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^10 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Fleshy, camosum. Euphorbiacese. Horn}'^, corneum. Tough, elastic, hard like horn. Palm^, Aristolochia, Rubiaccas. Leathery, cartilaginous, corlaceum, cartilag'meum, dense camosum. Tough like leather, or a cartilage. Umbel- life rse. Transparent, pellucidum. Oryza saliva. Opake, opacum. Triticum. 51 Lobed, lohaiiim. Three-lobed, trilohatum. Coccoloba, Lontarus, Five-lobed, quinquelobatum. Aquilicia. Creviced, rimosum. Having more or less deep incisions, into which folds of the seed-covers are inserted. Uvaria, Anona. *f[ Large, magnum. Relatively to the embryo. Graminef)e, Umbelliferae, Ranunculacea?. Thick, crassum. Having a notable thickness. Graminese, Hydrophyllum. Thin, tenue. Labiatae, Rosaceae, Thymeleae. ^ White, alhuvi. In most plants. Green, viride. Viscum album. 5[ Hollow, cavum. Having another internal cavity besides that containing the embryo. Cocos, Myristica. Wrinkled, corrugatum, coniortuplicatum. Folded together in different senses along Vi-ith the embryo. Convol- vulus. Hile-bearing, hiliferum. Bearing the hile. Abietideae, Cupressideae, Taxidese. Chorion. A pulpy liquor which appears io form the whole sidjstance of the kernel before its feamdation, and disappears before its maturity. Amnios. A trausparejit gelatinous or emulsive liquor that is not io be ieen before fecwidation, in which the embryo swims, and ivhich appears to serve for its nourishment ; the concrete residuum forming the perisperrn. Cocoa. Naked, Amnios nudum. Enclosed, inclusum. Enclosed in a sac. Embryo. Proper seed. Heart of the seed, Corculum, Cor seminis. The rudiment of the new plant. PI. 15, fig, 22 d; pi. 18, fig. 20 f ; 22 a.

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 211 Not cotyledonic, Emhrio acotyledoneus. Without any cotyledons, and of course conoisting only of a blasteme. Cuscuta, Confervas. One-cotyledon, monocohj iedoiieus. With only one cotyledon. Gramineee, Liiiacese, Cyclamen Europseus, Zani- dieilia. Two-cotyledon, dicotyledoneiis . With two cotyledons. Labiatee, Compositse, Umbelliferse, Criiciferae, Rosacese, Leguminosce. Many-cotyledon, polycotyledon eus. With more than two cotyledons. Pinus, Abies, Larix, Cedrus, Ceratophyllum. ^ Spherical, globular, sphcericus, glohulosus. Ellipsoid, eilipsoideus. Quercus longseva. Egglike, ovoideus, Juncus, Corylus, Nelumbo. Conical, conicus. In form of a sugar-loaf. Epilobium hirsutum. Topshaped, iz^r^f7za/z/5. Nymphaea alba, Scirpus sylva- ticus. Threadlike, filiformis. Slender and cylindrical like a thread. Typha, Allium, Atriplex, Damasonium Dalechampii. Spindleshape, fusiformis. Long, and growing narrower at each end. Triglochin palustre. Clubshape, claviformis. Hyacinthus nutans. Mushroomshape,y2i!wgz/br;72w. Having a hemispherical broad head placed upon a cylindrical stem. Musa sapientum, M. coccinea. Heartshape, cordiformis. Azarum, Aristolochia, Gunnera. Saucerlike, patelUformis. Flagellaria Indica. Bucklershape, scutelliformis. Broad, more or less round, dilTers but little from the preceding. Holcus. Cylindrical, cylmdricus. Antirrhinum. Sheavelike, irochlearis. Cylindrical, very short, narrower in the middle, like the sheave of a pulley. Commelina communis. Lenticular, lenticularis. Ervum lens. ^ Straight, rectUineus, rectus. Neither bent, nor twisted. Abietideae, Cupressidese, Taxideee, Aroideae. Bent, arciiatus, curvatus. Vaccinium montanum. Galium uncinatum, Papaver. Bent back, recurvus, recurvaius. Bent so that the tip of the cotyledons either touches the radicle, or approaches Yevy close to it. NyctaginesS, Morus. p 2

^10<br />


Fleshy, camosum. Euphorbiacese.<br />

Horn}'^, corneum. Tough, elastic, hard like horn. Palm^,<br />

Aristolochia, Rubiaccas.<br />

Leathery, cartilaginous, corlaceum, cartilag'meum, dense<br />

camosum. Tough like leather, or a cartilage. Umbel-<br />

life rse.<br />

Transparent, pellucidum. Oryza saliva.<br />

Opake, opacum. Triticum.<br />

51 Lobed, lohaiiim.<br />

Three-lobed, trilohatum. Coccoloba, Lontarus,<br />

Five-lobed, quinquelobatum. Aquilicia.<br />

Creviced, rimosum. Having more or less deep incisions,<br />

into which folds of the seed-covers are inserted. Uvaria,<br />

Anona.<br />

*f[ Large, magnum. Relatively to the embryo. Graminef)e,<br />

Umbelliferae, Ranunculacea?.<br />

Thick, crassum. Having a notable thickness. Graminese,<br />

Hydrophyllum.<br />

Thin, tenue. Labiatae, Rosaceae, Thymeleae.<br />

^ White, alhuvi. In most plants.<br />

Green, viride. Viscum album.<br />

5[ Hollow, cavum. Having another internal cavity besides<br />

that containing the embryo. Cocos, Myristica.<br />

Wrinkled, corrugatum, coniortuplicatum. Folded together<br />

in different senses along Vi-ith the embryo. Convol-<br />

vulus.<br />

Hile-bearing, hiliferum. Bearing the hile. Abietideae,<br />

Cupressideae, Taxidese.<br />

Chorion.<br />

A pulpy liquor which appears io form the whole sidjstance of<br />

the kernel before its feamdation, and disappears before its<br />

maturity.<br />

Amnios.<br />

A trausparejit gelatinous or emulsive liquor that is not io be<br />

ieen before fecwidation, in which the embryo swims, and<br />

ivhich appears to serve for its nourishment ; the concrete residuum<br />

forming the perisperrn. Cocoa.<br />

Naked, Amnios nudum.<br />

Enclosed, inclusum. Enclosed in a sac.<br />

Embryo.<br />

Proper seed. Heart of the seed, Corculum, Cor seminis.<br />

The rudiment of the new plant. PI. 15, fig, 22 d; pi. 18,<br />

fig. 20 f ; 22 a.

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