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:324 29. Callith. g.THALASSIOPHYT^. Pl.cell.aph. Sea-coast; September, October. Thallus tufted, 1 or 2 inches long; joints of the stem to 6 times as long as broad, of the twigs only as long. 5. Callith. tetragoniim. Four-sided pretty-weed, Thallus much-branched, red; twigs bundled, short, spreading horizontally attenuated at bottom, pointed at the tip ; joints ovate-cylindrical, twice as long as broad. Conferva tetragona, Withering Bot. 4,405; Engl. But. 1690. Sea-shore, or parasitical on other sea-plants. Thallus tufted, 2 or 3 inches long; branches "i-sided, sides hollowed ; joints of the twigs about as long as broad theccp. globular. 6. Callithamnion tetricum. Dirty pretty-weed. Thallus several times pinnated, brown red, lurid ; segments and lobes alternate ; points rather curved ; joints about 3 times as long as broad ; theccR single, slightly pe- dicelled. Conferva tetrica, Dillwyn Conf. 81 ; Engl. Bot. 1915. Sea-shore, on stones and marine plants. Stems many, tufted, 6 or 8 inches high, alternatelj doubly pinnate ; twigs pinnate ; joints equal. 7. Callithamnion Hookeri. Hooker s pretty-weed. Thallus very much branched; stem thick, not visibly jointed, pale reddish- brown ; twigs crowded, short, pinnate ; lobes alternate, jointed ; joints rather longer than broad. Conferva Hookeri, Dillw. Conf. 106. Sea-shore. 8. Callithamnio7i floccosum. Flock prelty-weec Thallus branched, rose-colour ; branches alternately pin-^ nated ; segments opposite, pectinated, horizontally recurved] lobes pointing one way ; joints about 3 times as long ai broad. Conferva Turneri, Engl Bot. 1637. Conferva Plumula, Ellis Ph. Tr. 57, 425 ; Dillw. Conf. 50. Conferva floccosa, Fl. Dan. 828. Ceramiutn floccosum. Roth Cat. 2, 185. Ceramium Plumula, Jtgardh Syn. 62, Sea-shore ; May to July. Thecce sessile, globular, on the lobes.

Pl.celLaph. 2.THALASSIOPHYT^. 29.Callith. 325 9. Callilhamnion Turneri. Turner's pretty-weed. Thallus pinnated, rose-colour; lohes opposite, simple, or rather pinnate; joints '6 times as long as broad. Conferva Turneri, Dillw. Conf. 100. Ceramium Turneri, Rolh Cat. 3, 128. Sea-shore, on sea-plants. Thallus closely tufted, an inch high, upright, linear, lanceolate. 10. Callilhamnion repejis. Creeping pretty-weed. Thallus creeping, closely entangled, branched, minute, light rose-red; branches and twigs mostly pointing one way; knots slightly contracted; joints 3 times longer than broad. Conferva repen?, DUlw. Conf. 13; Engl. Bot. 1608. Ceramium repens, Agardh Syn. G3. Callithamnion repens, Lyngbije Hydr, Dan. 128. Sea-shore on shells and marine plants; Autumn. Ti/fts rather stiff, brownish red; stem creeping; branches upright, mosily divided ; twigs spreading. ^. tenellum. Thallus light rose-red, flaccid, very slender; branches simple. Conferva tenell.i, Dillw. Syn. 72. Callilhamnion repens tenellum, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 128. 11. Callithamnion phtmosum,. Feather pretty-weed, Thallus creeping, branched, minute, deep rose-colour; branches upright, below rather naked, above pinnated; segments opposite, close ; joints twice as long as broad. Conferva Pluma, DUlw. Syn. 72. Parasitic on larger marine plants. Thecce globose, mostly terminal. 12. Callilhamnion Daviesii. Davies's pretty-iveed. Thallus branched, tufted, upright, very minute, free, rose-red; branches and twigs alternate, scattered, pointed; joints 3 times as long as broad. Conferva Daviesii. Dillu:. Syn. 73; Engl. Bot. 2329. Callilhamnion Daviesii, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 129. Sea; on marine plants. Thallus rarely more than a quarter of an inch long, not entangled ; thecce placed in rows along the upper side of the twigs.

Pl.celLaph. 2.THALASSIOPHYT^. 29.Callith. 325<br />

9. Callilhamnion Turneri. Turner's pretty-weed.<br />

Thallus pinnated, rose-colour; lohes opposite, simple,<br />

or rather pinnate; joints '6 times as long as broad.<br />

Conferva Turneri, Dillw. Conf. 100.<br />

Ceramium Turneri, Rolh Cat. 3, 128.<br />

Sea-shore, on sea-plants.<br />

Thallus closely tufted, an inch high, upright, linear,<br />

lanceolate.<br />

10. Callilhamnion repejis. Creeping pretty-weed.<br />

Thallus creeping, closely entangled, branched, minute,<br />

light rose-red; branches and twigs mostly pointing one<br />

way; knots slightly contracted; joints 3 times longer than<br />

broad.<br />

Conferva repen?, DUlw. Conf. 13; Engl. Bot. 1608.<br />

Ceramium repens, Agardh Syn. G3.<br />

Callithamnion repens, Lyngbije Hydr, Dan. 128.<br />

Sea-shore on shells and marine plants; Autumn.<br />

Ti/fts rather stiff, brownish red; stem creeping; branches<br />

upright, mosily divided ; twigs spreading.<br />

^. tenellum. Thallus light rose-red, flaccid, very slender;<br />

branches simple.<br />

Conferva tenell.i, Dillw. Syn. 72.<br />

Callilhamnion repens tenellum, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 128.<br />

11. Callithamnion phtmosum,. Feather pretty-weed,<br />

Thallus creeping, branched, minute, deep rose-colour;<br />

branches upright, below rather naked, above pinnated;<br />

segments opposite, close ; joints twice as long as broad.<br />

Conferva Pluma, DUlw. Syn. 72.<br />

Parasitic on larger marine plants.<br />

Thecce globose, mostly terminal.<br />

12. Callilhamnion Daviesii. Davies's pretty-iveed.<br />

Thallus branched, tufted, upright, very minute, free,<br />

rose-red; branches and twigs alternate, scattered, pointed;<br />

joints 3 times as long as broad.<br />

Conferva Daviesii. Dillu:. Syn. 73; Engl. Bot. 2329.<br />

Callilhamnion Daviesii, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 129.<br />

Sea; on marine plants.<br />

Thallus rarely more than a quarter of an inch long, not<br />

entangled ; thecce placed in rows along the upper side of<br />

the twigs.

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