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218 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Drawn in, retracia. Hidden by the cotyledons wliick are prolonged below their insertion on the blasteme. Acanthus, Quercus, Cory] us. % Slendei', gracilis. Cheiranthus fruticulosus. Conical, conica. In form of a reverse cone. Faba, Labiatae, Cucurbitacese. Roundish, subrotunda. Nearly globular. Visc-um album, Berberis, Cassia Fistula. Eggshape, ovoidea. ' Ribes, Castanea vesca, Glaucinm luteum. Clubshape, clavceformis. Rhizophora. Flatted, depressa. Flattened as from top to bottom. JEgle Marmelos, Thea. Pointed, acuta. Faba major. Blunt, obtusa. Cassia Fistula. Short, hrevis. Shorter than the cotyledons. Cassia Fistula. Long, longa. Symploca. Longer than the cotyledons. Abies, Pin as, ^ Straight, reclilinea, recta. In the same direction as the axis of the cotyledons. Abietideae, Compositae. Bent back, recurvata. Bent, so that it becomes nearer to the hile. Genista Hispanica. Bent backwards, regressa. Bent, but with the tip pointing from the hile. Cornucopiae cucullatum. Opposite, adversa, obversa, umbilicum spectans. Turned towards the hile. Directly opposed, directe adversa. The point of the radicle turned towards the hile. Fraxinus, Composites, Umbelliferae, Genista. Opposed sideways, lateraliler adversa. Radicle turning its side to the hile. Rosacea, Ricinus. Inverted, i?iversa, aversa. Turned diametrically opposite to the hile. Polygonum scandens. Acanthus, Ceratophyllum cornutum. Lateral, lateralis. Turned towards -some other point than the tip or bottom of the seed. Commelina. Superficial, superjidalis. The seed having a perisperm, the radicle spread on the surface of the kernel. Phcenix dactylifera, Commelina. . 51 High, alia., supera. Turned towards the summit of the fruit. Borragineae, Prunus, Amygdalus, Ricinus, Abietideae. Low, demissa. Turned towards the base of the fruit. Galium, Polemonium, Plantago stricta.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 21 9> Centrifugal, centnfiiga. Directed horisontally to the side of the fruit. Ribes, Cucurbitace^e. Centripetal, centripeta. Directed towards the centre of the fruit. OEnothera, Citrus. COLEORHIZE. Appendage to the radicle. . Coleorhiza. A fleshy sac enclosing the radicle; like a sheath. Gramineae, Cycas^^ Nj'mphaea, Saururus, Piper. VlTELLUS. I A7iif part adhering to the emhryo, ivliich is neither cotyledon, nor plumule, nor radicle, not extending heyond the seed, and withering during germination. bacillus. A fleshy part growing in the seed of hyacinthus instead of the cotyledon, from which it does not seem to diiTer. Blastus. That part of an embryo with a large radicle that enlarges during germination. Blaslophore. That part that supports the blastus. This is usually the vitellus of Gsertner. Epihlastus. An anterior appendage to the blastus of some gramineoe. Rhiziophysis. Appendages prolonged beyond the extremities of the radicles. Nenuphar. TiaELLE. Tigella. That part of the plumule ivhich lies between the collar and the gemmule. Visible, Tigella visibilis. Apparent before germination, Trophseolura, Faba, Nelumbo, Damasonium Dalechampii. Inconspicuous, invisibilis. Scarcely developed before the seed germinates. Allium, Pinus. Gemmule. Gemmula. The small bud that is at the end of the tigelle. Sessile, Gemmula sessilis. The tigelle being inconspicuous, the gemmule appears as if seated on the collar without any tigelle. Calla iEthiopica. Pileolated, pileolata. Hidden under a pileole. Gua- jnineee, Scirpus.


TO BOTANY. 21 9><br />

Centrifugal, centnfiiga. Directed horisontally to the<br />

side of the fruit. Ribes, Cucurbitace^e.<br />

Centripetal, centripeta. Directed towards the centre of<br />

the fruit. OEnothera, Citrus.<br />


Appendage to the radicle. .<br />

Coleorhiza.<br />

A fleshy sac<br />

enclosing the radicle; like a sheath. Gramineae, Cycas^^<br />

Nj'mphaea, Saururus, Piper.<br />

VlTELLUS.<br />

I<br />

A7iif part adhering to the emhryo, ivliich is neither cotyledon,<br />

nor plumule, nor radicle, not extending heyond the seed,<br />

and withering during germination.<br />

bacillus. A fleshy part growing in the seed of hyacinthus<br />

instead of the cotyledon, from which it does not seem<br />

to diiTer.<br />

Blastus. That part of an embryo with a large radicle<br />

that enlarges during germination.<br />

Blaslophore. That part that supports the blastus. This<br />

is usually the vitellus of Gsertner.<br />

Epihlastus. An anterior appendage to the blastus of<br />

some gramineoe.<br />

Rhiziophysis. Appendages prolonged beyond the extremities<br />

of the radicles. Nenuphar.<br />

TiaELLE.<br />

Tigella. That part of the plumule ivhich lies between<br />

the collar and the gemmule.<br />

Visible, Tigella visibilis. Apparent before germination,<br />

Trophseolura, Faba, Nelumbo, Damasonium Dalechampii.<br />

Inconspicuous, invisibilis. Scarcely developed before the<br />

seed germinates. Allium, Pinus.<br />

Gemmule.<br />

Gemmula. The small bud that is at the end of the<br />

tigelle.<br />

Sessile, Gemmula sessilis. The tigelle being inconspicuous,<br />

the gemmule appears as if seated on the collar without<br />

any tigelle. Calla iEthiopica.<br />

Pileolated, pileolata. Hidden under a pileole. Gua-<br />

jnineee, Scirpus.

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