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580 l.Vagiiiaiia. 1. HYDROPHYTE. Plcell.aph.<br />

A. OsciLLATORiDE-E. TJiallus Cylindrical, tubular,<br />

jointless, membranaceous, gelatinous, or rather leatherlike,<br />

mostly unbranched ; sporidia ringlike, often becoming globular,<br />

in a single, parallel, transverse series within the<br />

tube, so that the tube appears annulated, with a pellucid<br />

border and interstices.<br />

'<br />

Gen. I. 1. VA GINARIA. Sheath-moss.<br />

Threads simple, gelatinous, parallel, decumbent, enclosed<br />

several together in a slippery membranaceous sheath ; ends<br />

exserted, radiating, oscillating— Green.<br />

Vaginaria vulgaris. Common sheath- moss.<br />

Sheath simple or branched, glaucous green, slippery:<br />

threads equal, rings weak.<br />

Oscillatoria vas;inata, Vaucfier, 202.<br />

Conferva vaginata, DiUwyn Syn. 40; Engl. Bot. 1995.<br />

Oscillatoria autuinnalis vaginata, j4gardli Syn. 107.<br />

Oscillatoria clUhonoplastes ;S, Lynghye Hydr. Dan. 92.<br />

Damp gravel-walks, garden-pots.<br />

Tvft blackish or bluish green ; sheath twining, attenuated;<br />

when cut or pressed, it divides into smaller plants of<br />

the same kind, these interior plants being thrust out at the<br />

end or bursten sides gives it a branched appearance ;<br />

grows very quickly.—Another species of this genus grows<br />

at the bottom of the sea, where, by fixing the sand, it favours<br />

the deposition of mud.<br />

II. 2. OSCILLATORIA, Vaucher. Quick-moss,<br />

Threads simple, membranaceous, gelatinous, straight,<br />

decumbent on a gelatinous, slimy bed ; oscillating. Plant..<br />

aquatic.<br />

1 . Oscillatoria limosa. Mud quick- fnoss.<br />

Bed blackish green, slipper}', very compact ; threads ra-<br />

diating, very long, stiff, straight, bluish green.<br />

Conferva limosa, Roih Catal. 3, 197.<br />

Conferva fontinalis, DiUwyn, HA, partly.<br />

Oscillatoria Adansonia, Vauch. 194.<br />

Oscillatoria liraosa, Agardh Dinp. Alg. 33.<br />

Bottom of Still waters; becoming free in the spring.<br />

Threads entangled; radii an inch long, blunt, oscillate<br />

very lively ; rings very close.

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