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PLcell.aph. 2.THALASSIOPHYT^. 50. Carrod. 351<br />

Salt marshes and the sea-shore.<br />

Thallus slippery, flaccid, 2 inches high.<br />

XXVI. 51. NOSTOC. Paracelsus. Nosloch.<br />

Thallus not uniform or globular, vesicular, greenish, gelatinous;<br />

sporidia globose, in curved, beadlike threads.<br />

This genus has much affinity with oscillatoi'ia, but the<br />

threads of that genus radiate, and have no integument<br />

over them.<br />

1. Nostoc commune. Comynonnostocfi,<br />

Terrestrial ; thallus not uniform, solid, plated, wavey;<br />

threads loosely interwoven.<br />

Ulva terrestris pinguis et fugax, Dillen in Rait Syn. 64, 11.<br />

Liiickia (errestris gelatinosa membianacea vulgatissima, ex pallida et<br />

Yirescente fulva, Micheli Nov, Gen. PI. 12(>, 1.<br />

Tremella Nostoc, Lin. S. P. 1625; Engl. Bot. 461.<br />

Fucus Tremella Nostoc, Gmel. Hist. Fiic. 222.<br />

Nostoc commune, Vaucher, 222.<br />

Nostoc vulgare, IVa/il. Ft. Lapp. 992.<br />

Linckia terrestri?. Roth Cat. 3, 345.<br />

Alcyonidium Nostoc, Lamouroux Thai. Ess. 71.<br />

Star-shoot. Star-slough.<br />

Damp, shady, gravelly places; summer and autumn.<br />

Thallus lobed, 2 or o inches in diameter; pale green,<br />

mostly seen after rain.<br />

2. Nostoc verrucosum. Warty nostoch.<br />

Thallus rather globose, rather leatherlike, hollow,<br />

plaited ; threads very closely interwoven.<br />

Linckia paliistris gelalinosa, saxis adnascens, ex obscure fulva, et coBcava<br />

vesicam referens, Micheli Nov. Gen. PL 126,2.<br />

Nostoc verrucosum, Vaucher, 225.<br />

Tremella flnviatilis, Dillen Mus. 10.<br />

Tremella verrucosa, Lin. S. P. 1625 ; Hudson Fl. Angl, 565.<br />

Tremella utricalata, Huds. Fl. Angl.56A}<br />

F'.icus Tremella verrucosa, G/ne^ F«c. 227.<br />

Linckia verrucosa, Roth Cat. 3, 345.<br />

Rocks and stones in rivers, often floating.<br />

Thalli aggregated ; when young solid, smooth, opake,<br />

when old, hollow, yellowish green.<br />

3. Nostoc muscorum,. Moss nostoch.<br />

Thallus 2-formed, napillose, tuberculate, rather leather-<br />

like.<br />

Nostoc muscorum, Agardh Syn. 132.<br />

Tremella intestinalis,"i^/. Dan. 885.<br />

Damp mossy places.<br />

Blackish green, harder and smaller than n. commune.

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