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Pl.cell.nph. 4. CENOTHALAMEiE. 106. Getraria. 433<br />

4. Cetraria glauca. Sea-green celraria,<br />

Thallus sea-green, rather shining, underneath brownish<br />

black, sinuately lobed ; jags deeply cut, torn, comjjlicated,<br />

ascending; apotliecia elevated, bright bay ; thalloid border<br />

wrinkled.<br />

Lichenoides endiviie foliis crispis splenderrtibus, subtus nigricaatibus^:<br />

Dillen Muse. 192.<br />

Lichen glaucus, Lin. S. P. 161 5.<br />

Lobaria gliiuca, Hoffni. Germ. 149.<br />

Cetraria glauca, Achar. Meth. 296; Lich. 509.<br />

On the trunks of trees, and rocks.<br />

^.fallax. Thallus white on bot-h' sides, uederneath frequently<br />

spotted with black.<br />

Lichen glaucus, IVulf.in Jncq. Coll. 4.<br />

Lichen fallax, Weber Fl. Germ. 244.<br />

Lobaria falJax, Hoffm. Germ. 149^.<br />

Cetraria fallax, j'c/iar. Meth. 29G.<br />

Cetraria glauca f;illax, AcJiur. Lich: 509.<br />

5. Cetraria nivalis. Snow cetraria.<br />

Thallus white, yellowish at bottom, net-worked in holes;<br />

jags rather upright, flattish, deeply and many-cut, torn,<br />

crisp, crenately toothed ; apothecia. pale flesh-colour; thal-<br />

loid border crenulated.<br />

Lichenoides lacunosumcandidumglabrum, endiviiE crispae facie, Dillen<br />

JIusc. 162?<br />

Lichen nivalis, JL?'«. S. P. 1612.<br />

Lobaria nivalis, Hoffm. Germ. 145.<br />

Cetraria nivalis, Achar. Bleth. 294; Lich. 510.<br />

On dry, gravelly, barren soils, especially if alpine;<br />

6. Cetraria Islandica. Iceland cetraria.<br />

Thallus olive-chestnut colour, whitish blood-colour at<br />

bottom, underneath whiter; jags rather upright, nearly<br />

linear, many-cut, grooved, toothed, fringed ; fertile jags<br />

dilated ; apothecia pressed close, flat, similarly coloured<br />

thalloid border elevated, not in the least cut.<br />

Lichenoides rigidum, eryngii foliis referens. Rail Syn. 77, 90.<br />

Lichen Islandicus, Lin. 'S. P. 1611 ; Engl. Bot. 1530.<br />

Physcia Islandica, Miclicnix Fl. Bav. Amer, 2, 326.<br />

Lobaria Islandica, Ho'fm. Germ. 143.<br />

Cetraria Llandica, Achar. Meth. 293 ;<br />

Iceland moss.<br />

Lich. 512.<br />

On the ground in dry soils, and mountain woods.<br />

Thallus bitter, but when soaked in water to get rid of<br />

this bitterness, it yields a nutritive farina, forming a jelly<br />

on being boiled in water, recommended in phthisis; forms<br />

the principal vegetable food of the Icelanders.<br />

VOL. I, 2 F

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