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Plcell.aph. 1. HYDROPHYTiE. 21. Chaetoph. 301<br />

H. CoNFERVOiDE.^. Tfiallus cylindrical, threadlikej<br />

tubular, jointed, simple or branched, uniform or biform ?<br />

joints pellucid; sporcB granular, green, scattered in the<br />

joints; fruit external, but the granules often grow in the<br />

joints themselves.<br />

XXI. 21. CH^TOPHORA. Schrank. Chatophore.<br />

Mass threadlike, branched ; threads springing from the<br />

axis, jointed, branched, growing slenderer, and ending in<br />

a long transparent hair extended beyond the surface of the<br />

mass granules in the joints, sometimes growing while still<br />

;<br />

in the mass.— Reddish.<br />

Chcetophora rubra. Red chcstophore.<br />

Mass cylindrical, threadlike,<br />

jointed, red.<br />

forked ; threads branched;,<br />

Ulva rubra, Hudson Fl Jngl. 571 ; Engl Bot. 1627.<br />

Rivularia miiltifida, Weber and Mohr, lieise, 3, 193.<br />

Chaetophora rubra, Agardh Disp. ed. 1,42.<br />

Chordaria muUifida, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 51.<br />

Rocks on the sea-shore ; annual ; August and September.<br />

Mass crowded, 3 to 6 inches<br />

tip of the branches rather blunt.<br />

long, from a callous base?<br />

XXII. 22. LEATHESIA. Leathes.<br />

Mass globular, leatherlike, gelatinous, brownish ; threads<br />

branched, jointed, springing from a common basis; branches<br />

clubshape, blunt; spores scattered in the swollen joints.<br />

Marine.<br />

Leathesia tuheriformis. Tuberous leathes^<br />

Mass globular, rather leatherlike, hollow ; outer surface<br />

smooth, brown; threads very close, forked, branched"<br />

tranches level at the top ; tips clubshaped.<br />

Tremella difformis, Lin. Sp. PI. 1626.<br />

Rivularia tuheriformis, Engl. Bot. 1956.<br />

Nostoc marinum, Agnrdh Disp. ed. 1,45.<br />

Chaetophora marina, Lyngbye Hydr. Dan. 193.<br />

On marine plants ; annual; summer.<br />

XXIII. 23. MYRIODACTYLON. DesVaux.<br />

Myriodactyle^<br />

Mass elongated or globular, gelatinous, light green<br />

threads branched, jointed, springing from a common basis ;<br />

Iranches growing finer and ending in a long, hyaline fila*<br />

znent ; knots pellucid.

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