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M8 Ul.Placod. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. Pl.cell.apk. 6. Placodiiim circinatum. Compass placodium. Crust cracked in beds, greyish white ; circumfei'ence rayed, plaited, linear, jagged ; apothacia very crowded, at length angular; centre with innate beds, flat, brown-black; tlialloid edge nearly even. Lichen radiosiis, Hoffni. Lich. 4, 6. Lichen circinatus, Persoon in Uster Ann. 7, 25; Engl. Bot. 1941. Lichen siibimbriciitiis, Relhan Cant. 459. Lob.'.ria radiosa, Hoffm. Germ. 157. Paruielia circinata, Jchar, MetJi. 189. Lecanora circinaia, Achar. Lich. 425. On limestone. 7. Placodium gelidum. Cold placodium. Crust cracked, flesh- grey; circumference rayed, jagged; central wart brown, radiately wrinkled; apolhecia depressed thalloid border thick, raised, not cut. in the centre, red ; Liciicn 2;elidiis, Lin. Mnnt. 133 ; Lichen IL-clse, Fl. Dan. 470. Engl. Bot. 699. Paimelia gelida, Achar. Meth. 188. Lecanora gelida, Achar. Lich. 4'i8. On rocks. Thalloid wart in the centre very singular, it probably should form a separate genus. 8. Placodium dispersum. Dispersed placodium^ Crust dispersed, granulated, unequal, nearly grey, sometimes very small; o/^oZ/ieda scattered ; centre flattish, pale brown-grey, and black; thalloid harder raised, thin, crenulated. Lichen creniilatus, Dicks. Crypt. 5, 9 ; Engl. Bot. 930. Lichen dispersus, Fersoonin U1st. Ann. 7, 27. Parmelia dispersa, Achar. Meth. 169. Lecanora galactina dispersa, Achar. Lich. 424. On v/alls, stones, and limestone rocks. XXII. 112. RINODINA. Acharius. Rinodine. Thallus crustaceous, flat, expanded, adnate, uniform apothecia saucershape, thick, adnate, sessile ; proligerous flake forming the centre, plano-convex, coloured, covering the apothecium above; inside cellular, streaked; thalloid border rather thick, colour of the thallus, nearly free.

m.celLapk. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. ll2.Rinod. 4^4*^ a. ylpothecia naked, black. 1 Rinodina alra. Black rinodine. Crust indeterminately formed, cracked, granular, warty, greyish white; apothecia flat in the centre, afterwards slightly swollen, black ; thalloid hoi'der raised, free, at length bent and crenulated. Lichenoides crustaceiini et leprosum, scutellis nigricantibus tnajoribus €t minoribus, Dillen Muse. 133. Lichen tephromelas, Ehrh. Crypt. Engl. Dot. 949. Lichen ater, Hudson Fl. Angl. 530 ; Parmelia atra, Achar. Meth. 154, Lecauora atra, Achar. Lich. 344. On stones, rocks, and the bark of trees. Thallus sometimes whiter, sometimes greyer; apothecia either very crowded, flat and then convex with the border not cut ; or varying in size, with the border crenate and bent. 2. Rinodina ocnlata. Eyed rinodine. Crust bald, nippled, branchbearing, black; apothecia sessile, scattered, some slightly podicelled; centre rather concave, black, their proper edge at length bent; thalloid harder swollen. Lichen dactylinus, IVahl. Lapp. 414. Lichen oculatus, Dicks. Crypt. Brit. 2, 17. Isidium oculatuin, Achar. Meth. 140 ; Lich. 576. Forming a crust on alpine mosses. 3. Rinodina coarctala. Contracted rinodine. Crust difliise, thin, cracked, slightly wrinkled, unequal, greyish; apothecia black, centre sunk, then raised, flat; thalloid border raised, bent in, irregular, contracted, pow- dery. Lichen coarctatus, Engl. Bot. 534. Parmelia coarclata, Achar. Meth, Lich. 158. Parmelia elacista, Achar. Meth. Lich. 159. Lecanora coarctata, Achar. Lich. Univ. 352. On stones and brick walls, 4. Rinodina periclea. Shielded rinodine. Crust thin, nearly leprous and dispersed, whitish ; apo^ Ihecia plano-convex in the centre, black, transparent, rough; thalloid border at the base, very small, powdery, becoming imperceptible. TOL. (• 2 a

m.celLapk. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. ll2.Rinod. 4^4*^<br />

a. ylpothecia naked, black.<br />

1 Rinodina alra. Black rinodine.<br />

Crust indeterminately formed, cracked, granular, warty,<br />

greyish white; apothecia flat in the centre, afterwards<br />

slightly swollen, black ; thalloid hoi'der raised, free, at length<br />

bent and crenulated.<br />

Lichenoides crustaceiini et leprosum, scutellis nigricantibus tnajoribus<br />

€t minoribus, Dillen Muse. 133.<br />

Lichen tephromelas, Ehrh. Crypt.<br />

Engl. Dot. 949.<br />

Lichen ater, Hudson Fl. Angl. 530 ;<br />

Parmelia atra, Achar. Meth. 154,<br />

Lecauora atra, Achar. Lich. 344.<br />

On stones, rocks, and the bark of trees.<br />

Thallus sometimes whiter, sometimes greyer; apothecia<br />

either very crowded, flat and then convex with the border<br />

not cut ; or varying in size, with the border crenate and<br />

bent.<br />

2. Rinodina ocnlata. Eyed rinodine.<br />

Crust bald, nippled, branchbearing, black; apothecia<br />

sessile, scattered, some slightly podicelled; centre rather<br />

concave, black, their proper edge at length bent; thalloid<br />

harder swollen.<br />

Lichen dactylinus, IVahl. Lapp. 414.<br />

Lichen oculatus, Dicks. Crypt. Brit. 2, 17.<br />

Isidium oculatuin, Achar. Meth. 140 ; Lich. 576.<br />

Forming a crust on alpine mosses.<br />

3. Rinodina coarctala. Contracted rinodine.<br />

Crust difliise, thin, cracked, slightly wrinkled, unequal,<br />

greyish; apothecia black, centre sunk, then raised, flat;<br />

thalloid border raised, bent in, irregular, contracted, pow-<br />

dery.<br />

Lichen coarctatus, Engl. Bot. 534.<br />

Parmelia coarclata, Achar. Meth, Lich. 158.<br />

Parmelia elacista, Achar. Meth. Lich. 159.<br />

Lecanora coarctata, Achar. Lich. Univ. 352.<br />

On stones and brick walls,<br />

4. Rinodina periclea. Shielded rinodine.<br />

Crust thin, nearly leprous and dispersed, whitish ; apo^<br />

Ihecia plano-convex in the centre, black, transparent, rough;<br />

thalloid border at the base, very small, powdery, becoming<br />

imperceptible.<br />

TOL. (• 2 a

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