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Parts of the Flowers, especially the Sexual Organs.<br />

Fig. 1. Crambe Tatarica. Cruciferce. A flower from<br />

which the integuments have been pulled off, magnified.<br />

a. Ovary.<br />

I. Stigma sessile.<br />

c. Stamens four, tetradynamous; filaments of the four<br />

longest stamens two-forked at top.<br />

d. Nectaries, two.<br />

Fig. 2. The entire flower of the same, of its natural size<br />

calyx 4-sepaled, rather open ; corolla i-petaled ; tetradynamous.<br />

Fig. 3. Reseda Phyteuma. ResedatecB. Petal irregular,<br />

iagged, magnified.<br />

Fig. 4. Gypsophila fastigiata. CaryophyllecB. Flower<br />

magnified and cut longitudinally to show the insertion of<br />

the petals and stamens on the gynophore.<br />

a. Calyx.<br />

h. Corolla.<br />

c. Stamens.<br />

d. Ovary.<br />

e. Gynophore.<br />

Fig. 5. Silene bupleurifolia. Caryophyllece. A flower with<br />

the tubular, 5-toothed calyx slit down, and pulled back<br />

that the insertion of the petals may be seen ; petals 5,<br />

clawed, also having the limb pulled back to show the filaments.<br />

a. Gynophore from whence grow the petals, stamens,<br />

and pistill.<br />

h. Petals, the limb two-cut, with a claw appendiculated<br />

to their tips.<br />

c. Stamens ten, five opposite and five alternate.<br />

d. Ovary with three styles.<br />

e. Calyx slit down.<br />

Fig. 6. Ranunculus bulbosus. Ranunculacecc, A vertical<br />

section of the flower to show the insertions of the different<br />

parts.<br />

a. Calyx.<br />

h. Corolla.<br />

c. Nectariferous gland scalelike at the claw of each petal.<br />

d. Stamens indefinite, hypogynous.<br />

e. Ovary.<br />

f. Gynophore.<br />


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