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S74 62.Gigart. 2.THALASSIOPHYTiE. FlcelLapL Fucus asparagoidcs, Woodw. in Tr. Lin. Soc. 2,29, Sphasrococcus asparagoide-, Jgard/i Disp, 17. Plocamium a?paiagoidcs, Z/awiour. Thai. Sea-shoi'e. d. Tliallus threadlike, equal; tubercles lateral, ivartlikej \ Jormed of jointed threads. 7. Gigarfina fastig'iata. Even-topped phim-weed. ThaJlus cartilaginous, threadlike, 2-forked, level-topped, angle of the fork bluntish, tip acute; tuherchs irregular, hemispherical, sessile, lateral. Fucus rorundus, Gmd. Fuci, 110; Engl. Bot. 1739 ; Turn. Hi^t. 5. Fiici!5 radiatus, Gooden. Tr.Lin. Soc. 3,202. Fucus fasligialus, Stackh.Ner. Brit. 13. Fucus capriruis, Fl. Norv. 1,98. Chordaria rotunda, Jgnrdh Syn. 12. Furccllaria rotunda, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 49. Furcellaria fastigiata, Lamour. Thai. Sea-shore ; perennial ; September to February, ThaUus deep brownish purple, white when exposed to the weather; if//55 rather blunt. ^ B. ieniiior. Tliallus with the extreme segments long and linear; tips bluntish, y.fastigiata. Tliallus very slender, about 2 inches high. Fucus fasligiatus, Lin. S. P. 1631. 8. Gigarlina plicata. Pleated plum-weed. ThaUus horny, cylindrical, uniform, very much branched; hranckes mostly simple, clustered, entangled, horizontal, slightly one-sided; lips blunt; tubercles irregular, he- mispherical, sessile. Fucus Irichoides nostras aurei coloris, ramulorum apicibus furcatis, Itaii Syn. 45,26. Fucus coral loides ercctus, Haii Syn. 51, .57. J'ucus plicatus, Iltids. Fl. Angl. 5S9 ; Turn. Hist. 180 ; Engl. Bot. 1088, not of Esper. Fucus all)us, Fl. Dan. 408. Ceramium plicafum. Roth Cat. 2, 162, Gigartina plicata, Lamour. Thai. 48. SphiErococcus plicatur, Agardli Disp. 17, Sea-coast; perennial; October to April. ThaUus tufied, stiff, wirelike, entangled, ^. elongata. Tliallus rather forked ; branches long, straight, level-topped. Fucus longissiinus, Esper^ 44,

PLcelLaph. S.THALASSIOPHYT^. 62. Gigart. 37S 9. Gigartina Griffitsice. Griffith's plum-weed. Thullus cartilaginous, cylindrical, threadlike, foriced, level-topped ; tubercles lateral, oblong, embracing the thallus. Fucus Gi iffitsia?, Turn. Hist. 126 ; Engl. Bot. 1926. Spliasrococcui Griffitsiaj, jtgardh Disp. Gigaitina GrifRtsia?, Lyngbye Hydr. han. 43. Sea-shores; October to December. Tlmlhis 2 or 3 inches high, purplish ; of horizontally radiating filaments. tubercles composed 10. Gigartina acicularis. Needlelike plum-weed. Thallus rather cartilaginous, soft, threadlike, irregularly dichotoraous; branches spreading, pointed; twigs scattered, short, spearshape, horizontal. Fucus acicularis, Turn. Hist. 126. Spliaerococcus acicularis, Agardh Disp. 17. Sea-shores; winter. Thallus 2 or 3 inches long; above slightly flattened. 11. Girfartina covfervoides. Conferva plum-weed. Thallus threadlike, much and irregularly branched branches long, mostly simple ; tivigs scattered, bristlelike, narrower at each end; tubercles hemispherical, scattered. Fucus inarinus purpurascens parvus, caule et rninulia seu foliulis iereti- bus, Rnii Syu. 30, .'JO. Fucus confervoidcs, Lin. S. P. 1629 ; Engl. Bot. 1669 ; Turn. Hist. 84. Fucus eioiigalHS, Ft. Narv.2, 14S. Fucus verrucosus, Huds. Fl. Angl. 583. Fucus acerosus, Esper, 103. Fucus longissiinus, Gmel. 134. Gigartina confervoidcs, Lamour. Thai. 48. Sphaerococcus confervoides, Agardh Syn. 35. Sea-shores ; perennial ; September and December. ^. procerrima. Branches very long, mostly simple, rather naked. Fucus teres rubens minus ramosus in longum prolenstis, Dillen in Rail Syn. 51,53. Fucus procerrimus, Espe.r, 133. Fucus longissimus, TVolf.Jacq. Coll. 1,361. Ceramium longissimum, Roth Cat. 3, 116. y. amplexa. Thallus entangled ; branches and ttvigs very numerous, crowded, twisted. I. gracilis. Thallus threadlike; tubercles lateral, clus- tered, minute, flaccid towards the tips. Fucus gracilis, Stackh. Ner. Brit. 100.

