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ms 8. Lemania. 1. HYDROPHYTE. Pl.cell.aph,<br />

C Lemanide^. Thallus tubular, cylindrical, not<br />

jointed, torulose, inflated at intervals, cartilaginous, membranaceous,<br />

regularly cellular; sporidia in branched, beaded<br />

filaments in pencilshaped tufts, scattered on the inner surface<br />

of the tube, afterwards free and filling the tube.<br />

VIII. 8. LEMANIA. B.de St. Vincent, Leman.<br />

Thallus simple or branched, olive green, papillose on the<br />

outside; sporidia elliptical.—Fresh-water.<br />

1. Lemania fluviaiilis. River leman.<br />

Threads olive-colour; internodes cylindrical, 5 times as<br />

long as broad; papillae mostly 3 together; branches and<br />

second branches narrower at both ends.<br />

Conferva fluviatilis lubiica setosa equiseti facie, Dillen Muse. 7, 47.<br />

Conferva fluviatilis, Lin. S. P. 1635; Engl. Bot. 1763.<br />

Polj'spermiim fluviatilis, Voucher, 99.<br />

Chantransia fluviatilis, De CandoUe Fl. Gall. 2, 50.<br />

Lemania corallina, Bory in Bert. Mag. 1809, 277.<br />

Nodularis, Link in Schrad. Journ. 1809, 9.<br />

Lemania fluviatilis, Jgardh Syn. 70.<br />

Nodularia fluviatilis, Lynghye Hydr. Dan. 99.<br />

On stones in rapid rivers; summer.<br />

Holdfasts callous, blackish ; threads numerous, simple<br />

or branched, 6 inches long, each knot is composed of 2 or<br />

3 papillae, brittle when dry.<br />

2. Lemania torulosa. Swollen leman.<br />

Threads mostly simple, narrower at bottom, generally<br />

thicker at top, olive-colour; i?iternode about 3 times as long<br />

as broad.<br />

Conferva fluviatilis nodosa, fucum Eemulans, Dillen Muse. 39.<br />

Conferva torulosa, Mohr in Schrad, Journ. 1801, 324.<br />

Conferva fluviatilis /S, Engl. Bot. 1763.<br />

**<br />

Lemania torulosa, jigardh Disp, 28.<br />

In mountain-streams.—A doubtful species.<br />

D. Vaucheride^. Thallus threadlike, tubular, not<br />

jointed, mostly branched, cartilaginous, membranaceous,<br />

regularly cellular; branches vesicnlax^ clubshape or linear;<br />

sporidia globose, scattered in the tubes of the thallus, or<br />

in the branches or ends of the thallus.<br />

IX. 9. BRYOPSIS. Lamouroux. Moss-weed.<br />

Thallus pinnate, tubular, not jointed, membranaceous,<br />

gelatinous, cellular ; branches linear ; sporidia globose,<br />

green, scattered in the stem and branches.—Marine.<br />


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