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330 32.Bomch. 2.THALASS10'PHYTM, PL cell. aph. VII. 32. BORRICHIUS. Borrichius. Thallus rose-red. threadshape; Ira'nches forked, verti- cillate ; joints cylindrical, composed of a single tube ; knots pellucid ; ihecce ovate, naked, on the side of the twigs. Gelatinous, marine. Borrichius gelatinosus. Gelatinous borrichius. Thallus cylindrical, much branched, very gelatinous, very pale pink; ^?07/c/26'i^ alternate, very numerous, cylindrical, blunt, recurved. Rivularia verticillata, With. Bot. Arr. 4, 127 ; Sea-coasts ; July and August. Engl. Bot. 2466. VIII. 33. BATRACHOSPERMUM. B. de St.Vincent. Knot weed. Thallus green or brown, threadlike, branched ; tivigs forked, in whirls; ;om/5 cylindrical, composed of a single tube ; knots pellucid ; iheccc ovate, naked, on the side of the twigs.— Very gelatinous, beadlike, appearing like a dotted picture when dry, in marshes. 1. Bairachospermum moniliforme. Necklace knot-weed. Thallus much branched, forming tufts, attenuated branches alternate, spreading; twigs in whirls, forked, very close ; joints ovate, necklacelike. Conferva fontana nodosa, spermatis ranarum instar lubrica, major et fusca, Dillen in Rail Syn. 62, 26. Ciiara batrachosperma, Weiss Crypt. Gott. 33, 1. Chara gelatinosa, Roth Cat. 125. Conferva gelatinosa, Lin. Syst. Nat. 2, 720; mUu). Conf. 32: Engl. Bot. 689. Batrachosperma ludibunda, S. Vine. An>i. Mus. 12,310, Batrachofperminn moniliforme. Roth Gerjn. 3,480. In clear rivulets and springs, on pebbles. Thallus 1 to 3 inches long; lower joints very long, upper shorter. /3. purpurascens. Branches more pointed ; thallus pur- plish blue. y. detersum. Twigs wanting ; thallus appearing like naked, knotted threads. Conferva fontana nodosa, lubrica; filamentis tenuissimis nigris, Dillen Muse. 39. Conferva atra, Huds. Angl. 597 ; Dillm. Conf. 11 ; Engl. Bot. 690. Ceramium tiodnlosum, Agardh Dec. 23. Batracliospermum moniliforme detersum, Agardh Syn. 122.

Tl.cellaph. 2.THALASS.IOPHYT^. S3. Batrach. 331 2. Balrachosperminn vagum. Vague hiot-tveed. Thallus forked, round, equal ; Iranches spreading ; tivigs in whirls, forked, very close ; joints ovate, beadlike. Conferva alpina lubrica, filamentis nodosis cseri'.leis, Dillen Muse, Conferva gelatinosa o, Huds. Fl. Jngl. 598. Chara gelatinosa vaga, Roth Germ. 1, 127. Conferya gelatinosa casrulescens, fVakl, 510. Batrachosperma turfosa, B. de St. Vine, ^nn Mus. 12, 310. Batracliospermnm moniliforme vagum, Roth Cat. 3,482. Batrachospermum vagum, Agardh Syn. 123. Ponds in boggy soils. Thallus less slimy, stiflPer and more slender than the preceding; not appearing like a row of beads. E. HuTCHiNSiDE.E. T/wllus threadlike, main stem solid, continuous, jointed or with an internal jointed axis; joints composed of man}'^ veins or tubes ; iwigs jointed, joints simple or compound; knots mostly coloured; sporidia enclosed in a capsule-like theea. — Reddish or greenish mostly marine. IX. 34. CLADOSTEPHUS. Agardh. Bottlehrusli-weed. Thallus olive, branched ; main JUamenl solid, jointed ; /zt'fg'^ jointed, in whirls, mostly simple; 70272/5 simple; theece ovate, peduncled, on the side of the twigs. 1. Cladoslephus verticillatus. JVkirl lottlelrush-weed. Thallus forked, branchedj brownish olive; iwigs mostly 2-cut, incurved, in regular Avh iris, short, tilediike; jom/5 broader than long; thec(£ elliptical, oblong. Conferva verticillata, LigMf. Scot. 984 ; Dillw. Conf. 55 ; Engl. Bot 1718. Conferva myriopliyllum. Roth Cat. 3,212. Cladostephus verticillatus, Agardh Disp. 26. Ceramium verticillatiira, De Cand. Fl. Fr. 39. Fucus verticillatus, Wulf. Crypt. Gott. 13. Sea-coasts. Main stem very thick, spreading; thecce. on the twigs of the old main stem. 2. Cladostephus spojigiosus. Spongy hotllehnish-weed. Thallus branched, olive-green ; tivigs simple, bent inwards, scattered, tiledlike; joints little longer than broad; thecce reverse-ovate. Fucus teretifolius spongiosus pilosissimus, Rail Syn, 46. Fucus hirsutus, Lin. Mant, 134. Conferva spongiosa, Huds. Fl.Angl. 596; Dillw. Conf- 42. Cladostephus spongiosus, Agardh Disp. 26.

