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"266 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE THE NINETEENTH. Filices and Lycopodiacece. Fig. 1. Lycopodium. Lycopodiacece. Part of a branch magnified; leaves oblong, linear, much compressed, tworowed ; stipules single, lanceolate, one-sided, tiledlike. a. Capsular conceptacles, with bractese. b. Another kind of capsular conceptacles, with bracteas. Fig. 2. The second kind of conceptacle, much magnified three-lobed, two-valved, three-seeded. Fig. 3. A seminule taken out of these conceptacles, and much magnified. Fig. 4>. The same opened. a. The lorica. b. The kernel. Fig. 5. The first kind of conceptacles much magnified kidneyshape, two-valved, many-seeded. a. The seminules. b. The same, very much magnified, to show they are angular. Fig. 6. Bernhardia dichotoma. Lycopodiacece. A capsular conceptacle magnified, three-lobed, three-valved, partitions median. Fig. 7. A branch of the same plant magnified. a. Capsular conceptacles, with two bractese. Fig. 8. a. Seminules magnified. b. The same, very much magnified, to show they are angular. Fig. 9. Tmesepteris Tannensis.* Lycopodiacece. Conceptacle magnified, capsular, opening, 2-valved, 2-celled ; one of the two leaves between which it was placed. with Fig. 10. Lycopodium umbrosum. Lycopodiacece. Conceptacle magnified, capsular, kidneyshape, 2-valved, manyseeded. a. Seminules. Fig. 11. The same very much magnified to show that they are angular, and collected together by threes or fours into globules. Fig. 12. Equisetum palustre. Equisetacece. Spike mag- nified, with the terminal anient. a. Involucra. b. Conceptacles attached to the under side of the invo- lucra. Fig. 13. A seed? of the same much magnified, with the hygrometrical threads.

JFULttCES & Xrr'CcD)F©]II)IEA.C]E^ . j:,;„hnJ;Mish,d hvS,,/d>vin.O-adccJc JtJov. Jhter^.^n,,- Ji. •„ yol.'7{'J,':^I. jPaqe?66.

JFULttCES & Xrr'CcD)F©]II)IEA.C]E^ .<br />

j:,;„hnJ;Mish,d hvS,,/d>vin.O-adccJc JtJov. Jhter^.^n,,- Ji. •„ yol.'7{'J,':^I.<br />


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