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406 SS.Cornicul. S.HOMOTHALAME^. PLcell.aph. 6. Cornicularia P puhescens. Downy horn-moss. Thallus lying down, cylindrical, wrinkled, roughish, black ; branches interwoven, hairlike, twigs not branched ; apothecia same colour as the thallus, edge not cut. Lichen lanatus, Wulf. in Jacq. Misc. 2. Lichen intriciitus, E/ic/j, Crj//;^. 8,80. Lichen pubcscens, Lin.S. P. 162b'. U=nea intricata, Hojfm. Germ. 136. Cornicularia pubescens, ylchar. Metli. Licli, 505 ; Lick. Univ. 616. ^^ Conferva? atrovirens, D«7/io. Co?;/. 25. Scyioneina? atrovirens, Agardh Disp. 39. On rocks and fells where water drips. ThcU'i aggregate, very similar to the preceding; apothecia rai'ely to be found; so that it is doubtful whether this and girardia atrovirens be one species or two. /3. hispidula. Thallus rather stellate, brownish black, proliferous in whirls, hispid, branchy; hranches slightly radiating, depressed, interwoven, very thin ; apothecia crenate, dark brown. Scytoneina atrovirens proliFera, A^ardh Disp. 39. Cornicularia hispidula, Achar, Lich, Univ. 617. X. 89. RAMALINA. Acharius. Branch-moss, Tliallus cartilaginous, inside like tow, rather solid, "branched, jagged, rather shrublike, mostly with soredia; apothecia saucershape, thickish, footstalked, somewhat shieldlike, flat, edged, entirely formed of the thallus, covered with ii similarly coloured cortical substance. 1 . RamaUna fastigiaia. Even-topped Lrcmch-moss. Thallus compressed, cylindrical, smooth, pitted, branched, light sea-gi-een ; hranches thicker at top, even-topped; apothecia terminal, shieldlike, sessile, whitish. Lichen populinus, Ehrh. Crypt. 276. Lichen fasiigiatus, Engl. Hot. 890. Lobaria populina, Hoffm. Germ. 140. Parnielia fastigiata, Jchar. Meih. Lich. S60. Ranialiiia fastigiata, Achar. Lich. Univ. 603. On the trunks of old trees. 2. Rarnalina scopulorum. Sea-shore Iranch-moss. Thallus compressed, smooth, slightly pitted, branched, pale grey; hranches linear, slender; apothecia pedicelled, of the same colour. Lic'aen calicari?, Lin. S. P. 1613 ; Engl. Bot. 688. Lichen scopulorum, Dicks. Crypt. 3, IS. Partnelia scopulorum, Achar. Me.lh. Lich. 261. Rairalina scopulorum, ylchar. Lich. Univ. 60J. On rocks bv the sea-side.

Plcell.aph. S.HOMOTHALAMEiE. 89.Ramalin. 407 |3. cornuata. Brojiches cylindrical, compressed, seldom divided, bent, knobbed, rather pipey, interwoven. Coralloitles fascicnlare verritcosum et veliiti siliqiiosiun, Dillen Muse. 119. Lichen siliqiiosus, Huds. Fl. Angl. 559. I'armelia siliquosa, Achr. Mcth.Licli. 262, Ramalina scopuloruin, cornuata, Achar. Lick. Univ. 605. On insulated rocks scattered on plains, as the Grey wethers on Salisbui'y Plain. 3. Ramalma far'macea. Floury hrancii-moss, Thallus cylindrical, compressed, bald, slightly pitted, stiff, branched, whitish grey, with soredia ; hrmiches linear, slender; apuihccia scattered, pedicelled, flat, scarcely bor~ dered, whitish. Lichenoides segsneniis angiistioribus ad inargincs verrucosis et pulverulentis, Dillen 3Iusc'. 172. Lichen farinaccu?, Lin. S. P. 1613 ; En^l. Bot. SS9. Lobaria farinacea, Hoffni. Germ. lo9. Parmelia farinacea, Achar, Meth. Lich. 263. Ramalina farinacea, Achar. Lich. Univ. 606. On the trunks and branches of trees. Brandies simple or divided, sometimes fringed and slightly proliferous ; sometimes short and slender, or lon^^ and strong, sometimes hanging; naked or covered with, rather elliptic soredia; apothecia rarely occurring. 4. Ramalina pollmnria. Powdery hranch-moss, Thallus flat, slightly membranaceous, bald, rather pitted, white, slightly hoary, jagged; soredia dilated, flat, powdery; apothecia nearly terminal, growing dilated, very large, seagreen beneath; centre flesh-colour; edge raised, slightly bent inwards. Lichen pollinarius, Achar in N. Act. S/ocJch. 18,263. Liciien squarrosiis, Persoon in Uster Ann. Bot. 14, 35. Lobaria sqiiarrosn, Hoffm. Germ. 139. Lobaria dilacerata, Hojfm. Germ, 140. Parmelia pollinaria, Achar. Melh. Lich. 2G4. Ramalina pollinaria, Achar. Lich. Univ. 608. On rocks and stones, old timber-work and trees. XI. 90. ALECTORIA. Acharius. Cockscomh-moss^ Thallus cartilaginous, nearly threadlike, inside towlike, branched, prostrate or hanging ; apothecia saucerlike, thick, sessile, rather flat, bordered, convex, entirely formed of the thallus, of the same colour and substance.

