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ms 8. Lemania. 1. HYDROPHYTE. Pl.cell.aph, C Lemanide^. Thallus tubular, cylindrical, not jointed, torulose, inflated at intervals, cartilaginous, membranaceous, regularly cellular; sporidia in branched, beaded filaments in pencilshaped tufts, scattered on the inner surface of the tube, afterwards free and filling the tube. VIII. 8. LEMANIA. St. Vincent, Leman. Thallus simple or branched, olive green, papillose on the outside; sporidia elliptical.—Fresh-water. 1. Lemania fluviaiilis. River leman. Threads olive-colour; internodes cylindrical, 5 times as long as broad; papillae mostly 3 together; branches and second branches narrower at both ends. Conferva fluviatilis lubiica setosa equiseti facie, Dillen Muse. 7, 47. Conferva fluviatilis, Lin. S. P. 1635; Engl. Bot. 1763. Polj'spermiim fluviatilis, Voucher, 99. Chantransia fluviatilis, De CandoUe Fl. Gall. 2, 50. Lemania corallina, Bory in Bert. Mag. 1809, 277. Nodularis, Link in Schrad. Journ. 1809, 9. Lemania fluviatilis, Jgardh Syn. 70. Nodularia fluviatilis, Lynghye Hydr. Dan. 99. On stones in rapid rivers; summer. Holdfasts callous, blackish ; threads numerous, simple or branched, 6 inches long, each knot is composed of 2 or 3 papillae, brittle when dry. 2. Lemania torulosa. Swollen leman. Threads mostly simple, narrower at bottom, generally thicker at top, olive-colour; i?iternode about 3 times as long as broad. Conferva fluviatilis nodosa, fucum Eemulans, Dillen Muse. 39. Conferva torulosa, Mohr in Schrad, Journ. 1801, 324. Conferva fluviatilis /S, Engl. Bot. 1763. ** Lemania torulosa, jigardh Disp, 28. In mountain-streams.—A doubtful species. D. Vaucheride^. Thallus threadlike, tubular, not jointed, mostly branched, cartilaginous, membranaceous, regularly cellular; branches vesicnlax^ clubshape or linear; sporidia globose, scattered in the tubes of the thallus, or in the branches or ends of the thallus. IX. 9. BRYOPSIS. Lamouroux. Moss-weed. Thallus pinnate, tubular, not jointed, membranaceous, gelatinous, cellular ; branches linear ; sporidia globose, green, scattered in the stem and branches.—Marine. %

Pl.cellaphyl 1. HYDROPHYTE. 9. Bryopsls. £8ft? D Bryopsis arhuscula. Shruhlike moss-weed. L TliaUus rather compressed, bright green, branched | branches naked at bottom, pinnate at top; lobes numerousj ,, long, parallel, linear, opposite. Ulva plumosa, Hudson Fl. /tngl. 671 ; Engl. Bot. 2375. Bryo|)sis arhuscula, Lnmoiir. Journ. Bot. Fuciis arbusculus, Dc Cand, Ft. Fr. 2,35. 1809,134. , On stones and rocks on the coast. Thallus 2 inches long; sporidia clustering towards thfrr z circumference leaving the centre pellucid. X. 10. VAUCHERIA. De Candolle. Vaucher. -. Thallus threadlike, tubular, mostly branched above, not*, z jointed, rather stiffj mostly cut, angled ; membrane of the - threads hyaline ; sporidia green, minute, globose, scattered ii in the tube ; side-branches vesicular, single or aggregate^ ,, elongating into new individuals, or barren incurved. a. Vesicles single. 1. Vaucheria dichoioma. Twoforked vaiicher

Pl.cellaphyl 1. HYDROPHYTE. 9. Bryopsls. £8ft? D<br />

Bryopsis arhuscula. Shruhlike moss-weed. L<br />

TliaUus rather compressed, bright green, branched |<br />

branches naked at bottom, pinnate at top; lobes numerousj ,,<br />

long, parallel, linear, opposite.<br />

Ulva plumosa, Hudson Fl. /tngl. 671 ; Engl. Bot. 2375.<br />

Bryo|)sis arhuscula, Lnmoiir. Journ. Bot.<br />

Fuciis arbusculus, Dc Cand, Ft. Fr. 2,35.<br />

1809,134. ,<br />

On stones and rocks on the coast.<br />

Thallus 2 inches long; sporidia clustering towards thfrr z<br />

circumference leaving the centre pellucid.<br />

X. 10. VAUCHERIA. De Candolle. Vaucher. -.<br />

Thallus threadlike, tubular, mostly branched above, not*, z<br />

jointed, rather stiffj mostly cut, angled ; membrane of the -<br />

threads hyaline ; sporidia green, minute, globose, scattered ii<br />

in the tube ; side-branches vesicular, single or aggregate^ ,,<br />

elongating into new individuals, or barren incurved.<br />

a. Vesicles single.<br />

1. Vaucheria dichoioma. Twoforked vaiicher

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