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364 59.Deless. 2.THALASSI0PHYT^. Pl.cell.aph. &. minor. Thallus very narrow. Fncus hjpoglossoidt's, Stackfi. Ner. Brit. 176, y. incrassifoUa. Thallus narrow, linear ; network scarcely visible. 4. Delesseria alata. Winged delesser. Thallus winged, repeatedly and alternately branched; lohes confluent, decurrent, alternately branched. P'ucus dichotomus parvus costatus et mcmbranaceus, Dilkn in Ravi Syn. 44, 20. Fiicus alatus, Lin, Mant. 135 ; Engl. Bot. 1S37. Delesseria alata, Lamour. Thai. Sea-shore; perennial. /3. dilatata. Thallus broad ; wings broad, waved. y. aiigustissima. Thallus very slender ; tvi/rgs very narrow, scarcely any. XXXV. 60. ODONTHALIA. Lyngbye. Sea-tooth. Thallus fiat, membranaceous,, confluent, reddish; midrib slightly prominent; edge toothed; sporidia in two lines on solitary or clustered lanceolate marginal processes ; iheccef pedicelled, wine-glass-shape. The thecse are by some thought to be parasitic animals. Odonlhalia pimiatijida. Vinnatifid sea-tooth. Thallus branched, alternately pinnatifid; iivigs alternate, toothed at the tip, teeth short. Fucus dentaltis, Lin. Mant. 135. Fucus piiinatifidus, Ft. Dan. 354. Delesseria dentaty, Lamour. Thai 36, Sphaerococciis dentatus, jlgardh Syn. 22. Odonthalia dentata, Lyngbije Hydr. Dan. 9. Sea-shore; perennial; autumn. Thallus solitary, about 4' inches long. XXXVI. 61. SPH^ROCOCCUS. Stackh. RoundfruH. Thallus flat, membranaceous or coriaceous, confluent, ribless ; sporidia in roundish tubercles ; theccB scattered on the surface, or on the edge. a. Dromius, Thallus membranaceous, ribless, itilerclesjlat on the surface. 1. Sphcerococcus punctatus. Dotted roundfruit. Thallus very thin, membranaceous, palmate, two-forked, lobes linear, tip two-cut, blunt, edge flat, tubercles oblong.

Pl.celLaph. S.THALASSIOPHYTiE. 61.Sphaeroc. 365 Ulva piincfala, Siackhouse, Lin. Tr, 3, 236. Fucus punctatus, With. Bot. Arr. 4,405; Engl, Bot. 15T3; Turn. Hist. 71, Delesseria punctata, Agaidh Disp. 14, On marine plants, Thallus delicate pale pink ; sporidia dark red. 2. Sphcerococciis iilvqides. Ulva roiindfruit. Thallus membranaceous lobed; lobes blunt, pinnatifid, edges not cut ; tubercles hemispherical. Fucus ulvoides, Turner Hist. SO; Engl. Bot. 2154, Delesseria tilvoide!, Agardh Disp. 14, Sea-coasts; b. Sphasrococcifs. Thallus slightly rilled lengthivays at the base, proliferous ; tubercles flat on the surface. 3. Sphcerococcus rulens. Reddish roundfruif. Thallus rather membranaceous, slightly ribbed lengthways at the bottom, mostly two forked; lobes linear, ellip- tical, tip round; edge jagged, wavy; surface proliferous; tubercles hemispherical. Fucus membrasiaceus purpureas varie ramosiis, Dillen in Rail Sun. 47, 36. Fueus rubeiis, Lin. S. P. 1630; Engl. But. 1053; Turn, Hist.A2. Fucus epiphylhis, Fl. Ban. 708. Fucus prolifer, Lightf. Scot. 2. Fucus laciniatus, Gmel. 182. Fucus crispus, Hiids. Fl. ylngl. 580. Delesseria rubens, Lamour Essai. Sphaerococcus rubens, Agardii Syn. 23. Chondrtis rubens, Lynghye Uydr. Dan. 18. Sea-shore ; perennial. Mid-rib visible at the base of the thallus, but is afterwards lost in its substance. 4. Sphcerococcus laceratus. Torn roundfruif, Thallus membranaceous, tender, slightly veined, mostly forked; lobes linear; tip rounded; edge waved and torn; tubercles hemisj)herical ; sporidia solitary, scattered. Fucus laceratus, Gmel. Fuci, 179 ; Turn. Hist. 68; Engl. Bot, 1067. Fucus crispalus, Lin. Syst. Nat. 2, 718. Fuciis cristatus, With. Bot. Arr. 4, 103. Fucus laciniatus 1, With. Bot. Arr. 4, 102. Fucus endivifolia. Light. Scot. 948, Rocks and stones on the sea-coast; autumn, p. papyraceus. Segments and lobes linear.

364 59.Deless. 2.THALASSI0PHYT^. Pl.cell.aph.<br />

&. minor. Thallus very narrow.<br />

Fncus hjpoglossoidt's, Stackfi. Ner. Brit. 176,<br />

y. incrassifoUa. Thallus narrow, linear ; network scarcely<br />

visible.<br />

4. Delesseria alata. Winged delesser.<br />

Thallus winged, repeatedly and alternately branched;<br />

lohes confluent, decurrent, alternately branched.<br />

P'ucus dichotomus parvus costatus et mcmbranaceus, Dilkn in Ravi Syn.<br />

44, 20.<br />

Fiicus alatus, Lin, Mant. 135 ;<br />

Engl. Bot. 1S37.<br />

Delesseria alata, Lamour. Thai.<br />

Sea-shore; perennial.<br />

/3. dilatata. Thallus broad ; wings broad, waved.<br />

y. aiigustissima. Thallus very slender ; tvi/rgs very narrow,<br />

scarcely any.<br />

XXXV. 60. ODONTHALIA. Lyngbye. Sea-tooth.<br />

Thallus fiat, membranaceous,, confluent, reddish; midrib<br />

slightly prominent; edge toothed; sporidia in two lines on<br />

solitary or clustered lanceolate marginal processes ; iheccef<br />

pedicelled, wine-glass-shape. The thecse are by some<br />

thought to be parasitic animals.<br />

Odonlhalia pimiatijida. Vinnatifid sea-tooth.<br />

Thallus branched, alternately pinnatifid; iivigs alternate,<br />

toothed at the tip, teeth short.<br />

Fucus dentaltis, Lin. Mant. 135.<br />

Fucus piiinatifidus, Ft. Dan. 354.<br />

Delesseria dentaty, Lamour. Thai 36,<br />

Sphaerococciis dentatus, jlgardh Syn. 22.<br />

Odonthalia dentata, Lyngbije Hydr. Dan. 9.<br />

Sea-shore; perennial; autumn.<br />

Thallus solitary, about 4' inches long.<br />

XXXVI. 61. SPH^ROCOCCUS. Stackh. RoundfruH.<br />

Thallus flat, membranaceous or coriaceous, confluent,<br />

ribless ; sporidia in roundish tubercles ; theccB scattered<br />

on the surface, or on the edge.<br />

a. Dromius, Thallus membranaceous, ribless, itilerclesjlat<br />

on the surface.<br />

1. Sphcerococcus punctatus. Dotted roundfruit.<br />

Thallus very thin, membranaceous, palmate, two-forked,<br />

lobes linear, tip two-cut, blunt, edge flat, tubercles oblong.

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