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SS6 67. Chorda. 2.THALASSI0PHYT.E. PLceU.aph. XLII. 67. CHORDA. Lamouroux. Rope-need. Thalliis round, tubular, uot branched; holJfasts shield- like: sporidia in clubiike threads, scattered on the surface of the thallus. 1. Chorda Jilifurmis. Threadlike rope-ueed. Thallus round, not in the least branched, narrower at each end ; when old twisted up spirally. Fuciis chordam referens teres praelongus, Rati Syn. 40, S. Fucus Filurn, Lin. S. P. 1631 ; Fucus Tendii, E^per, 22. Turn^Bist. S6; Engl. Bot. 2487. Ceraiiiiiim Filuni, Roth Cat. 1, 147. Chorda Fihisi, Stackh. Xer. Brit. Introd. 24 ; Chordaria, Link in Schrad. Journ. 1S09, S. Chordaria Filuin, Agardk Syn. 13. Flagellaria Filum, Xer. Brit. ed. 2. Intr. 9. Sea-lacM. Lamour. Thai. 27, Sea-shore; annual. ThaUi aggregate, from 1 to 20 feet long, often spirally twisted; tubes divided on the inside; sporidia pearshaped. 2. Chorda iomentosa. JVoolIy rope-ueed. Thallus cylindrical, not branched, naked at the bottom, in all other parts covered with a very manifest slippery downiness, formed of jointed fibres. Chord.i tomentosa, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 74. Fucus Filum, var. Engl. Bet. 2487. Sea-shore. XLIII. 6S. CHORDARIA. Link. Thong-weed. Thallus solid, round, threadlike, branched ; sporidia scattered in clublike threads on the surface of the thallus, Chorduria flageiliformis. IVhiplike thong-weed. Thallus slender, slippery; Iranches numerous, slightly 5-rowed, very long, simple or forked, blunt. Fqci:= flagelliformij, Fi. Ban. 650; Turn. Hist. 85 ; Engl. Bot. 1222. Conferva dichoto-na, Fl. Dan. 353. Ceraraiuni longis^inium, Schum.Ennm.^, 111. Gig.rana flageUiforLsis, Lamour. Thai, 4S. Chordaria flagelliforaois, Agardh Disp. 12. Sea-shores. ThaUi aofsrregate. 6 to 9 inches lonsr. B. tor fills. Thallus small, slender ; branches pinnate twigs spreading, clawlike, not branched, close. Conferva, 1172; Lin. Suec. 4,36. Chordaria flagelliformis minor: ^^ardA Syn. 13. Fucus flagelliformis tortilis, Turn. HiU. 85.

Pl.cell.aph. 2.THALASSI0PHYTiE. 69.Sporoch. 387 XLIV. 69. SPOROCHNUS. Agardh. Sporochnus, Thallus threadlike, cartilaginous ; branches pinnate ; spo- Tidia scattered in the ovate or globular ends of the twigs which end in jointed radiating filaments. 1 Sporochnus pedimculatvs. Footstalked sporochmis, Thallus. cartilaginous, threadlike; branches irregularly pinnated, mostly alternate, elliptical. Fuciis pedunculatus, //uds. i^;. y4n^^. 587 ; Turn, Hist. \S8 ; Engl. Bot, 54.5. Fuciis Gaertncri, Gmelin, 164. Gigartina j)edunculata, Laniour. Thai. Sporochnus pedunculatus, Agardh Disp, 12. Sea-shores. 2. Sporochnus villosus. Villous sporochnus. Thallus cartilaginous, threadlike ; branches opposite, dis- tant, pinnate, spreading; twigs elliptical. Conferva villosa, Huds. Fl. Angl. 603 ; Engl. Bot. 546 ; Dillw. 37 ? Chordaria? villosa, Agardh Syn. 14. Sea-shores; annual. XLV. 70. DESMARESTIA. Laraouroux. Desmarest. Thallus compressed, pinnately branched ; twigs slenderest at bottom ; edges serrate ; holdfasts shieldlike ; sporidia along with jointed threads from the serrated edges of the 1. Desmarestia aculeata. Prickly desmarest. Thallus woody at the bottom, cylindrical, very much branched ; branches flat, cartilaginous, linear, ribless, repeatedly branched; twigs pinnate; edges spinose; spines upright. Fncns angustifolius, foliis dentatis, Raii Syn. 48,38. Fucus aculeatus, Lin. S. P. 1632; I'urn. Hist. 187 ; Engl. Bot. 2445. Fucus muscoitles, Gmelin, 130. Fucus virgatus, Fl. Norv. 45. Fucus contortus, Esper, 43. Fucus usneoides, Oeder Enum. 113. Desmarestia aculeata, Lamour. Thai. 25. Sporochnus aculeatus, Agardh Syn, 10. Desmia ligulala, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 34, Sea-shores; perennial; winter. Thallus obsoletely contracted, olive-green becoming black. 2 c 2 ^ \-'

Pl.cell.aph. 2.THALASSI0PHYTiE. 69.Sporoch. 387<br />

XLIV. 69. SPOROCHNUS. Agardh. Sporochnus,<br />

Thallus threadlike, cartilaginous ; branches pinnate ; spo-<br />

Tidia scattered in the ovate or globular ends of the twigs<br />

which end in jointed radiating filaments.<br />

1 Sporochnus pedimculatvs. Footstalked sporochmis,<br />

Thallus. cartilaginous, threadlike; branches irregularly<br />

pinnated, mostly alternate, elliptical.<br />

Fuciis pedunculatus, //uds. i^;. y4n^^. 587 ; Turn, Hist. \S8 ; Engl. Bot,<br />

54.5.<br />

Fuciis Gaertncri, Gmelin, 164.<br />

Gigartina j)edunculata, Laniour. Thai.<br />

Sporochnus pedunculatus, Agardh Disp, 12.<br />

Sea-shores.<br />

2. Sporochnus villosus. Villous sporochnus.<br />

Thallus cartilaginous, threadlike ; branches opposite, dis-<br />

tant, pinnate, spreading; twigs elliptical.<br />

Conferva villosa, Huds. Fl. Angl. 603 ; Engl. Bot. 546 ; Dillw. 37 ?<br />

Chordaria? villosa, Agardh Syn. 14.<br />

Sea-shores; annual.<br />

XLV. 70. DESMARESTIA. Laraouroux. Desmarest.<br />

Thallus compressed, pinnately branched ; twigs slenderest<br />

at bottom ; edges serrate ; holdfasts shieldlike ; sporidia<br />

along with jointed threads from the serrated edges of the<br />

1. Desmarestia aculeata. Prickly desmarest.<br />

Thallus woody at the bottom, cylindrical, very much<br />

branched ; branches flat, cartilaginous, linear, ribless, repeatedly<br />

branched; twigs pinnate; edges spinose; spines<br />

upright.<br />

Fncns angustifolius, foliis dentatis, Raii Syn. 48,38.<br />

Fucus aculeatus, Lin. S. P. 1632; I'urn. Hist. 187 ; Engl. Bot. 2445.<br />

Fucus muscoitles, Gmelin, 130.<br />

Fucus virgatus, Fl. Norv. 45.<br />

Fucus contortus, Esper, 43.<br />

Fucus usneoides, Oeder Enum. 113.<br />

Desmarestia aculeata, Lamour. Thai. 25.<br />

Sporochnus aculeatus, Agardh Syn, 10.<br />

Desmia ligulala, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 34,<br />

Sea-shores; perennial; winter.<br />

Thallus obsoletely contracted, olive-green becoming<br />

black.<br />

2 c 2<br />

^<br />


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