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442 109. Parmelia. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. PL cell. aph. 22. Varmella recurva. Bent-hack border-moss. Thallus stellate, pale, slightly greenish, bearing soredia; underneath black, fibrilled, spongy; jags in the circumference many-cut, very narrow, convex, nearly cylindrical; apothecia reddish brown ; harder scarcely cut. Lichen multifichjp, Dickson Crijpt. 3, 16. Lichen inciirvus, Persoon in tfster Ann. 7, 24. Parmelia recurva, Achar, Meth. 201 ; Lick. 490. On stones and hills. 23. Parmelia s'lmiosa. Jagged horder-moss. Thallus stellate, pale grey, smooth; underneath black, fibrilled; jags linear, broader outwardly, sinuately pinnatifid, sinuses broad, circular; apothecia flattish, brown; larder thin, not cut. Lichen sinuosus, Engl. Bot. 2050. On walls, rocks, and trunks of trees. 24. Parmelia diffusa. Spread horder-moss, Thallus round, contiguous, wrinkled, folded, pale, grey- ish, powdery; underneath the same colour, black, fibrilled; jags in the circumference separate, flat, rounded, wavey, deeply crenate; apothecia flat, brownish black; harder at length crenulate, powdery. Lichen dift\isus, Dicks. Cnjpt, 3, 1. Lichen aleurifes, Achar. Prod. 117; EngJ. Bot. 838. Lobaria diffusa, Hoffm. Germ. 156. Parmelia alcuritcs, Achar. Mtih. 208 ; Lich. 484. On joists, planks, and palings. 25. Par^nelia conspersa. Sprinkled border-moss. Thallus round, pale, livid, smooth, dotted with black underneath brownish, fibrilled ; jags sinuated, lobed, rounded, crenate, flattish; apothecia central, chestnut; border very slightly cut. Lichenoides imbiicatum viridans, scutellis badus, Ditlen Muse. 180. Lichen cenirifui^us, Lin. S. P. 1609. Lichen coii5j)ersiis, ^c/iflc. Prod. 118. Lobaria ceiurifiign, Hoffm. Germ. 154. Parmelia conspersa, Achar. Meth. 205 ; On stones and rocks. Lich, 486. 26. Parmelia speciosa. Handsome horder-moss. underneath Thalhis stellate, bald, white, rather greyish ; milky, softish; fibrils dark, marginal; jags tiledhke, flat, cut, branched, crenate, divisions ascending, powdery; apothecia central, brownish ; wrinkled, crenate. border bent in, swollen, at length

PL cell aph. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. 109. Parmelia. 443 Lichen speciosu?, WulfinJacq. Coll. 3, 119. Lobaria speciosa, Hoff/n. Germ. 153. Parmelia speciosa, Achar. Melh. 198; Lick. 480. On the trunks of trees and rocks. 27. Parmelia Icevlgata. Smooth border-moss. Thallus stellate, smooth, greyish white ; underneatli black, fibrilled ; jags many-cut, linear, broader outwardly cut, divaricated, pointed, frequently having soredia in the circumference; apoihecia concave, chestnut; border not cut. Lichen laevigalus, Engl. Bot. 1852. On rocks. 28. Parmelia farrea. Floury horder-moss, Thallus round, greenish, grey, powdery; underneath whitish, fibrils brown-black ; jags short, deeply crenate, tiledlike, edges raised, granulated, powdery; apothecia black, grey, and hoary: border bent in^ swollen, slightlyhollowed. Parmelia farrea, Achai: LicJi. Univ. 475. On the ground, on trees, and rocks. 29. Parmelia puluerulenta. Powdery border-moss. Thallus stellate, greyish white, hoary; underneath black, woolly, hispid ; jags linear, manj^-cut, separate in the circumference, flat, pressed close, wavey; tips blunt; apothecia grey; border not in the least cut, bent. Lichenoides arboreiim et saxatile, crusta foliosa leniii, fusco-vircnti in segmenia latioia plermnqiie divisa, Dillen in liai Syn. 74,74. Lichenoides aiboreum, criisla foliosa iiif'ormi, scutellis subnigris, limbo cinereo crispo cinefis, Dillen in Raii Syn. 75, 75. Lichen slellaiis /3 et >, Huds. Fl.Jngl. 534. Lichen allochroiis, EhrJi. Crypt. 19, 137. Lichen pulverulenlus, Srhreber Germ. 1 153; Engl. Bot. 2063. Lobaria piilverulenta, Hoffm. Germ. 152. Parmelia piilverulenta, Achar. Meili. 210; Lich. 475. On the bark of trees. 30. Parmelia ccesia. Grey border-moss. Thallus starlike, greyish white or grey, bearing soredia; underneath grey; fibrils black; jags linear, many-cut, deep, slightly convex, the last jags flat; apothecia slightly concave, black ; border rather bent inwards. Lichen pulchellus, WulfinJacq, Coll. 2. Lichen ciE, ins, //q^/H. /.£c/(. 12, 1 ; Engl. Bot. 1052. Lichen Psora, Dicks. Crypt. 3, 17. Lobaria caisia, Hoffm. Germ. 156. Parmelia caasia, Achar. Meth. 197 ; Lich, 479. On rocks, wood, mosses, and the trunks of trees.

