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At the tip, apieilaris. Placed opposite the hile. Colchicum.<br />

Vague, vagus. Placed in the perisperm, but neither at<br />

the bottom, top, or side of the seed.<br />

Nestling, nidulatus. Placed in a sac formed by a fold of<br />

the inner skin of the seed. Commelina.<br />

If White, alhus., lacteus. Most embryos.<br />

Yellowish, lutescens. Ribes spinosum glabrum.<br />

Green, viridis. Acer majus, Pistachia Terebinthus.<br />

Leadcolour, plumbeus. ^chinops.<br />

Purplish, purpureiis. Bidens and Zinnia when the seeds<br />

are fresh.<br />

il Large-footed, macropodius. The radicle very large,<br />

and bulging out like a head.<br />

Large-headed, macrocephalus . The cotyledons swelled<br />

out into a mass much larger than the other part.<br />

Roots within, e?idor/iizus. Radicles growing from the<br />

base of the embryo and piercing the covers.<br />

Roots without, exorlilzus. Radicles completely developed<br />

in the embryo, and only lengthening in germination.<br />

Roots united, synorhiziLS.<br />

with the perisperm.<br />

Radicle united in some degree<br />

CoTYI,EDONS.<br />

Cotyledones, Lobi, Valvae seminum. Tlie part of the<br />

kernel that forms the first leaves of the plant during gej-mi-<br />

natio7u PI. 14, fig. 12; pi. 15, fig. 19, 22 c; pi. 16, fig. 13.<br />

In one-cotyledon embryos, the cotyledon forming nearly<br />

the whole mass of the embryo, the external characters are<br />

common both to the embryo and the cotyledon, and it is<br />

indifferent whether it be said that the embryo or the cotyledon<br />

of holcus is bucklershape ; but in other embryos,<br />

the cotyledons are in general very distinct.<br />

Fleshy, Cotyledones carnosce. Thick, juicy, firm, and<br />

breakable. Corylus, Faba, Amygdalus communis, A.<br />

Persica.<br />

Leaflike, foliacecE. Thin, and frequently ribbed like<br />

leaves. Nyctaginese, Tilia, Cassia Fistula, Euphorbiaceae.<br />

PL 14, fig. 12.<br />

% Dotted, punciatce. Surfaces with either transparent<br />

points, Aurantiaceae ; or coloured ones. Anagallis when,<br />

germinating.<br />

K\h\)eA,nervat(E. Surface ribbed. Tilia, MirabilisJalapa.<br />

RiblesSj enerves. Faba.

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