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388 70.Desmar. 'I.THALASSIO'PHYTJE. PL cell. aph. 2. Desmare.itia ligulata. Slraplike desmarest. Thallus flat, nearly ribless, doubly pinnate ; hranches 2-rowed, opposite, membranaceous, linear, lanceolate ; edge serrate with spinous teeth. Fucus ligulatus, Lightf. Scot. 949; Turn. Hist. 98; Engl. Bot. 1636. Fucus herbiiceus, Huds. Fl. Angl. 582. Desmarestia ligulata, Lamour. 2'hal. 25. Laminaria ligulata, Agardh Disp. 13. Desmia ligulata, Lyngbjje Hydr, Dan. 34. Sea-shores; perennial; summer. Thallus 2 to 3 feet high, delicate, yellow, becomes pale green, when exposed to the air. /3. ajigustior. Thallus narrow, trebly pinnate j tivigs scarcely cut on the edges. 7. dilatata. Twigs nearly elliptical^ narrowest at bottom. XLVI. 71. LICHINA. Agardh. Lichen-weed. Thallus cartilaginous, roundish or angular, branched, shrublike ; sporidia ovate, intermixed with jointed fibres, in the ovate thecse immersed in the swollen apex of the twigs, leaving a hole at the top, then dilating and becoming concave.— Has the appearance of a lichen. 1. Lichina pygmea. Pigmy licheji-iveed. Thcdlus compressed; branches very short, divaricating, dilated ; tulercles globose. Fucus pj gmseus, Lightf. Scot. 964 ; Turn. Hist. 258 ; Engl. Bot. 1322. Fucus pumillus, Huds. Fl. Ang. 584. Focus lichenoides, Gooden. in Linn. Tr. 3, 192. Gigartina pygmaea, Lamour. Thai. 49. Lichina pygraaga, Agardh Syn. 9. Gelidium pygmasum, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 41. Rocks below low water; perennial. Thallus forming very thick tufts, upright, a quarter of an inch high. 2. Lichina pumila. Dwarf lichen-weed. Thallus roundish ; hranches long, nearly cylindrical ; tulercles elliptical, at the ends of the branches. Fucus pygmffius /S, Turn. Hist. 4, 17. Lichen confinis, Achur. Prod. 208 ; Engl. Bot. 2573. Stereocaulon confinis, Achar. Meth. 317. Lichina pygmaea minor, Agardh Syn. 10, On rocks in the sea. Thallus tufted, upright. ' • ~ \.' •~"»y .-^rr^-— t.«i|g:;--rgy "

Pl.cellaph. 2.THALASSIOPHYT^. 72.Himant. 389 XLVII. 72. HIMANTHALIA. Lyngbye. Sea-strap. Thollus egglike, becoming shieldlike, stipitated ; holdfasts shieldlike; apothecia forked, compressed, arising from the centre of the thallus ; sporidia intermixed with jointed fibres in thecae immersed in the apothecia. Himanthalia elongala. Long sea-straps Fucus longo aiigiislo crassoque folio, Rail Syn, 43, 1 1. Fiicus fungis affinis, Sail Syn. 43, 15. Fucus loreiis, J'/. Dfl«. 710; Turn. Hist. W6 ; Engl. Bot. B69. Fucus elongratus, Lin, S. P. 16!27. Ulva pruniformis, Ft. Norveg. 2, S9. Sea-shore. Thallus 2 or 3 inches high ; apothecia solitary or aggregate, 1 to 10 feet long; angles of the forks and tips acute. /3. inequalls. Receptacles irregular in breadth ; aiigles of the fork and tips blunt. XLVIII. 73. CERVINA. Horn-weed. Thallus roundish, forked, with a small black longitudinal line in the centre; vesicles 0; holdfasts shieldlike; sporidia intermixed with jointed fibres in thecae immersed in terminal apothecia. Cervina tulerculata. Tuhercled horn-weed. Thallus leatherlike, cartilaginous, threadlike, irregularly two-forked ; angles of the forks rounded ; apothecia oblong, cylindrical, blunt. Fucus kali geniculato similis, non tamen geniculatus, Raii Syn. 43, 13. Fucus tuberculatus, Htidi. Fl. ^ngl. 588. Fucus bifurcatus, IVithering Bot.Arr. 4, 109. Sea-shore ; perennial ; June to October. XLIX. 74. FUCUS. Theophrastus. Wrack. Thallus flat, confluent, forked, mid-ribbed ; vesicles or innate; holdfasts shieldlike; sporidia intermixed with jointed fibres, in roundish thecae, immersed in terminal apothecia. 1. Fucus serratus. Serrated wrack. Thallus flat, mid-ribbed, linear, forked ; edge serrated, toothed ; apothecia flat, linear, slightly pointed. Fucus sive alga lafifolia major deiitata, Rnii Syn. 42, T. Fucus serratus, Lin. S. P. 1626. Sea-shore; perennial; winter and spring.

Pl.cellaph. 2.THALASSIOPHYT^. 72.Himant. 389<br />

XLVII. 72. HIMANTHALIA. Lyngbye. Sea-strap.<br />

Thollus egglike, becoming shieldlike, stipitated ; holdfasts<br />

shieldlike; apothecia forked, compressed, arising from the<br />

centre of the thallus ; sporidia intermixed with jointed fibres<br />

in thecae immersed in the apothecia.<br />

Himanthalia elongala. Long sea-straps<br />

Fucus longo aiigiislo crassoque folio, Rail Syn, 43, 1 1.<br />

Fiicus fungis affinis, Sail Syn. 43, 15.<br />

Fucus loreiis, J'/. Dfl«. 710; Turn. Hist. W6 ; Engl. Bot. B69.<br />

Fucus elongratus, Lin, S. P. 16!27.<br />

Ulva pruniformis, Ft. Norveg. 2, S9.<br />

Sea-shore.<br />

Thallus 2 or 3 inches high ; apothecia solitary or aggregate,<br />

1 to 10 feet long; angles of the forks and tips acute.<br />

/3. inequalls. Receptacles irregular in breadth ; aiigles of<br />

the fork and tips blunt.<br />

XLVIII. 73. CERVINA. Horn-weed.<br />

Thallus roundish, forked, with a small black longitudinal<br />

line in the centre; vesicles 0; holdfasts shieldlike; sporidia<br />

intermixed with jointed fibres in thecae immersed in terminal<br />

apothecia.<br />

Cervina tulerculata. Tuhercled horn-weed.<br />

Thallus leatherlike, cartilaginous, threadlike, irregularly<br />

two-forked ; angles of the forks rounded ; apothecia oblong,<br />

cylindrical, blunt.<br />

Fucus kali geniculato similis, non tamen geniculatus, Raii Syn. 43, 13.<br />

Fucus tuberculatus, Htidi. Fl. ^ngl. 588.<br />

Fucus bifurcatus, IVithering Bot.Arr. 4, 109.<br />

Sea-shore ; perennial ; June to October.<br />

XLIX. 74. FUCUS. Theophrastus. Wrack.<br />

Thallus flat, confluent, forked, mid-ribbed ; vesicles<br />

or innate; holdfasts shieldlike; sporidia intermixed with<br />

jointed fibres, in roundish thecae, immersed in terminal<br />

apothecia.<br />

1. Fucus serratus. Serrated wrack.<br />

Thallus flat, mid-ribbed, linear, forked ; edge serrated,<br />

toothed ; apothecia flat, linear, slightly pointed.<br />

Fucus sive alga lafifolia major deiitata, Rnii Syn. 42, T.<br />

Fucus serratus, Lin. S. P. 1626.<br />

Sea-shore; perennial; winter and spring.

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