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870 61.Sph£eroc. 2.THALASSIOPHYT.E. Pl.cell.aph.<br />

short scattered cilise ; tubercles hemispherical, immersed in<br />

the thallus near the edge.<br />

Fticu-; bifidus, Hiids. Ft. Angl. 581 ; Turn. Hist. 154 ; Engl. Bot. 773.<br />

Sphjerococcus bifidus, Agardh Disp. 16.<br />

Dflcsseria bifida, I. amour. Thai.<br />

Rocks and plants in the sea; perennial; Sept. to Jan.<br />

(3. ciliatus. Thallus linear, fringed along the edge; fringe<br />

Ininute, toothlike; tip lanceolate, pointed.<br />

y. decipiens. Thallus irregularly divided ; edge here and<br />

there fringed; tip oval and pointed.<br />

J. suhpalmalus. Thallus linear, nearly palmate, rounded<br />

at the tip.<br />

e. siniiosus. Thallus somewhat dilated, slightly sinuated<br />

towards the tip.<br />

C siipitatus. Thallus nearly cylindrical; tips either dilated<br />

and blunt, or narrow and pointed, proliferous at the<br />

edge.<br />

g. Thallus fiat, forked or palmate, fringed; tubercles on<br />

the edge.<br />

14. Splicerococcus lacinialus. Jagged rouudfruit.<br />

Thallus flat, leatherlike, lobed ; segments dilated up-*<br />

wards; tip palmate, blunt; edge crenated, proliferous;<br />

sporidia in the' thickened edge, or marginal fringe.<br />

Fucus laciniatiis, Huds. Fl. Angl. 579; Turn. Hist. 69; Engl. Bot. 1068.<br />

Fucus rainialHs, Fl. Dan. 769.<br />

Fucus cilialus, Gmel. 176,<br />

Fucus crispus, Esper. 18.<br />

Fucus crispatus, Stackh. Ner. Brit. 15.<br />

Fucus laceratus y, Linn. Tr. 3, 156.<br />

On rocks and stones in the sea ;<br />

February to May.<br />

Thallus aggregated, smaller at bottom.<br />

|3. ovalfalius. Thallus proliferous on the edge ; marginal<br />

processes elliptical roundish, simple, on short petioles.<br />

edge.<br />

h. Thallus fiat, pinnately lobed, fringed j tubercles on the<br />

15. SphcBrococcus ciliatus.<br />

Fringed roundfruil.<br />

Thallus flat, membranaceous, cartilaginous, lanceolate,<br />

pinnately divided ; surface and edge fringed ; fringe mostly<br />

simple, awlshape, spread ; tubercles on the edge.

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