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332 34.Cladost. 2.THALASSIOPHYT^. PlcelLaph.<br />

Sea- shore.<br />

Theccc on the shorter twigs of the branches.<br />

3. Cladostephus niveits. White hotllehnish-weed.<br />

Thallus branched; branches slender, rather stiff, white;<br />

twigs in obscure whirls ; joints as long as broad, dark.<br />

Conferva nivea, Dillioyn Syn. 54 ; Engl. Dot. 2529 ; jigardh Disp. 30,<br />

B^ssiis lanuginosus, Willan Sulph. fVat. 10.<br />

Roots and dead leaves in sulphureous springs.<br />

Thalli very slender; branches very numerous, ringed<br />

with black, mostly covered with a white crust. Perhaps a<br />

thorea; but it is very imperfectly described by authors.<br />

X. 35. SPHACELARIA. Lyngbye. Rust-weed.<br />

Thallus olive-branched, jointed ; branches 2-rowed<br />

joints all compound; sporidia enclosed in the tip of the<br />

branches v/hich become sphacellated and open, rarely in<br />

lateral, ovate, capsular thecee.<br />

1 . Sphacelaria pennata. Pinnate rust-weed.<br />

Thallus much branched, slender; branches alternate,<br />

rather bipinnate, lobes 2-rowed, alternate and opposite<br />

joints as long as broad.<br />

Conferva cirrhosa, Roth Cat. 3, 294.<br />

Conferva pennata, Huds. Fl.<br />

-ssso,<br />

Jngl. 604; Billw. Conf. 86; Engl. Bot.<br />

Ceramium cirrhosum, Agardh Disp. 21.<br />

Sphaci'laria pennata, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 195.<br />

Sea-shore, on rocks, corallines, and sea-plants.<br />

Tufts bushy, from one-half to two inches high; threads<br />

olive- brown.<br />

2. Sphacelaria scoparia. Shore rust-weed.<br />

Thallus much branched, stiff; branches in bundles, al-<br />

ternate, nearly bipinnate, crowded; lobes short, alternate,<br />

2-rowed, pressed close, pointed ; joints as long as broad.<br />

Muscus marinus rubens, Ger. emac. 1571 ; Park. 1296.<br />

Conferva marina pinnuta, Dillen in Rail Syn. 59, 14.<br />

Conferva scoparia, Lin. S. P. 1 6.S5 ; Engl. Bot. 1552 ; Dilliv. Conf. 52.<br />

Ceramium scnparium, Roth Cat. 2, 141.<br />

Sphacelaria scoparia, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 104,3.<br />

Sea-shores, on shells and pebbles; all the year.<br />

Thallus dull, olive-brown, 3 to 6 inches high; stems<br />

many, clothed with entangled jointed threads or twigs<br />


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