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378 62.Gigart. 2. THALASSIOPHYT^. Pl.cell.aph. Sea-sbore, or submarine stones or rocks. Thalliis 1 to 3 inches high, more or less compressed, flattened. XXXVIII. 63. GASTRIDIUM. Lyngbye. Belly-weed. ThaUtis threadlike, round, tubular, gelatinqus, cartilaginous ; tubercles roundish, lateral or terminal ; sporidia in the tubercles and also on the twiofs. a. Laurentia. Thallus compressed ; iuhercles ter'minating the twigs. 1. Gastridium pinnatifidum. Feather-cut helly-iveed. Thnllus compressed, cartilaginous, branched ; branches mostly alternate, doubly pinnatifid; twigs blunt, callous. Fucus Dealcnsis pedicularis rubri folio, Dillen in Rail Syn. 48, 37. Fucus ramosus pi peris sapore, Dillen in Rait Syn. 51, 55. Fucus pinnatifidus, Buds. Fl. Ami. 581 ; Engl. Bot. 1202 ; Turn. Hist. SO. Fucus rauUificius, Hudson, 581. Fucus corymbifer, TVtilff. Crypt. 32. Fucus corvmbifeius, Esper, 94. Laurentia pinnaiifida, Lamour. Thall. Cliondria pinratifida, Agardh Syn. 35. Gelidium |)innatifidium, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 40. Pepper dulse. Faminkiren, Ireland. Sea-shore; annual; autumn. Tlialli aggregate, j'ellowish red, diaphanous; tasle hot, acrid. ^.Jilicimim. Thallus roundish ; twi»s cylindrical, thickened upwards, clustered, mostly simple. Fucus Osmuiida, Nereis Brit. 46. Fucus filicinus, Lightf. Scot. 954, not of Hudson. y. angustum. Thallus compressed; twigs clublike, crowded, mostly simple. 1. teriuissimum. Thallus compressed ; twigs divaricated, branches very slender. 2. Gastridium oLtusum. Blimt helly-iueed. Thallus cartilaginous, cylindrical, threadlike, repeatedly pinnated; branches generally opposite; twigs cylindrical, short, spreading, blunt. Fucus oblusus, Huds. FL Angl. 586 ; Engl. Bot. 1201 ; Turn. Hist. 21. Fuius spinosus, Jacq. Coll. 3, 156. Laurentia obtusa, Lamour. IVial. Chondria obtusa, Agardh Diss. 18.

Pl.celLaph. 2.THALASS10PHYTiE. 63. Gastrid. 319 Sea-shores; annual; summer. Thallus 6 to 12 inches long, twice or thrice pinnate. 6. hi/lridum. Thallus almost cylindrical, rather cartilaginous; twigs slightly attenuated at the bottom, and rounded at the tip. b. Gastridium. Thallus even^ or wieqiially contracted into apparent joints ; tubercles on the sides. S. Gastridium ovale. Oval bellif-iveed. Thallus nearly cylindrical, threadlike, irregularly twoforked, below naked, covered above on all sides with simple elliptical twigs. Fucns ovalis, Huds. Fl. ylngl. 573 ; Engl. ; Turn. Hist. 81. Fiicus sedoicies, Stackh. Ner. Brit. fi7. Fucus vermiciilaris, Lightf. Scot. 958. Giffartina ovalis, Lamour, Thai. Chondria ovalis, yJgardh Disp, 18. Submarine rocks; annual; summer. Thallus 3 or 4; inches high; pale reddish brown. (3. lotryoides. Twigs short, nearly globular. Fucus botryoides, Wulf. in Jacq. Collect. 3, 146. 7. suharticulatum. Twigs long, linear, contracted as if jointed. 4. Gastridium tenuissimum. Very thin helly-weed. Thallus gelatinous, threadlike, cylindrical, pinnately branched ; branches alternate, spreading, mostly simple twigs cylindrical, simple, scattered. Fucus tenuissimus, Goodcn. in Tr. Lin. Soc. 3,215; Engl. BotA682 Turn. Hist. 100. Ulva capillaris, Htids. 571. Giganina tenuissima, jigardh Disp. 18. Sea-shore, or on other marine plants ; annual ; summer. Thallus pale flesh-colour, tender, 6 to 10 inches long. 5. Gastridium purpurascens. Purplish belly-treed. Thallus threadlike, branched ; branches and tivigs tworowed, nearly opposite ; last ones pinnate ; segments small, opposite. Ulva purpurascens, Huds. FL Angl. 569. Gastridium purpurascens, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 69. Sea-shore ; annual ; summer. Thallus 6 to 9 inches high, attenuated at bottom, tubular, apex acute ; branches smaller at each end, spreading segments lanceolate.

Pl.celLaph. 2.THALASS10PHYTiE. 63. Gastrid. 319<br />

Sea-shores; annual; summer.<br />

Thallus 6 to 12 inches long, twice or thrice pinnate.<br />

6. hi/lridum. Thallus almost cylindrical, rather cartilaginous;<br />

twigs slightly attenuated at the bottom, and rounded<br />

at the tip.<br />

b. Gastridium. Thallus even^ or wieqiially contracted into<br />

apparent joints ; tubercles on the sides.<br />

S. Gastridium ovale. Oval bellif-iveed.<br />

Thallus nearly cylindrical, threadlike, irregularly twoforked,<br />

below naked, covered above on all sides with simple<br />

elliptical twigs.<br />

Fucns ovalis, Huds. Fl. ylngl. 573 ; Engl. ; Turn. Hist. 81.<br />

Fiicus sedoicies, Stackh. Ner. Brit. fi7.<br />

Fucus vermiciilaris, Lightf. Scot. 958.<br />

Giffartina ovalis, Lamour, Thai.<br />

Chondria ovalis, yJgardh Disp, 18.<br />

Submarine rocks; annual; summer.<br />

Thallus 3 or 4; inches high; pale reddish brown.<br />

(3. lotryoides. Twigs short, nearly globular.<br />

Fucus botryoides, Wulf. in Jacq. Collect. 3, 146.<br />

7. suharticulatum. Twigs long, linear, contracted as if<br />

jointed.<br />

4. Gastridium tenuissimum. Very thin helly-weed.<br />

Thallus gelatinous, threadlike, cylindrical, pinnately<br />

branched ; branches alternate, spreading, mostly simple<br />

twigs cylindrical, simple, scattered.<br />

Fucus tenuissimus, Goodcn. in Tr. Lin. Soc. 3,215; Engl. BotA682<br />

Turn. Hist. 100.<br />

Ulva capillaris, Htids. 571.<br />

Giganina tenuissima, jigardh Disp. 18.<br />

Sea-shore, or on other marine plants ; annual ; summer.<br />

Thallus pale flesh-colour, tender, 6 to 10 inches long.<br />

5. Gastridium purpurascens. Purplish belly-treed.<br />

Thallus threadlike, branched ; branches and tivigs tworowed,<br />

nearly opposite ; last ones pinnate ; segments small,<br />

opposite.<br />

Ulva purpurascens, Huds. FL Angl. 569.<br />

Gastridium purpurascens, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 69.<br />

Sea-shore ; annual ; summer.<br />

Thallus 6 to 9 inches high, attenuated at bottom, tubular,<br />

apex acute ; branches smaller at each end, spreading<br />

segments lanceolate.

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