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VLcellaph. 2,THALASSIOPHYT^. Gl.SpliEeroc. 369<br />

y. stellatus. Segments very numerous ; tips finely divided.<br />

^.Jimbriatiis. Segments fringed.<br />

Fiicus fimbriatiis, Huds. Fl. Angl. 514.<br />

Fnciis ceranoiries S, Lightf. Scut. 916.<br />

s. latifolius. Segments membranaceous, nearly orbicular,<br />

many-cut, palmate; lobes short', Zip rounded.<br />

^. roscus. Thallus simple; tip expanded, oblong, simple.<br />

1 1 SphiErococciis Brodicei. Brodie's rowidfnnt.<br />

Thallus bottom threadshape, round, branched ; tip expanded,<br />

oblong, simple or forked; edge proliferous; tubercles<br />

spherical, sessile or nearly sessile on the tip of the<br />

segments.<br />

Fucus Brodiaei, Turn. Hist. 72 ;<br />

Engl. Bot. 1966.<br />

Fuciis meinbranifolius, Lamour. Ess. 21.<br />

Delesseria BroriifBi, Lamour, Thai. 37,<br />

Sphcerococcus Brodisei, Jgardh Disp. ST.<br />

Sea-shores; perennial; March.<br />

Thallus aggregate; tubercles solitary or in pairs.<br />

12. Sphcerococciis palmatus. Vahnlike roimdfruit.<br />

Thallus round at bottom, mostly simple; tip expanded,<br />

"wedgeshape, palmated ; tubercles hemispherical, sessile^<br />

mostly on the edge of the lobes.<br />

Fucus Palmetta, Esper,AO% Turn. Hist. 13; Engl. Bof. 1120, not of<br />

Gmelin.<br />

Fucus Palmetia |S, Lamour. Essai, 19.<br />

'Delesseria Palmetta, Lamour. T'lial.<br />

SphjEiococcus Palmetla, Jlgardh Disp. 16.<br />

Sea-shores, on stones or marine plants.<br />

Thallus 2 or 3 inches long; erfo^e not in the least cut<br />

tiibercles superficial, without interwoven fibres.<br />

/3. bifidus. Thallus simple; tip expanded, wedgeshape,<br />

simple or 2-cut.<br />

Fucus bifidus, Huds. Fl. Angl. 581.<br />

y. crassiusculus. Thallus linear, much and irregularly<br />

divided ; tip pointed.<br />

?. linearis. Thallus linear ; segments long, simple or<br />

forked; /ip rounded.<br />

13. SphcBrococcus bifidus. Tiuo-cut roundfruli.<br />

Thallus flat, membranaceous, linear, forked; segments<br />

divaricating; edges here and there united together by very<br />

VOL. I. 2 b

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