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S52 51.Nostoc. 2.THALASSI0PHYT^ Pl.cell.aph.<br />

4. N'osloc pruniforme. Phimshape nostoch.<br />

ThaUus blackish, globose, solitary, solid, leatheiiike,<br />

gelatinous, smooth.<br />

Ulva pruiiiformis, Lin. S. P. 1633,<br />

Tremeila pruniformis, Roth Germ. 548,<br />

Linckia pruniformis, Roth Cat. 3, 343.<br />

l^ostoc pruniforme, Agardh Syn. 134.<br />

Adhering to trees, or floating in lakes; summer.<br />

Thallus gelatinous on the inside, coriaceous on the out-<br />

side.<br />

H. Nosloc sphcBricum. Sphcerical nostoch.<br />

ThaUus black green, globose, solid, smooth, aggregated.<br />

Ulva pruniformis, Hudson Fl. Angl, 572, not of Eng. Bot.<br />

Conferva Pyrum, Fl. Dan. 660, not of Linnaeus.<br />

Nostoc spiiffiricum. Voucher, 223.<br />

Lickia granulate, Roth Cat. 3, 342.<br />

Lakes and stagnant waters.<br />

Thallus hardish, gelatinous, mostly aggregated, the size<br />

of peas.<br />

6. Nosloc ccerulenm. Blue nostoch,<br />

Thallus small, globose, solid, solitary, smooth, pale blue,<br />

shining, pellucid.<br />

Nosloc CEEruieum, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 201.<br />

Ditches and pools on hypni; summer.<br />

Thallus hard, slippery, about a quarter of an inch in<br />

diameter.<br />

7. Nosloc papyraceum. Paper nostoch.<br />

Thallus frothy, gelatinous, slippery, easily parted,<br />

bluish.<br />

Byssiis latissima papyri instar super aquara sparsa, Dillm in Rail Syn.<br />

S7, 12; Dillen Muse. 2].<br />

Bysfus Flos aquae, Lin. S. P. 1637.<br />

Nostoc Flos aquae, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 201.<br />

Stagnant waters, floating; spring and summer.<br />

ThaUus pale bluish green ; when it covers ponds, they<br />

are said to be in flower.<br />

G. Alcyonide^. ThaUus continuous, gelatinous, olive<br />

green becoming black, cellular; cells membranaceous,<br />

lono-, hexaedral; sporidia elliptical,scattered in the cells.<br />

XXVII. 52. ALCYONIDIUM. Lamour. Ualcyonide,<br />

Thallus roundish, long, gelatinous, branched, olive-green;<br />

inner cells<br />

— Marine.<br />

large, hexaedral, outer cells slender, closed.

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