406 SS.Cornicul. S.HOMOTHALAME^. PLcell.aph.<br />

6. Cornicularia P puhescens. Downy horn-moss.<br />

Thallus lying down, cylindrical, wrinkled, roughish,<br />

black ; branches interwoven, hairlike, twigs not branched ;<br />

apothecia same colour as the thallus, edge not cut.<br />

Lichen lanatus, Wulf. in Jacq. Misc. 2.<br />

Lichen intriciitus, E/ic/j, Crj//;^. 8,80.<br />

Lichen pubcscens, Lin.S. P. 162b'.<br />

U=nea intricata, Hojfm. Germ. 136.<br />

Cornicularia pubescens, ylchar. Metli. Licli, 505 ; Lick. Univ. 616. ^^<br />

Conferva? atrovirens, D«7/io. Co?;/. 25.<br />

Scyioneina? atrovirens, Agardh Disp. 39.<br />

On rocks and fells where water drips.<br />

ThcU'i aggregate, very similar to the preceding; apothecia<br />

rai'ely to be found; so that it is doubtful whether this and<br />

girardia atrovirens be one species or two.<br />

/3. hispidula. Thallus rather stellate, brownish black,<br />

proliferous in whirls, hispid, branchy; hranches slightly<br />

radiating, depressed, interwoven, very thin ; apothecia<br />

crenate, dark brown.<br />

Scytoneina atrovirens proliFera, A^ardh Disp. 39.<br />

Cornicularia hispidula, Achar, Lich, Univ. 617.<br />

X. 89. RAMALINA. Acharius. Branch-moss,<br />

Tliallus cartilaginous, inside like tow, rather solid,<br />

"branched, jagged, rather shrublike, mostly with soredia;<br />

apothecia saucershape, thickish, footstalked, somewhat shieldlike,<br />

flat, edged, entirely formed of the thallus, covered with<br />

ii similarly coloured cortical substance.<br />

1 . RamaUna fastigiaia. Even-topped Lrcmch-moss.<br />

Thallus compressed, cylindrical, smooth, pitted, branched,<br />

light sea-gi-een ; hranches thicker at top, even-topped;<br />

apothecia terminal, shieldlike, sessile, whitish.<br />

Lichen populinus, Ehrh. Crypt. 276.<br />

Lichen fasiigiatus, Engl. Hot. 890.<br />

Lobaria populina, Hoffm. Germ. 140.<br />

Parnielia fastigiata, Jchar. Meih. Lich. S60.<br />

Ranialiiia fastigiata, Achar. Lich. Univ. 603.<br />

On the trunks of old trees.<br />

2. Rarnalina scopulorum. Sea-shore Iranch-moss.<br />

Thallus compressed, smooth, slightly pitted, branched,<br />

pale grey; hranches linear, slender; apothecia pedicelled,<br />

of the same colour.<br />

Lic'aen calicari?, Lin. S. P. 1613 ; Engl. Bot. 688.<br />

Lichen scopulorum, Dicks. Crypt. 3, IS.<br />

Partnelia scopulorum, Achar. Me.lh. Lich. 261.<br />

Rairalina scopulorum, ylchar. Lich. Univ. 60J.<br />

On rocks bv the sea-side.

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