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3m 29, Callith. 2.THALASSIOPHYTiE. PlcdLaph, IS. CaUiihamnion Roihii. Roth's pretty-weed. Thalhis forked, branched, tufted, upright, short; tuft close, scarlet ; brunches and twigs alternate ; joints about 3 times as long as broad. Conferva phoeiiicia, R. Brown MSS. With Bot. 4, 165. Conferva Rothii, Turion's Sysi. Nat. 6,1806', Dillw. Conf.l3; Engl. Bot. 1702. Conferva vioL-icea, Roth Cat. 1, 190. Callithamiiion RoUiii, Lynghye Hydr. Dan. 129. Sea-shore. Tufts oblong, bright red, when dry crimson or purplish; ihallus about half an inch high; IruTiches below distant, above crowded. 14. Callithamnion lanuginosum. Woolly pretty-weed. Thallus short, slender, mostly branched, light reddish; Iranches simple, upright, scattered, going out horizontally. Conferva lanuginosa, Dillw. Conf. Callithamnion lanuginosum, Lynghye Hydr. Dan. 131. On marine plants. Threads very minute, coming out horizontally from the base, simple or branched above. 15. Calliih.Jioridulum. Smallfloivered pretty-iveed. Thallus short, slender, tufted, entangled, mostly branched, very light rose-red ; branches scattered, mostly simple, remote, placed towards the apex; joints about 3 times as long as broad. Conferva floridula, Dillw, Syn, 73. Roclis on the sea-shore. Threads very fine, about half an inch long; becomes dull reddish green when dry. 16. Callilh. intcrruptum. Interrupted pretty-weed. Thallus branched, short, purplish; branches and twigs alternate ; joints dilated above, truncated, about four times as long as broad ; theco! lateral, elliptical, with a transverse separation, on short pedicells. *^ Conferva internipta, Engl. Bot. 1838. On marine plants. Thallus dull rose-red, about an inch high. 17. Callith. pedicellaturru Pedicelled pretty-weed. Thallus much branched, forked, hairlike, red; twigs many-cut; joints slightly dilated above, 5 or 6 times as

PLcelLapL 2.THALASSIOPHYT^.. 29. Callith. 3^7)^ long as broad; tkeccB reverse ovate, pedicelled, solitary pedicells short, in the forks. Conferva pedicellata, Engl. Bot. 1817; Dillw. Conf, 108. Sea-shores. ThalliLS 2 inches high, forming straight, stiff tufts of a. very pale dull rose-colour. V. 30, CERAMIUM. Agardh. Horn-weecL Thalliis rose- red, threadlike, jointed, forked, branched'; joints (solid?) when magnified coloured in fine network; ilieccE ovate, lateral, involucrated with the sliort branches. 1 Ceramiiim ruhritm. Red korn-iveed. Threads very much branched, red, cartilaginous; twigs bristlelike, forked at the tip ; joints ovate, about as long as broad ; knots contracted. Conferva marina geniculala ramosissima lubrica, longis .sparsisve ramulis, Dillen in Rati Syn. 61. 23. Conferva rubra, Htids. Fl. Angl.QQO; Dillw. Conf. 34. Conferva nodulosa, Lightf. Scot. 994. Conferva flosculosa, Ellis Phil. Tr. 57, 425, Ceram'uiin virgatiim, Roth Cat. 1. Ceratnium elongatiim, Roth Cat. 2, 178. Ceramium rubriun, Agardh Syn. 60. Ceramiiim diapbanum purpurcum, Roth Cat. 2,228. Fuciis Lagasca, Clem. Ens. 315. Parasitic on other sea-plants. T'lifts dark red, becoming yellow by decay; joint pel- lucid in the centre. j3. maculatum. Thallus small, thin ; joints with a dark central spot. 2. Ceramium diaphamim. Transparent horn-weed., Thallus threadlike, very much branched, rather membranaceous, variegated with transparent and purple ; twigs forcepshape at the tip; joi/z/5 cylindrical, hyaline; knots elevated, coloured. Conferva marina nodosa lubrica Dillen in Rati Syn. 62, 25. ramosissima et elegantissima rubens, Conferva diaphana, Lightf. Scot. 996 ; Engl. Bot. 1742. Conferva nodulosa, Huds. Ft. Angl. 600. Conferva elegans, Roth Cat. 1. Conferva fastigiata, Roth Cat. 2, 224. Corifef\'iig\oh\\\osa, Roth Cat. 2, 233. Conferva moniliformis. Roth Cat. 2,236. Ceramium diaphanum, Roth Cat. 3, 154, Ceramium forficatum glabellum, De Cand. Ft. Fr. 2,46.

3m 29, Callith. 2.THALASSIOPHYTiE. PlcdLaph,<br />

IS. CaUiihamnion Roihii. Roth's pretty-weed.<br />

Thalhis forked, branched, tufted, upright, short; tuft<br />

close, scarlet ; brunches and twigs alternate ; joints about<br />

3 times as long as broad.<br />

Conferva phoeiiicia, R. Brown MSS. With Bot. 4, 165.<br />

Conferva Rothii, Turion's Sysi. Nat. 6,1806', Dillw. Conf.l3; Engl.<br />

Bot. 1702.<br />

Conferva vioL-icea, Roth Cat. 1, 190.<br />

Callithamiiion RoUiii, Lynghye Hydr. Dan. 129.<br />

Sea-shore.<br />

Tufts oblong, bright red, when dry crimson or purplish;<br />

ihallus about half an inch high; IruTiches below distant,<br />

above crowded.<br />

14. Callithamnion lanuginosum. Woolly pretty-weed.<br />

Thallus short, slender, mostly branched, light reddish;<br />

Iranches simple, upright, scattered, going out horizontally.<br />

Conferva lanuginosa, Dillw. Conf.<br />

Callithamnion lanuginosum, Lynghye Hydr. Dan. 131.<br />

On marine plants.<br />

Threads very minute, coming out horizontally from the<br />

base, simple or branched above.<br />

15. Calliih.Jioridulum. Smallfloivered pretty-iveed.<br />

Thallus short, slender, tufted, entangled, mostly branched,<br />

very light rose-red ; branches scattered, mostly simple,<br />

remote, placed towards the apex; joints about 3 times as<br />

long as broad.<br />

Conferva floridula, Dillw, Syn, 73.<br />

Roclis on the sea-shore.<br />

Threads very fine, about half an inch long; becomes dull<br />

reddish green when dry.<br />

16. Callilh. intcrruptum. Interrupted pretty-weed.<br />

Thallus branched, short, purplish; branches and twigs<br />

alternate ; joints dilated above, truncated, about four times<br />

as long as broad ; theco! lateral, elliptical, with a transverse<br />

separation, on short pedicells.<br />

*^ Conferva internipta, Engl. Bot. 1838.<br />

On marine plants.<br />

Thallus dull rose-red, about an inch high.<br />

17. Callith. pedicellaturru Pedicelled pretty-weed.<br />

Thallus much branched, forked, hairlike, red; twigs<br />

many-cut; joints slightly dilated above, 5 or 6 times as

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