442 109. Parmelia. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. PL cell. aph.<br />

22. Varmella recurva. Bent-hack border-moss.<br />

Thallus stellate, pale, slightly greenish, bearing soredia;<br />

underneath black, fibrilled, spongy; jags in the circumference<br />

many-cut, very narrow, convex, nearly cylindrical;<br />

apothecia reddish brown ; harder scarcely cut.<br />

Lichen multifichjp, Dickson Crijpt. 3, 16.<br />

Lichen inciirvus, Persoon in tfster Ann. 7, 24.<br />

Parmelia recurva, Achar, Meth. 201 ; Lick. 490.<br />

On stones and hills.<br />

23. Parmelia s'lmiosa. Jagged horder-moss.<br />

Thallus stellate, pale grey, smooth; underneath black,<br />

fibrilled; jags linear, broader outwardly, sinuately pinnatifid,<br />

sinuses broad, circular; apothecia flattish, brown;<br />

larder thin, not cut.<br />

Lichen sinuosus, Engl. Bot. 2050.<br />

On walls, rocks, and trunks of trees.<br />

24. Parmelia diffusa.<br />

Spread horder-moss,<br />

Thallus round, contiguous, wrinkled, folded, pale, grey-<br />

ish, powdery; underneath the same colour, black, fibrilled;<br />

jags in the circumference separate, flat, rounded, wavey,<br />

deeply crenate; apothecia flat, brownish black; harder at<br />

length crenulate, powdery.<br />

Lichen dift\isus, Dicks. Cnjpt, 3, 1.<br />

Lichen aleurifes, Achar. Prod. 117; EngJ. Bot. 838.<br />

Lobaria diffusa, Hoffm. Germ. 156.<br />

Parmelia alcuritcs, Achar. Mtih. 208 ; Lich. 484.<br />

On joists, planks, and palings.<br />

25. Par^nelia conspersa. Sprinkled border-moss.<br />

Thallus round, pale, livid, smooth, dotted with black<br />

underneath brownish, fibrilled ; jags sinuated, lobed,<br />

rounded, crenate, flattish; apothecia central, chestnut; border<br />

very slightly cut.<br />

Lichenoides imbiicatum viridans, scutellis badus, Ditlen Muse. 180.<br />

Lichen cenirifui^us, Lin. S. P. 1609.<br />

Lichen coii5j)ersiis, ^c/iflc. Prod. 118.<br />

Lobaria ceiurifiign, Hoffm. Germ. 154.<br />

Parmelia conspersa, Achar. Meth. 205 ;<br />

On stones and rocks.<br />

Lich, 486.<br />

26. Parmelia speciosa. Handsome horder-moss.<br />

underneath<br />

Thalhis stellate, bald, white, rather greyish ;<br />

milky, softish; fibrils dark, marginal; jags tiledhke, flat,<br />

cut, branched, crenate, divisions ascending, powdery; apothecia<br />

central, brownish ;<br />

wrinkled, crenate.<br />

border bent in, swollen, at length

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