330 32.Bomch. 2.THALASS10'PHYTM, PL cell. aph.<br />

VII. 32. BORRICHIUS. Borrichius.<br />

Thallus rose-red. threadshape; Ira'nches forked, verti-<br />

cillate ; joints cylindrical, composed of a single tube ; knots<br />

pellucid ; ihecce ovate, naked, on the side of the twigs.<br />

Gelatinous, marine.<br />

Borrichius gelatinosus. Gelatinous borrichius.<br />

Thallus cylindrical, much branched, very gelatinous,<br />

very pale pink; ^?07/c/26'i^ alternate, very numerous, cylindrical,<br />

blunt, recurved.<br />

Rivularia verticillata, With. Bot. Arr. 4, 127 ;<br />

Sea-coasts ;<br />

July and August.<br />

Engl. Bot. 2466.<br />

VIII. 33. BATRACHOSPERMUM. B. de St.Vincent.<br />

Knot weed.<br />

Thallus green or brown, threadlike, branched ; tivigs<br />

forked, in whirls; ;om/5 cylindrical, composed of a single<br />

tube ; knots pellucid ; iheccc ovate, naked, on the side of<br />

the twigs.— Very gelatinous, beadlike, appearing like a<br />

dotted picture when dry, in marshes.<br />

1. Bairachospermum moniliforme. Necklace knot-weed.<br />

Thallus much branched, forming tufts, attenuated<br />

branches alternate, spreading; twigs in whirls, forked, very<br />

close ; joints ovate, necklacelike.<br />

Conferva fontana nodosa, spermatis ranarum instar lubrica, major et<br />

fusca, Dillen in Rail Syn. 62, 26.<br />

Ciiara batrachosperma, Weiss Crypt. Gott. 33, 1.<br />

Chara gelatinosa, Roth Cat. 125.<br />

Conferva gelatinosa, Lin. Syst. Nat. 2, 720; mUu). Conf. 32: Engl.<br />

Bot. 689.<br />

Batrachosperma ludibunda, S. Vine. An>i. Mus. 12,310,<br />

Batrachofperminn moniliforme. Roth Gerjn. 3,480.<br />

In clear rivulets and springs, on pebbles.<br />

Thallus 1 to 3 inches long; lower joints very long, upper<br />

shorter.<br />

/3. purpurascens. Branches more pointed ; thallus pur-<br />

plish blue.<br />

y. detersum. Twigs wanting ; thallus appearing like<br />

naked, knotted threads.<br />

Conferva fontana nodosa, lubrica; filamentis tenuissimis nigris, Dillen<br />

Muse. 39.<br />

Conferva atra, Huds. Angl. 597 ; Dillm. Conf. 11 ; Engl. Bot. 690.<br />

Ceramium tiodnlosum, Agardh Dec. 23.<br />

Batracliospermum moniliforme detersum, Agardh Syn. 122.

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