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214 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. ^ 'La.Y'ye, magjice. Relatively to the radicle. AmygdaluSy Faba, Quercus, Castanea vesca. Middlesize, mediocres. Polygonum, Galium, Pisius, Small, parvce. Orontium majus, Polemonium. 'Mevy &maW, parvidcE. Rhododendron. Long, longce. Salsola. Short, breves. Hopea. Shortened, abbreviates. Short, but broad. Broad, /a^tc. In respect to their length. Avicennia. Narrow, angusfo'. Salsola, Hieracium, Pinus. Thick, crassce. iEsculus, Amygdalus, Phaseokis, Quercus, Castanea vesca. 51 Side, laterales. On one side of the blasteme, which position is peculiar to the one-cotyledon embryos. Gramineae. Opposite- oppositcs. Placed at the same height on the blasteme, but diametrically opposite, as in two-cotyledon embryos. Phaseolus, Faba, Pisum. In whirls, verticiltatce. Many, and placed round the blasteme at the same height. Pinus, Abies, Larix, Ceratophyllum. Contiguous, conligU(S. Their internal faces closely applied to each other.. Most two-cotjdedon plants, Rosaceffi^ LiCguminosas. Incumbent, incumbenles. Contiguous and lying upon one another, the one towards the summit of the seed, the other towards the hile. Hesperis, Smyrnium. Accumbent, accumbenies. Contiguous, and lying side by side. Nasturtium, Cardamine. Wide apart, dlvergentcs. Separating from one another by their tips. De]i)hinlum puniceum, Myristica. Turned back, reflcxce. Bent, and turning their tip to the tip of the radicle, Nyctagyne^e, Dorstenia ; and that cither by their faces, a fadebus, Mirabilis Jalapa; or by their side, a laleribus, Genista Hispanica, Cheiranthus, Helianthemum. Rolled lengthways, circhiatce. Forming a spiral by their iip being rolled inwards to the bottom. Basella, Anabasis, Rolled sideways, convuLiitce. Forming a spiral by one of their sides being rolled inwards. Punica Granatum., PI. 15, %. I9-_ \ Riding, sa invlcem equ'Uaiites, obvoluico, opposite. The half of one cotyledon folded sideways receives into the fold the half of the ether folded in a similar manner. Coldenia procumbens.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 215 Folded together, condupUcatoi. Applied close to one another, and folded togther. Avicenna. Folded up, fdicatce. In regula.r folds like those of a fan. Fagus sylvatica. Rumpled, con^ortuplicatce, corrugatce. Folded irregularly, in different directions, like a rumpled stuff. Convolvulus, Malva, Gossypium. Joined together, coalitce. United after the seed ripened, and forming only a single mass. Tropseolum. Pierced, pertuscp-. Pierced with large holes. Menispermum fenestratum. % Rounded, orliculares, suhrolundcc. More or less rounded. Acanthaceae, Hura crepitans. Oval, ovules. Resembling the longitudinal section of an ecTff, one end bein^ rounder than the other. Cheiranthus • 'All • Cheu'i, Amygdalus communis. Elliptic, ellipticce. One third longer than broad, edge rounded, the two- ends equal. Quercus longasva. Kidneyshape, reniformes. Anacardium orientale. Heartshape, cordiformes, Ixora, Coffsea, Phyllis Nobla. Lanceolate, lanceolato:. Two thirds longer than broad, and ending in an acute angle. Linear, lineares. Flat, long, narrow, with the sides nearly parallel. Llieracium glaucum. Long, elongatce. At least twice and a half as long as broad. Salsola radiata. Semicylindrical, hemicylindriccE. Long, with one face flat and the other convex. Salsola radiata. Sickleshape, falcatce. Long and bent like a reapinghook. Ceratospermum, Hypecoum. % Alike, similares. Equal in size and form. Faba, Amygdalus, and indeed most cotyledons. Unlike, dissimiles. Differing from one another. Trapa natans, Ceratophyllum demersum. *|[ Lobed, lobatce. Cut to the middle, or even deeper. Juglans, Hernandia. Two-lobed, hilobatcB. Brassica oleracea. Five-lobed, qui7iqueloljatcB, Tilia alba. Feather-cut, pinnatijidce. Long, and divided on the sides. Geranium moschatum. Uncut, inlegrce. Having neither teeth, sinuses, nor lobes. Most cotyledons. If Footstalked, petiolatcB. Narrowed at bottom into a kind of footstalk. Mirabilis Jalapa when germinating, jEscuIus Hippocastanum, Trapseolum when germinating, Dorstenia Contrayerva.


Folded together, condupUcatoi. Applied close to one<br />

another, and folded togther. Avicenna.<br />

Folded up, fdicatce. In regula.r folds like those of a fan.<br />

Fagus sylvatica.<br />

Rumpled, con^ortuplicatce, corrugatce. Folded irregularly,<br />

in different directions, like a rumpled stuff. Convolvulus,<br />

Malva, Gossypium.<br />

Joined together, coalitce. United after the seed ripened,<br />

and forming only a single mass. Tropseolum.<br />

Pierced, pertuscp-. Pierced with large holes. Menispermum<br />

fenestratum.<br />

% Rounded, orliculares, suhrolundcc. More or less<br />

rounded. Acanthaceae, Hura crepitans.<br />

Oval, ovules. Resembling the longitudinal section of an<br />

ecTff, one end bein^ rounder than the other. Cheiranthus<br />

• 'All •<br />

Cheu'i, Amygdalus communis.<br />

Elliptic, ellipticce. One third longer than broad, edge<br />

rounded, the two- ends equal. Quercus longasva.<br />

Kidneyshape, reniformes. Anacardium orientale.<br />

Heartshape, cordiformes, Ixora, Coffsea, Phyllis Nobla.<br />

Lanceolate, lanceolato:. Two thirds longer than broad,<br />

and ending in an acute angle.<br />

Linear, lineares. Flat, long, narrow, with the sides<br />

nearly parallel. Llieracium glaucum.<br />

Long, elongatce. At least twice and a half as long as<br />

broad. Salsola radiata.<br />

Semicylindrical, hemicylindriccE. Long, with one face<br />

flat and the other convex. Salsola radiata.<br />

Sickleshape, falcatce. Long and bent like a reapinghook.<br />

Ceratospermum, Hypecoum.<br />

% Alike, similares. Equal in size and form. Faba,<br />

Amygdalus, and indeed most cotyledons.<br />

Unlike, dissimiles. Differing from one another. Trapa<br />

natans, Ceratophyllum demersum.<br />

*|[ Lobed, lobatce. Cut to the middle, or even deeper.<br />

Juglans, Hernandia.<br />

Two-lobed, hilobatcB. Brassica oleracea.<br />

Five-lobed, qui7iqueloljatcB, Tilia alba.<br />

Feather-cut, pinnatijidce. Long, and divided on the<br />

sides. Geranium moschatum.<br />

Uncut, inlegrce. Having neither teeth, sinuses, nor lobes.<br />

Most cotyledons.<br />

If Footstalked, petiolatcB. Narrowed at bottom into a<br />

kind of footstalk. Mirabilis Jalapa when germinating,<br />

jEscuIus Hippocastanum, Trapseolum when germinating,<br />

Dorstenia Contrayerva.

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