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580^ ea.Gastrid. 2.THALASSI0PHYTiE. PlcellapH.<br />

6. Gastridium dasyphyllum. Tlnckleaved helly-weed.<br />

T/^aZ/z« gelatinous, threadlike; branches irregulai'ly pin-<br />

nate, spreading, mostly simple; tjvigs cylindrical, scattered,<br />

narrower at bottom, proliferous.<br />

-Fucus dasyphjllus, WuGdw. Tr. Lin. Soc. 3, 239 ; Engl. Bot. 847 ; Turn.,<br />

Hist. 22.<br />

Gigarirna dasyphylla, Lmnour, Thai.<br />

Clundria dasyphyUa, Agardh Disp, IS.<br />

Sea-shore; annual; svunmer.<br />

Thallus 3 to 6 inches high, pale red or reddish green.<br />

i3. ariiculatum. Thallus jointed.<br />

7. Gastridium clavellosum. Twiggy belly-iveed.<br />

Thallus threadlike, cylindi'ical ; branches many, irregular,<br />

mostly alternate, 2- rowed.<br />

Fucus clavellosu?, IWn. in Lin:Trans. 4, 10 ; Hht. 30 ; Engl. Bot. 1203.<br />

Gabtridium clavellosum, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 70.<br />

Choiulria clavellosa, Agardh Disp. IS.<br />

Sea-shores, or parasitic ; annual; summer.<br />

/3. sedifolium. Tivigs oblong, oval, crowded, undivided.<br />

8. Gastridium kaliforme. Kali-like belly-weed.<br />

Thallus threadlike; branches many, irregular, generally<br />

in whorls, contracted as if jointed.<br />

Fucus kaliformis, fVoodw. in Lin. Tr. .3,206; Twn.Hist.29; Engl.<br />

Bot. 640.<br />

Fucus verticillalus, Lightf. Scot. 962.<br />

Gigartiiia kalifi)rtnis, Lamvur. Thai. 49.<br />

Ceramii!m tubulosum, Roth Cat. 3, 124.<br />

Chondria kaliformis, Agardh Disp. 18.<br />

Gastridium kaliforme, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 70.<br />

Sea-shore; annual; summer.<br />

Thallus solitary; branches opposite, alternate, or in<br />

whorls, slender at bottom, blunt at top.<br />

|3. diaphanum. Thallus roundish ; tiuigs long, generally<br />

simple ; contractions very slight.<br />

7. nanum. Threads long, jointed; branches and twigs<br />

horizontal.<br />

9. Gastridium piisillum. Dwarf belly-weed,<br />

Thallus cartilaginous, compressed, threadlike, contracted<br />

as if jointed ; branches many, irregular ; twigs horizontal j<br />

bottom slenderest; tips dilated, roundish.<br />

Fucus pusillus, Stackh. Ner. Brit. Ifl ;<br />

Sphserococcus pusillus, Agardh Disp. 17.<br />

Sea-shores; annual; summer.<br />

'Turn. Hist. 108.

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