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^late XFI. FJRTCnTS, london.FuU^lad bySaUw!n,/raAxk AJfy.IitM-nMt^Ktn^-.jVai-a-'^S^-'J- Paffe259.

EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 259 PLATE THE SIXTEENTH. Fruits. Fig' I- Cassia Fistula. Leguminosce. Tip of the legume, partly opened; legume phragmated, many-celled; cells one-seeded ; placentarium unilateral ; umbilical cord threadlike; seeds ovoid, compressed. Fig. 2. Genista candicans. Leguminoscs. Cod, or legume, opened ; legume deeply scrobiculate, nearly celled ; umbilical cords short, from the convex suture, seeds affixed alternately to each valve. Fig. 3. Seed of the same magnified; hile or umbilicus prominent. Fig. 4. The same, with the hile facing the spectator, hile crescentlike, surrounded by a glandular prominent edge. Fig. 5. The kernel of the same magnified; seed perispermed; embryo bent, cotyledons ovate; radicle bent, centrifugal. Fig. 6. Scorpiurus sulcata. LegummoscE. Legume jointed^ nodose, furrowed, spiral. Fig. 7. Astragalus uliginosus. Leguminosce. Legume cut transversely, two-celled ; marginal. partition longitudinal, valvean, Fig. 8. Cardamine Graeca. Cruciferce. Siliqua, or pod, when dehiscent. Valves flat, ribless, flown back and roiled up spirally ; partition very narrow, thin ; seeds four in each cell ; umbilical cord fixed alternately to each edge of the partition. Fig. 9. Sinapis alba. Cruciferce. Siliqua hispid, two- celled, two-valved; valves marked with three hispid ribs lengthways; upper joint valveless, sometimes containing one imperfect seed, or partition produced far beyond the valves into a swordshape beak. Fig. 10. Embryo of the same, magnified : cotyledons rounded, nearly leaflike, the outer involving the interior radicle lying in the furrow of the folding, centrifugal. Fig. 11. Raphanistrum vulgare, Cruciferce. Part of the siliqua; valveless, many-celled, jointed, becoming necklaceshape; cells boney, separate, in a longitudinal series, perforated at each end for the passage of the two umbilical cords, which enter all of them, each cord bearing a seed in the alternate cells; seeds one in a cell. Fig. 12. Boney cell of the same cut transversely. s 2



Fruits.<br />

Fig' I- Cassia Fistula. Leguminosce. Tip of the legume,<br />

partly opened; legume phragmated, many-celled; cells<br />

one-seeded ; placentarium unilateral ; umbilical cord threadlike;<br />

seeds ovoid, compressed.<br />

Fig. 2. Genista candicans. Leguminoscs. Cod, or legume,<br />

opened ; legume deeply scrobiculate, nearly celled ;<br />

umbilical cords short, from the convex suture, seeds affixed<br />

alternately to each valve.<br />

Fig. 3. Seed of the same magnified; hile or umbilicus<br />

prominent.<br />

Fig. 4. The same, with the hile facing the spectator, hile<br />

crescentlike, surrounded by a glandular prominent edge.<br />

Fig. 5. The kernel of the same magnified; seed perispermed;<br />

embryo bent, cotyledons ovate; radicle bent,<br />

centrifugal.<br />

Fig. 6. Scorpiurus sulcata. LegummoscE. Legume<br />

jointed^ nodose, furrowed, spiral.<br />

Fig. 7. Astragalus uliginosus. Leguminosce. Legume<br />

cut transversely, two-celled ;<br />

marginal.<br />

partition longitudinal, valvean,<br />

Fig. 8. Cardamine Graeca. Cruciferce. Siliqua, or pod,<br />

when dehiscent. Valves flat, ribless, flown back and roiled<br />

up spirally ; partition very narrow, thin ; seeds four in each<br />

cell ; umbilical cord fixed alternately to each edge of the<br />

partition.<br />

Fig. 9. Sinapis alba. Cruciferce. Siliqua hispid, two-<br />

celled, two-valved; valves marked with three hispid ribs<br />

lengthways; upper joint valveless, sometimes containing<br />

one imperfect seed, or partition produced far beyond the<br />

valves into a swordshape beak.<br />

Fig. 10. Embryo of the same, magnified : cotyledons<br />

rounded, nearly leaflike, the outer involving the interior<br />

radicle lying in the furrow of the folding, centrifugal.<br />

Fig. 11. Raphanistrum vulgare, Cruciferce. Part of<br />

the siliqua; valveless, many-celled, jointed, becoming necklaceshape;<br />

cells boney, separate, in a longitudinal series,<br />

perforated at each end for the passage of the two umbilical<br />

cords, which enter all of them, each cord bearing a seed<br />

in the alternate cells; seeds one in a cell.<br />

Fig. 12. Boney cell of the same cut transversely.<br />

s 2

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