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U6 llO.Psoroma. 4. CENOTHALAME.E. PLceU.apk. 7. Psoroma 7mis€orum. Moss psorome. Crust scalelike, brownish livid; lobes irregularly and deeply torn jagged; apotliecia thick; centre flat, obscurely blackish red, even with the thalloid border, which afterwards becomes very small. Lichen carnosus, Dicks. Crypt. 2,21 ; Lichen hypnorum, Jchar. Prod. 93. Parmeliii lijpnoium, ^4c/itir. Melh. 185. Lecanora hypnoi uei, Achar, Lick. 417. Among and upon rather rotten mosses. Engl. Hot. 1684. 8. Psoroma hriinneum. Brown psorome. Crust tiledlike, granulatedly lobed, liver-grey ; apothecia innate in the crust, very crowded, not uniform ; centre rather convex, brown red ; thalloid border raised, crenulate, persistent. Lichen. pezizoide-, Dicks. Crypt. 1,10, Lichen uiuliifloriis, Ehrh. Crypt. 156. Lichen brunneus, Swarlz Nov. Act. Upsal. 4, 247 ; Engl. Bot. 1246. Psora nebuiosa, Hofffii, Germ. 166. Psora brunnea, Ilojf'm. Germ. 166. Parmelia brunnea, Achar. Mtih. 1S6. Lecanora brunnea, Achar. Lich. 419. On the ground, and upon rotten mosses. XXI. 111. PLACODIUM. Acharius. Placodium. Thallus cruslaceous, flat, expanded, adnate, uniform, the circumference figured, radiated, stellate, and slightly lobed; apothecia saucershnpe, thick, adnate, sessile; pro- I'werous flake forming the centre, plano-convex, coloured, covering the apothecium above ; inside cellularly striated; border rather thick, formed of the thallus ajid the same colour, nearly free. 1 . Placodium epigeiim. Ground placodium. Crust plaited, wrinkled, whitish ; circumference smooth, lobed ; apothecia blackish brown, growing rather convex in the centre; thalloid border thin, not in the least cut. Lichen candicans, Dicks. Crypt. 3, 15 ; Engl. Bot. 177S. Lichen epigeus, Persoon in Ulst. Ann. 7,25. Parmelia epigen, Achar. Mcth. 191. Lecanora epigea, Achar. Lich. 4i'2. On the ground among the mosses on rocks.

Tl.cellaph. 4.. CENOTHALAME/E. lll.PIacod. 447 2. Placodium lc?iligerum. Leiilil placod'mm. Crust slightly tiledlike, white; lobes rather concave, bent, deeply creiiate ; opolhecia flattish in the centre, reddish yellow ; ihalloid border raised, tumid, bent in, sliglftly oren ate. Lichen lenligerus, Weh. Goett. 192; Engl. But. S7I. Psora lentigera, Iloffni. Germ. 164. Parmelia leiitigeia, ^Ichar. Mtth. 192. Lecanora Ic-ntigera, Achar. Lich. 425. On the ground and mosses on mountains. .3. Placodium saxkolum. Rock placedium. Crust slightly tiledlike, scaly, wrinkled, unequal, pale greenish; circumference rayed, lobed ; apofhecia very crowded, centre flat, yellowish, pale red, rather ochry; ihalloid border becomes bent, crenate. Lichen ochroleuciis, Jacq. Coif. '2. Lichen saxicola, PolUch Palat. 225 ; Liclicn muralis, Dicks. Crypl. 1,11. Psora muralis, Jloffm. Germ. 15T. Parmelia saxicola, Achar. Meih. 157. Lecanora saxicola, Achar. Lich. 451. On stones, walls, and timber-buildings. Engl. Bot. 1695, 4. Placod'mm murorum. Wall placodium. Crust plaited, wrinkled, cracked, yelk of eg^ yellov/; surface powdery, hoary ; circumference rayed, plaited ; jags linear, convex, cut; apofhecia crowded, centre growing convex, darker; ihalloid border not cut, bent. Lichen candelariiis, ii/f. S. p. 160S. Lichen murorum, Hoffm. Lick. 63. Lobaria saxicola, Hoffm. Germ. 158. Parmelia murorum, Achar. Meth. 198. Lecanora murorum, ^c/i«r. Z/icA, 455. On stones and walls. 5. Placodium fulgevs. Shining-yellow placodium. Crust almost contiguous, pale-yellowish ; circumference plaited, slightly lobed ; lobes bent, flat ; apothecia scattered, centre very red, plano-convex; ihalloid border at length bent and crenate, very small. Liclien fulgens, Swarlz in Nov, Act. IJps. 4, 246, Lichen citrinus, Ehrhart. Psora citrina, Hoffm. Germ. 165. Parmelia fulgens, Achar. Meth. 192. Lecanora fulgens, Achar. Lich. 457. On the ground on limestone rocks.

U6 llO.Psoroma. 4. CENOTHALAME.E. PLceU.apk.<br />

7. Psoroma 7mis€orum. Moss psorome.<br />

Crust scalelike, brownish livid; lobes irregularly and<br />

deeply torn jagged; apotliecia thick; centre flat, obscurely<br />

blackish red, even with the thalloid border, which afterwards<br />

becomes very small.<br />

Lichen carnosus, Dicks. Crypt. 2,21 ;<br />

Lichen hypnorum, Jchar. Prod. 93.<br />

Parmeliii lijpnoium, ^4c/itir. Melh. 185.<br />

Lecanora hypnoi uei, Achar, Lick. 417.<br />

Among and upon rather rotten mosses.<br />

Engl. Hot. 1684.<br />

8. Psoroma hriinneum. Brown psorome.<br />

Crust tiledlike, granulatedly lobed, liver-grey ; apothecia<br />

innate in the crust, very crowded, not uniform ; centre rather<br />

convex, brown red ; thalloid border raised, crenulate,<br />

persistent.<br />

Lichen. pezizoide-, Dicks. Crypt. 1,10,<br />

Lichen uiuliifloriis, Ehrh. Crypt. 156.<br />

Lichen brunneus, Swarlz Nov. Act. Upsal. 4, 247 ; Engl. Bot. 1246.<br />

Psora nebuiosa, Hofffii, Germ. 166.<br />

Psora brunnea, Ilojf'm. Germ. 166.<br />

Parmelia brunnea, Achar. Mtih. 1S6.<br />

Lecanora brunnea, Achar. Lich. 419.<br />

On the ground, and upon rotten mosses.<br />

XXI. 111. PLACODIUM. Acharius. Placodium.<br />

Thallus cruslaceous, flat, expanded, adnate, uniform,<br />

the circumference figured, radiated, stellate, and slightly<br />

lobed; apothecia saucershnpe, thick, adnate, sessile; pro-<br />

I'werous flake forming the centre, plano-convex, coloured,<br />

covering the apothecium above ; inside cellularly striated;<br />

border rather thick, formed of the thallus ajid the<br />

same colour, nearly free.<br />

1 . Placodium epigeiim. Ground placodium.<br />

Crust plaited, wrinkled, whitish ; circumference smooth,<br />

lobed ; apothecia blackish brown, growing rather convex<br />

in the centre; thalloid border thin, not in the least cut.<br />

Lichen candicans, Dicks. Crypt. 3, 15 ;<br />

Engl. Bot. 177S.<br />

Lichen epigeus, Persoon in Ulst. Ann. 7,25.<br />

Parmelia epigen, Achar. Mcth. 191.<br />

Lecanora epigea, Achar. Lich. 4i'2.<br />

On the ground among the mosses on rocks.

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