S74 62.Gigart. 2.THALASSIOPHYTiE. FlcelLapL<br />

Fucus asparagoidcs, Woodw. in Tr. Lin. Soc. 2,29,<br />

Sphasrococcus asparagoide-, Jgard/i Disp, 17.<br />

Plocamium a?paiagoidcs, Z/awiour. Thai.<br />

Sea-shoi'e.<br />

d. Tliallus threadlike, equal; tubercles lateral, ivartlikej \<br />

Jormed of jointed threads.<br />

7. Gigarfina fastig'iata. Even-topped phim-weed.<br />

ThaJlus cartilaginous, threadlike, 2-forked, level-topped,<br />

angle of the fork bluntish, tip acute; tuherchs irregular,<br />

hemispherical, sessile, lateral.<br />

Fucus rorundus, Gmd. Fuci, 110; Engl. Bot. 1739 ; Turn. Hi^t. 5.<br />

Fiici!5 radiatus, Gooden. Tr.Lin. Soc. 3,202.<br />

Fucus fasligialus, Stackh.Ner. Brit. 13.<br />

Fucus capriruis, Fl. Norv. 1,98.<br />

Chordaria rotunda, Jgnrdh Syn. 12.<br />

Furccllaria rotunda, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 49.<br />

Furcellaria fastigiata, Lamour. Thai.<br />

Sea-shore ; perennial ; September to February,<br />

ThaUus deep brownish purple, white when exposed to<br />

the weather; if//55 rather blunt.<br />

^ B. ieniiior. Tliallus with the extreme segments long and<br />

linear; tips bluntish,<br />

y.fastigiata. Tliallus very slender, about 2 inches high.<br />

Fucus fasligiatus, Lin. S. P. 1631.<br />

8. Gigarlina plicata. Pleated plum-weed.<br />

ThaUus horny, cylindrical, uniform, very much branched;<br />

hranckes mostly simple, clustered, entangled, horizontal,<br />

slightly one-sided; lips blunt; tubercles irregular, he-<br />

mispherical, sessile.<br />

Fucus Irichoides nostras aurei coloris, ramulorum apicibus furcatis,<br />

Itaii Syn. 45,26.<br />

Fucus coral loides ercctus, Haii Syn. 51, .57.<br />

J'ucus plicatus, Iltids. Fl. Angl. 5S9 ; Turn. Hist. 180 ; Engl. Bot. 1088,<br />

not of Esper.<br />

Fucus all)us, Fl. Dan. 408.<br />

Ceramium plicafum. Roth Cat. 2, 162,<br />

Gigartina plicata, Lamour. Thai. 48.<br />

SphiErococcus plicatur, Agardli Disp. 17,<br />

Sea-coast; perennial; October to April.<br />

ThaUus tufied, stiff, wirelike, entangled,<br />

^. elongata. Tliallus rather forked ; branches long,<br />

straight, level-topped.<br />

Fucus longissiinus, Esper^ 44,

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