.Rinod. 4. CENOTHALAME.E. Pl.cell.apL<br />

Verrucaria abictina pilularis, Tloffm. Germ. 193.<br />

Parinelia periclea, Achar. Mtth. JJch. 156.<br />

Lecanora periclea, Achar. Lic/i. Univ. 355{<br />

Lichen pericleus, Achar. Prod. 78 ; Engl. Bot. 1850.<br />

Lichen abietinus, Ehrh. Crypt. 166.<br />

On the bark of fir-trees, and on old posts or palings.<br />

5. Rinodina exigua. Diminulive rinodine.<br />

Crust unequal, dark, blackish grey ; apolhecla very small,<br />

aggregate, flat, afterwards slightly convex; thalloid border<br />

white, crenulate, growing brownish and disappearing.<br />

Lichen exij^uus, Achar. Piodr, 69 ;<br />

Engl. Bot. 1849.<br />

Parmelia exi^iia, ^ic/tttc. ii/e

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