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412 92.1sidium. 4. CENOTHALAME^. Pl.cell.aph. 1. Isidhun coraUinum. Coral isis-lichen. Crust tartarlike, afterwards cracked rather chequerlike, white, rather greyish; podetia become longish, cylindrical, simple or branched j'7?«Ae of the apothecia brownish grey. Lichen corallinus, Lin. Mant, 131 ; Engl. Bot. 1541. Stereocaulon inarireporiforme, Hojfm. Germ. 129. Stereocaiilon conillinum, Schrad. Germ. IsiiWum covdW'inum, u'lchar. Met/t. 153; Lichen. 575. On rocks and stones. 2. Isidhmi Westri7igii. PVestring^s ish-licheji. Crust tartarlike, chequered, cracked, unequal, greyish; podetia nearly globular, afterwards long, cylindrical, simple or branched ; jiake of the apothecia brown. Lichen punclatus, Dickson Crypt. Brit. 3, 15, Lichen Westringii, Achar. Prodr. 88. Isidium Westringii, Achar. Meth. 138; Lich. 577. On rocks and stones. 3. Is'idlum coccodes. Ijady-hird isls-llchen. Crust cracked, rather powdery^ hoary ; podetia nearly globular, nippleshape, very crowded ;j^f//(;e of the apothecia brown, greyish hoary. Lichen coccode?, Achar. Prod. 10. Lepra obscura, Ehrh. Crypt. Isidium coccodes, Achar. Meth. 139 ; Lich. 578. On the old bark of trees. III. 93. B^OMYCES. Ehrhart. Mushroom-nchen. Thallus crusllike, flat, expanded, adnate; podetia soft, solid, fertile ; apothecia headed, not bordered, solid, sessile on the top of the podetia; proligerous Jiake covering the entire apothecium, adnate to it, convex, turned back, rather thick, coloured ; inside similar. 1 . Bceomyces roseus. Rose mushroom-Uclien, Crust uniform, warty, hoary; podetia very short; apothecia nearly globular, pale flesh-colour. Lichenoides fungiforme, criista leprosa Candida capitulis et pediculis incarnaiis, Dillen in Raii Syn. 70,40. Lichen ericetorum, Lin. S. P. IGOS ; Engl. Bot. 572. Baeom^'ces roseus, Achar, Lich. Univ. 572. On dry clays.

PLcell.apL 4. CENOTHALAME.E. 93. Baeomyc. 41S 2. B(S07nyces rvfus. Red mushroom-lichen. Crust unifoi-m, vv^rinkled, granular, powdery, white, greyish, greenish; podelia short, slightly compressed; apothecia brown. slightly convex, growing conglomerate, reddish Lichenoides 70,39. furgiforme terrcsfre, capitulis fuscis, Dillen in Raii Syn. Lichen byssoides, Lin. Mant, 135. Lichen peltifer, Wulf. in Jacq. Coll. 3. Lichen fungiform is, Weber. Fl. Germ. 196. Lichen rutus, Huds. Fl.Angl. 527. Bseomyces rupesiris, JJsler Ann.l, 19 ; Effiomvces rufus, Wahlenb. Lapp. 449. AcJiar. Lich. 373. On gravelly soils, and in the chinks of rocks. 3. Bceomyces lignorum. Wood mushroom-lichen. Crust dark grey ; podetia white, broadest at top ; apothecia nearly simple, sessile on the crust or on podetia, not uniform, brow:n black. BiEomyces rupestris jS, Achar. Lich. bl3 ; Meth. 522. B. CenomycidEjE. Apothecia nearly round, not bordered, either terminating hollow podetia, or the branches of the tubular thallus itself,^ IV. 94. CERANIA. Acharius. Horn-lichen, Thallus scarcely any, crustaceous ; podetia soft, nearly solid, slightly branched, branches barren, axillae not perforated ; apothecia round, not bordered, growing convex and like a head, underneath hollow, attached by the edge to the podetia, terminal ; proligerous Jiake forming the upper part of the apothecia, rather thick, coloured, inside similar, convex turned over the edge and affixed, clothed beneath by the flocklike skin of the thallus. Cerania vermicularis. Wbrmlike horn-lichen. Podetia awlshaped, seldom branched, small, very white, slightly pipey, bent, lying down. Lichenoides tubulatus, nivei fere candoris, ramosus, apicibus recurvis acutis, DiU. Muse. 91. Lichen vermicularis, Swarf, in Lin. MetJi. Muse. 37 ; Lichen subullformis, Ehrh. 3, 82. Cladonia subuliformis, Hoffin. Lich. 29. Bceomyces vermicularis, Achar, Meth. 359. Cenomyce vermicularis, Achar. Lich. 566. Dicks. Crypt. 2. On the ground, among mosses and grasses, mostly of alpine hills.

PLcell.apL 4. CENOTHALAME.E. 93. Baeomyc. 41S<br />

2. B(S07nyces rvfus.<br />

Red mushroom-lichen.<br />

Crust unifoi-m, vv^rinkled, granular, powdery, white,<br />

greyish, greenish; podelia short, slightly compressed; apothecia<br />

brown.<br />

slightly convex, growing conglomerate, reddish<br />

Lichenoides<br />

70,39.<br />

furgiforme terrcsfre, capitulis fuscis, Dillen in Raii Syn.<br />

Lichen byssoides, Lin. Mant, 135.<br />

Lichen peltifer, Wulf. in Jacq. Coll. 3.<br />

Lichen fungiform is, Weber. Fl. Germ. 196.<br />

Lichen rutus, Huds. Fl.Angl. 527.<br />

Bseomyces rupesiris, JJsler Ann.l, 19 ;<br />

Effiomvces rufus, Wahlenb. Lapp. 449.<br />

AcJiar. Lich. 373.<br />

On gravelly soils, and in the chinks of rocks.<br />

3. Bceomyces lignorum. Wood mushroom-lichen.<br />

Crust dark grey ; podetia white, broadest at top ; apothecia<br />

nearly simple, sessile on the crust or on podetia, not uniform,<br />

brow:n black.<br />

BiEomyces rupestris jS, Achar. Lich. bl3 ; Meth. 522.<br />

B. CenomycidEjE. Apothecia nearly round, not bordered,<br />

either terminating hollow podetia, or the branches<br />

of the tubular thallus itself,^<br />

IV. 94. CERANIA. Acharius. Horn-lichen,<br />

Thallus scarcely any, crustaceous ; podetia soft, nearly<br />

solid, slightly branched, branches barren, axillae not perforated<br />

; apothecia round, not bordered, growing convex<br />

and like a head, underneath hollow, attached by the edge<br />

to the podetia, terminal ; proligerous Jiake forming the<br />

upper part of the apothecia, rather thick, coloured, inside<br />

similar, convex turned over the edge and affixed, clothed<br />

beneath by the flocklike skin of the thallus.<br />

Cerania vermicularis. Wbrmlike horn-lichen.<br />

Podetia awlshaped, seldom branched, small, very white,<br />

slightly pipey, bent, lying down.<br />

Lichenoides tubulatus, nivei fere candoris, ramosus, apicibus recurvis<br />

acutis, DiU. Muse. 91.<br />

Lichen vermicularis, Swarf, in Lin. MetJi. Muse. 37 ;<br />

Lichen subullformis, Ehrh. 3, 82.<br />

Cladonia subuliformis, Hoffin. Lich. 29.<br />

Bceomyces vermicularis, Achar, Meth. 359.<br />

Cenomyce vermicularis, Achar. Lich. 566.<br />

Dicks. Crypt. 2.<br />

On the ground, among mosses and grasses, mostly of<br />

alpine hills.

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