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34-2 43.Dictyopt. 2.THALSSI0PHYT^. Plcell.aph.<br />

Dictyopteris elongata. Long diclyoptere.<br />

ThaUiis linear, membranaceous, pellucid, greenish brown;<br />

midrib slightly prominent, here and there proliferous ; edge<br />

not in the least cut ; branches long.<br />

Fucus membranaceus, Stackh. Nereis, 13 ;<br />

Dictyopteris elongata, Lamouroux Essai.<br />

Engl. Bot. 1758.<br />

Sea-shore.<br />

Holdfasts callous ; thallus woolly, very thin, when dry<br />

transparent, greenish.<br />

E. Ulvoide^. Thallus continuous, membranaceous,<br />

leatherhke or gelatinous, regularly cellular; integuments<br />

smooth, membranaceous; sporidia scattered in the substance<br />

of the thallus, or in prominent spots.— Greenish, either<br />

permanent, or becoming whitish.<br />

XIX. 'M. ASPEROCOCCUS. Lamour. Roughfruit.<br />

Thallus leatherlike, compressed, tubular ? branched,<br />

"brownish ; sporidia ped uncled, in scattered groups on the<br />

surface of the thallus; holdfasts shieldlike.<br />

• Asperococcus multifida. Mamj-cut roughfruit.<br />

Thallus cartilaginous, brownish, repeatedly branched,<br />

rather palmate; lobes spreading, linear, various in length<br />

and breadth.<br />

Ulva mullifida, Engl. Bot. 1913.<br />

Sea-shore.<br />

Holdfasts shieldlike; thallus 4 or 5 inches long.<br />

XX. 45. ULVA. Linnaeus. Laver.<br />

Thallus membranaceous, flat, nerveless, mostly green,<br />

rarely purplish ; stirpsuone; holdfasts shieldlike; sporidia<br />

4 together, immersed in the substance of the thallus.<br />

1. Ulva lacluccpfoUa. LeLluce-leaf laver.<br />

Thallus bright green, aggregate, oblong, undulated, bul-<br />

lated, below attenuated, above dilated, lobed, crisped.<br />

Ulva marina laciucJE similis. Rail Syn. 62, 1.<br />

Treraella marina vulgaris lactucEe similis, Dillen. Muse. 42.<br />

Ulva Lactuca, Lin. S. P. 1682; Engl. Bot. 1551.<br />

Green laver. Oyster green.<br />

Stones and shells in the sea; annual.<br />

^ Thallus pale green, very tender, thin, flaccid.—Salt and<br />

bitterish, eaten stewed with lemon-juice as an antiscorbutic,<br />

but acts strongly upon the bowels.

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