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Appendices, Appendicula. Small accessory parts of<br />

plants added to other organs. The following have had<br />

special names given to them.<br />

51 Wing, Ala. A membranous or leaflike appendage.<br />

Ear, Auricula. A short, roundish appendage, placed on<br />

the side of any part.<br />

Tail, Cauda, — ura. A long, soft, flexible appendage,<br />

placed at the end of any part, like the tail of an animal.<br />

Wart, Verruca. A small, roundish protuberance, rather<br />

soft and compact.<br />

Nipple, Papilla. A small, long, soft, compact protuberance.<br />

Papule, Papula. A roundish, soft protuberance, containing<br />

a fluid.<br />

Lens, Lenticula. A roundish or oblong spot on the<br />

smooth bark of young trees.<br />

Pit, Fovea. A slight depression.<br />

^ Fleeciness, Villosity, Villus. Numerous soft hairs»<br />

placed close together.<br />

Down, Pules. Soft hairs, not very close to one another*<br />

Rough coat, Hirsuties. Numerous long hairs.<br />

Wool, Wooliness, Lana, Lanugo, — erion. Long, soft<br />

hairs, much interwoven together.<br />

Cotton, Tomentum. Long, crisp hairs, much interwoven.<br />

Velvet, Velumen. Very close, soft, short, even-topped<br />

hairs.<br />

Fringe, Cilium. Rather stiff hairs, placed on the edge<br />

of any part.<br />

Beard, Barha, — pogon. Hairs disposed in a tuft, or in<br />

any regular order.<br />

Awn, Arista, — athera. A stiff hair, or threadlike point<br />

inserted at the end, or on the back of any part, and not<br />

arising from the lengthening out of any rib.<br />

Bristle, Seta, — chceia. A stiff hair, usually attached to<br />

the end of any part, and appearing to be the prolongation<br />

of a rib.<br />

Crine, Crinus. Stiff hair, like that of horses' tails, growing<br />

on any part.<br />

Apicule, Apiculus. A hair, or hairlike point, not very<br />

stiff, but acute and short, placed at the end of any part.<br />

Cusp, Cuspis. A long, needlike, rather stiff termination<br />

of any part.

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