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Thallus solid, fleshy; covering<br />

membranaceous: sporidia scattered<br />

within the substance SARCOTHECE^. 10.<br />

Thallus cellular, fleshy ; sporidia<br />

in oblong thccae<br />

naceous covering<br />

on the membra-<br />

HYMENOTHECEiE. 11.<br />

Thallus fleshy ; sporidia in longitudinal<br />

thecse<br />

covering<br />

on the deliquescent<br />

LYTOTHECE^. 12.<br />

Fam.I. 1. HYDROPHYTyE. Algarum pars.lAnn^&xxs<br />

and Jussieu.<br />

Thallus tubular, membranaceous, leatherlike or gelatinous,<br />

continuous or jointed; tubes filled with sporidia;<br />

sporidia globose or elliptical ; plant aquatic, rarely marine.<br />

A. Thallus not jointed ; sporidia transverse^ in a single<br />

longitudi?ial row, ivithin the tuhe. Oscillatorideae.<br />

Threads gelatinous, simple, several together<br />

enclosed in a cylindrical sheath . . . Vaginaria. 1.<br />

Threads gelatinous, simple, decumbent,<br />

upon a gelatinous stratum Oscillatoria. 2.<br />

Threads gelatinous, simple, decumbent,<br />

free, tranquil Humida. 4.<br />

Threads gelatinous, tufted, upright,<br />

free, tranquil Elisa. 4.<br />

Threads gelatinous, upright from a<br />

common centre, forming a mass Rivularia. 5.<br />

Threads leatherlike, free Scytonema. 6.<br />

B. Thallus not jointed ; sporidia in many transverse annular<br />

series. Banidece.<br />

Sporidia globular Girardia. 7.<br />

C. Thallus not jointed ; sporidia in tufts, on the- inside of<br />

the title. Lemanideae.<br />

Threads torulose; sporidia elliptical Lemania. 8.<br />

D. Thallus not jointed ; sporidia scattered in the tuhe and<br />

branches. Vaucherideae.<br />

Thallus pinnate; branches linear Bryopsis. 9.

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