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436 108. Pbyscia. 4. CENOTHALAME^. PI. cell. aph. at the tip; apothecia shieldlike, slightly membranaceous, formed underneath from the thai! us, free, affixed to the same by the centre; proligerous flake forming the centre, hollow, coloured, covering the apothecia entirely above; mside similar, streaked, with a few cellules; ihalloid border bent inwards. 1. Physcia physodes. Wracklike physcia. Thallus slightly stellate, sea-greenish white; jags tiled- like, sinuate, many-cut, slightly convex, bald ; tips inflated, ascending; underneath blackish brown, naked ; apothecia red, edge not cut. Jjichenoides ceiati>phjllon obtusiiis et uiinus ramosum, Raii Syn,16,85. Lichen pliysodes, i/n. S. P. 1610; Engl. Bot. 126, Lobaria pliysodes, IlojJ'm, Germ. 150. Parmelia physodes, Jchur. Meth. 250; Lich. 492. On palings, trunks of trees, and rocks. 2. Physcia diatrypa. Pierced physcia. Thallus slightly stellate, greenish white; jags sinuated, many-cut, flattish, smooth, perforated and with soredise tips inflated ; underneath wrinkled, folded, black ; inter- stices white; apothecia pale red; edge not cut. Lichen pertusus, Schrud. Fl. Germ. 06. Lichen dialrypus, .^cJiar. Prod. 116; Engl. Bot. 1248. Lobaria terebrata, Iloffin. Germ. 151. Parmelia diatrypa, Achar. MelJi. 251 ; On the bark of trees. Lich. 493. XIX. 109. PARMELIA. x\charius. Border-moss. Thallus leaflike, leatheriike, slightly membranaceous, flat, spread out, pressed out, round and stellatel}^ lobed or many-cut, jagged; underneath fibrillous; jags all equal at their tips; apothecia shieldlike, slightly membranaceous, formed underneath from the thallus, free, connected onlj^ by a central point; proligerous fiake forming the centre, hollow, coloured, covering the apothecia entirely at top inside similar, streaked, with a few cellules; thalloid border bent inwards. ] . Parmelia glomulifera. Ballbearing border-moss. Thallus cartilaginous, stifl", round, livid, smooth, interspersed v;ith blackish green pulvinuli ; underneath ochry white, downy; lobes sinuately jagged; jags angular and bordered ; apothecia reddish chestnut, border wrinkled.

Pl.celL aph. 4. CENOTHALAME/E. 109. Parmelia. 437 Lichenoides subglaucuin eumatile, foliis lenacibtis, e'cganier laciniatis, Hillen Muse. 197. Lichen laciniatus, Hudson FL. An;^L 544. Lichen mutahiMs, Ehrh. Crypt. 5, 60. Lichen glomulifeni', Light/. Scut. 853. Lobaria glomuiifera, Huffin. Germ. \48. Parmelia glomulifera, Acliar. Meth. 218; Lich. 456. On the roots and trunks of trees. 2. Parmelia caperata. Caper border-mass^ Thalhis round, pale yellow, greenish, wrinkled, growing^ granulated; underneath black, hispid; lobes folded, sinu- ated, jagged, rounded, slightly cut; apotliec'ia scattered, rather brown ; border bent, not cut, at length povvdery. Lichenoides crusta foliosa, ex cinereo et luteo viresccnte, iDferne nigra et laevi, Rail Syn. 73,62, Engl. Bot. 654. Liciien caperatiis, Lin. S. P. 1614 ; Lobaria caperata, Hoffni. Gfrm. 148. Parmelia caperata, Achar. Meth. 216 ; On rocks and the trunks of trees. Lick. 43T. S. Parmelia Borreri. Borrer's border-moss. Thallus round, grey, interspersed with grey-bordered sorediae; underneath brownish, spongy, fibrilied ; lobes concreted, folded ; outer lobes rounded, deeply crenate apoihecia red ; border svt'ollen, bent inwards. Lichen Borreri, Engl. Bot. 1780. Parmelia Borreri, Turner in Lin. Tr. 9, 148; Acliar. Lich. Univ. 461. On the bark of trees. 4. Partnelia perlata. Pearl border-moss.. Thallus round, greenish white, naked; underneath black- ish brown, rather naked or villous: lobes rounded, cut, fiat, edge slightly folded, not cut; apoihecia red; border thin, not in the least cut. Lichenoides glaucum perlatum, subtus nigrum ct cirrosmrs, Dillen Muic 147. Lichen perlalus, IJuds. FL Angl. 543. Parmelia perlara, Achar. Meth. 2i6; Lich. 458. On the trunks of trees, and rocks. 5. Parmelia perforata. Perforated border-moss.. Thallus round, rather sea-green, naked ; underneath black, fibrilied; lobes rounded, cut, flat; edge folded, crenate, fringed ; apoihecia red, growing perforated ; border not in the least cut.

436 108. Pbyscia. 4. CENOTHALAME^. PI. cell. aph.<br />

at the tip; apothecia shieldlike, slightly membranaceous,<br />

formed underneath from the thai! us, free, affixed to the<br />

same by the centre; proligerous flake forming the centre,<br />

hollow, coloured, covering the apothecia entirely above;<br />

mside similar, streaked, with a few cellules; ihalloid border<br />

bent inwards.<br />

1. Physcia physodes. Wracklike physcia.<br />

Thallus slightly stellate, sea-greenish white; jags tiled-<br />

like, sinuate, many-cut, slightly convex, bald ; tips inflated,<br />

ascending; underneath blackish brown, naked ; apothecia<br />

red, edge not cut.<br />

Jjichenoides ceiati>phjllon obtusiiis et uiinus ramosum, Raii Syn,16,85.<br />

Lichen pliysodes, i/n. S. P. 1610; Engl. Bot. 126,<br />

Lobaria pliysodes, IlojJ'm, Germ. 150.<br />

Parmelia physodes, Jchur. Meth. 250; Lich. 492.<br />

On palings, trunks of trees, and rocks.<br />

2. Physcia diatrypa. Pierced physcia.<br />

Thallus slightly stellate, greenish white; jags sinuated,<br />

many-cut, flattish, smooth, perforated and with soredise<br />

tips inflated ; underneath wrinkled, folded, black ; inter-<br />

stices white; apothecia pale red; edge not cut.<br />

Lichen pertusus, Schrud. Fl. Germ. 06.<br />

Lichen dialrypus, .^cJiar. Prod. 116; Engl. Bot. 1248.<br />

Lobaria terebrata, Iloffin. Germ. 151.<br />

Parmelia diatrypa, Achar. MelJi. 251 ;<br />

On the bark of trees.<br />

Lich. 493.<br />

XIX. 109. PARMELIA. x\charius. Border-moss.<br />

Thallus leaflike, leatheriike, slightly membranaceous,<br />

flat, spread out, pressed out, round and stellatel}^ lobed or<br />

many-cut, jagged; underneath fibrillous; jags all equal at<br />

their tips; apothecia shieldlike, slightly membranaceous,<br />

formed underneath from the thallus, free, connected onlj^<br />

by a central point; proligerous fiake forming the centre,<br />

hollow, coloured, covering the apothecia entirely at top<br />

inside similar, streaked, with a few cellules; thalloid border<br />

bent inwards.<br />

] . Parmelia glomulifera. Ballbearing border-moss.<br />

Thallus cartilaginous, stifl", round, livid, smooth, interspersed<br />

v;ith blackish green pulvinuli ; underneath ochry<br />

white, downy; lobes sinuately jagged; jags angular and<br />

bordered ; apothecia reddish chestnut, border wrinkled.

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