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444 109. Parmelia. 4. CENOTHALAME.^. PL cell. apk. 31, Parmelia cycloselis. Circular border-moss. Thallus round, livid grey; underneath black, fibrilled, spongy ; jags grown together, tiledlike, rather flat, flnger- like, many-cut, crenately torn, slightly fringed; edges at length raised up, crisp rather powdery ; apotliecia scattered, black, brown ; border raised, not in the least cut. Lichen subtilis, Persoon, according (o Achar Syn. Licli. 217. Lichen dcntatiis, Persoon, according to Acharius 1, c. Liciien orbicttlarig, Neckar Meth. 88. Lichen cycloselis, ytchar. Prod. 115 ; Engl. Bot. 1942. Lobaiia oi hicularis, Huffm. Gimi. 155. Parmelia cycloselis, ^ckar. Meth. 199 ; Licit. 4S2. On the trunks of trees. E. Lecide^. Thallus crustaceous, adnate; apotliecia shield Hke, bordered. XX. 110. PSOROMA. Acharias. Psorome. Thallus crustaceous, flat, expanded, adnate, uniform, indeterminately figured, scaly or tiledlike; apothecia saucershape, thick, sessile, adnate; proligerous Jiake forming the centre, plano-convex, coloured, covering the apothecium above; inside cellular, streaked; border thickisli, formed of the thallus and similar in colour, nearly free. 1. Psoroma cervinum. Stags-horn psorome. Crust in beds, figured, scaly, rather lobed, chestnutcolour; apothecia immersed, flattish, brownish black; thalloid border at length prominent. Lichen Fquamulo?iis, Achar. Prod. 230; Engl. But. 2011. Lichen cervinn?, Persoon. Parmelia peli-cypha, Wuhlenb. in Jcha

PlceU.apk. 4. CENOTHALAME^. llO.Psoroma. 445 3. Psoroma trihacium. Torn psorome. Crust scalelike, silvery, greyish white ; lobes irrep-ular, differently shaped, torn crenate, tiledlike; underneath the same colour, slightly fibrilled ; apothecia pressed close, centre flat, pale circumference at length crenated and lobed ; thalloid border raised, persistent. Lenanora tribacia, Jchar, Licit. Univ. 415. On the trunks of trees and rocks. 4. Psoroma candelariiim. Candle psoro77ie. Crust scalelike, yellow ; lobes very crowded, torn-jao-o-ed, tiledlike; edges granulated, powdery ; apothecia flattish, similar in colour; thalloid border raised, not cut. Lichenoides crustosiim oibiculis et scuteliis flavis, Dillen Muse. 236-' Engl. Bot. \1M. Lichen candelariiis, Lin. S. P. 1608. Lichen concolor, Dickson Crypt. 3, 18. Parmelia caiidelaria, Achar. Meth. 187. Lecauora candelaria, Achar. Lich. 416. On the trunks of trees, palings, rocks, and walls. 5. Psoroma polycarpum. Mamj-fndled psorome. Crust composed of conglomerated, granulated, lemonyellow lobes; apothecia crowded, bent; centre flat, dilated, similarly coloured, afterwards pale -red ; thalloid border ^t length crenulated. Lichen polycarpiis, Ehrh. Crypt. 14, 136. Verrucaria fulva, Hoffm. Germ. 193. Parmelia citrina, Achar, Meth. Lich 179. Lecanora candelaria, Achar. Lich. Univ. 416. On old wood and the trunks of trees. 6. Psoroma hypnorum. Hypnum psorome. Crust scalelike, brownish yellow, flame-colour ; lobes small, roundish, dissimilar, edge granular, crenulate; apothecia slightly membranaceous; centre concave, at length flat, dilated, bay and black ; thalloid edge raised, bent in, crenate. Lychen hypnorum, Fl. Dan. 956 ; Engl, Bot. 740. Psora hypnorum, Hoffm. Germ. 166. Parmelia lepidora, Achar. Meth. 185. Lecanora lepidora, Achar. Lich. 418. On the ground, and on rotten moss.

PlceU.apk. 4. CENOTHALAME^. llO.Psoroma. 445<br />

3. Psoroma trihacium. Torn psorome.<br />

Crust scalelike, silvery, greyish white ; lobes irrep-ular,<br />

differently shaped, torn crenate, tiledlike; underneath the<br />

same colour, slightly fibrilled ; apothecia pressed close,<br />

centre flat, pale circumference at length crenated and<br />

lobed ; thalloid border raised, persistent.<br />

Lenanora tribacia, Jchar, Licit. Univ. 415.<br />

On the trunks of trees and rocks.<br />

4. Psoroma candelariiim. Candle psoro77ie.<br />

Crust scalelike, yellow ; lobes very crowded, torn-jao-o-ed,<br />

tiledlike; edges granulated, powdery ; apothecia flattish,<br />

similar in colour; thalloid border raised, not cut.<br />

Lichenoides crustosiim oibiculis et scuteliis flavis, Dillen Muse. 236-'<br />

Engl. Bot. \1M.<br />

Lichen candelariiis, Lin. S. P. 1608.<br />

Lichen concolor, Dickson Crypt. 3, 18.<br />

Parmelia caiidelaria, Achar. Meth. 187.<br />

Lecauora candelaria, Achar. Lich. 416.<br />

On the trunks of trees, palings, rocks, and walls.<br />

5. Psoroma polycarpum. Mamj-fndled psorome.<br />

Crust composed of conglomerated, granulated, lemonyellow<br />

lobes; apothecia crowded, bent; centre flat, dilated,<br />

similarly coloured, afterwards pale -red ; thalloid border ^t<br />

length crenulated.<br />

Lichen polycarpiis, Ehrh. Crypt. 14, 136.<br />

Verrucaria fulva, Hoffm. Germ. 193.<br />

Parmelia citrina, Achar, Meth. Lich 179.<br />

Lecanora candelaria, Achar. Lich. Univ. 416.<br />

On old wood and the trunks of trees.<br />

6. Psoroma hypnorum. Hypnum psorome.<br />

Crust scalelike, brownish yellow, flame-colour ; lobes<br />

small, roundish, dissimilar, edge granular, crenulate; apothecia<br />

slightly membranaceous; centre concave, at length<br />

flat, dilated, bay and black ; thalloid edge raised, bent in,<br />

crenate.<br />

Lychen hypnorum, Fl. Dan. 956 ; Engl, Bot. 740.<br />

Psora hypnorum, Hoffm. Germ. 166.<br />

Parmelia lepidora, Achar. Meth. 185.<br />

Lecanora lepidora, Achar. Lich. 418.<br />

On the ground, and on rotten moss.

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