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^20 introduction to botany.<br />

Collar.<br />

Collum, Coarctura, Limes communis, Fundus plants,<br />

Nodus vitalis. The plane interceding hetween the plumule<br />

and the radicle, which afterwards becomes that hetween the<br />

root and the stem; or the place where the Jihres commence on<br />

the one hand to rise up, and on the other hand to descend.<br />

Ascending, Collum ascendens. Rising out of the ground<br />

in germination, along with the plumule and cotyledons.<br />

Abies, Mirabilis Jalapa, Avicennia.<br />

Descending, descendens. Burying itself deeper in the<br />

ground, during germination, along with the radicle. Damasonium<br />

Dalechampii.<br />

As it is most frequently impossible to distinguish the<br />

collar while in the seed, from the radicle, it is usually comprehended<br />

under that name.<br />

Plantule.<br />

Plan tula. The embryo when in a state of germination.<br />

Acrospire, Acrospira. The plumule when it first bursts<br />

out of the seed covers.<br />

Seed leaves, Folia seminalia. The cotyledons when expanded<br />

by germination, and rising out of the ground.<br />

Such are the different varieties of form to be found in<br />

plants, taken m general; but a few tribes of them, such as<br />

terns, mosses, lichens, algse or marine plants, and mushrooms,<br />

differ so much in their structure, especially in the<br />

organs destined for reproduction, that they require peculiar<br />

terms to describe their parts.<br />


Cormus, Anabasis, Frojis. Every part of an agamous or<br />

cryptogamous plant, except the roots or holdfasts, and the<br />

organs of reproduction.<br />

Sporangium, Perisporium. The part that immediately<br />

contains the seeds or sporae, analogous to the fruit of phanerogamous<br />

plants.<br />

Spore, Spora, Sporata, Gongylus, Besimen. The reproductive<br />

corpuscles of agamous plants, analogous to the seed<br />

ot sexual plants

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