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•204 INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. Furnished with an operculum, operculahun. Having an operculum, or embryo-cover, placed over the radicular extremity of the embryon, and tallinfr oft' when the seed germinates. Phoenix dactylifera, Asparagus officinalis. Villous, villosuvi. Roellia cristata, Murraya exotica. Woolly, lanatum. Bombax, Gossj'pium. Edged, marginatum. With a prominent narrow edge. Spergula pentandra, Matthiola sinuata. Fringed, cilialum. Edged, and the edge cut into fine jags like eyelashes. Limnanthes peltata. Winged, alatum. Furnished with large thin expansions of the edges or corners. One-winged, uni-alaium, mo?iopterum' Winged all round, peripleratum. Surrounded by the wing. Veratrum alburn, Rhinanthus glaber. Winged at top, epipteralum. Banksia, Bignonia. Two-winged, bi-alatuin, dlpterum. Three-winged, tri-alalum, triptenim. Moringa, Fterospermum. Tufted, comahim. With a tuft of hairs or coma, produced either by an expansion of the seed-covers, Tamarix; or by the umbilical cord drying, and splitting into fine filaments, Asclepias, Epilobium. Bald-headed, calvum. Without any tuft. Vinca. Drupelike, dntpeolatum. Surrounded with pulp and like a stone-fruit. Ixia Chinensis, Punica Granatus. Arilled, ar'illatum. Having an arill. Myristica, Oxalis, Evonymus. Parts of the seed. Seed covers, Integumenla propria seminum, TuniccE seminales. The covers that grow along with the ovule, and are not very distinct until the ovary is ripened into a pericarp ; they comprise the arill, the outer and the inner skin. The kernel, Amygdala. The seed stripped of its covers, being either a simple embryo, or an embryo accompanied with a perisperm. Arill. Arillus, Calyptra. An appendage to the hile, usually Jormlng an expansion' round the seed, which falls off of itself mid is peculiar to afew seeds only. Complete, Arillus complelns. Covering the seed entirely. Oxalis. ,

INTRODUCTION TO BOTANY. 205 Incomplete, incompletus. Covering the seed only partially. Evonymus verrucosus, Bocconia frutescens. ^ Cuplike, mpiilaris. In form of a hollow cup. Evonymus verrucosus, Bocconia frutescens. Caruncular, strophiolate, caruncularis, stropliiolatus. Formed of one or more caruncles. Polygala vulgaris. Parted, partitiis. Divided into several broad parts. Three-parted, tripartitus. Polygala vulgaris. Many-parted, multipart itiis. Myristica. Jagged, laciniaius. Divided into nari'ow strips. Rave- nala. Pulpy, pulposus. Texture cellulai-, very fine, full of juice. Bocconia frutescens. Fleshy, caniosus. Texture thick, juicy, but firm. My- ristica. Elastic, elasticus. Extending as the seed enlarges, to a certain length, then tearing open, and retracting, in consequence of its tenacity. Oxalis. Tearing, ruptilis. Tearing irregularly when the seed enlarges. Meliaceee. Pellicle. Pellicula, Epidermis. A very thin nrill which hears the hairs thai accompany some seeds. Bombax, Gossypium. Tuft. Coma. A small tuft of hairs growing at one end of some ieeds. Asclepias, Epilobium, Tamarix. Skins of the Seed. Spermoderme, Spermodermis, Perispermum, Epispermum. The coats of seeds in general, surrounding and covering their kernel, including the outer and inner skin, and. the flesh of the seed. Outer Skin. Shell, Testa, Lorica. The smooth, scalelike, external covering of the kernel, which, notwithstanding its appeara?ice, easily imbibes moisture. PI. 15, fig. 22 a. Crustaceous, Lorica Crustacea. Thin, dry, brittle like a snail-shell. Papaver orientale, Ricinus. Bony, ossea, lapidea. Dry, solid, thick, and resembling a bony or stony substance in its appearance. Nymphsea alba, Nuphar luteum.


Furnished with an operculum, operculahun. Having<br />

an operculum, or embryo-cover, placed over the radicular<br />

extremity of the embryon, and tallinfr oft' when the seed<br />

germinates. Phoenix dactylifera, Asparagus officinalis.<br />

Villous, villosuvi. Roellia cristata, Murraya exotica.<br />

Woolly, lanatum. Bombax, Gossj'pium.<br />

Edged, marginatum. With a prominent narrow edge.<br />

Spergula pentandra, Matthiola sinuata.<br />

Fringed, cilialum. Edged, and the edge cut into fine<br />

jags like eyelashes. Limnanthes peltata.<br />

Winged, alatum. Furnished with large thin expansions<br />

of the edges or corners.<br />

One-winged, uni-alaium, mo?iopterum'<br />

Winged all round, peripleratum. Surrounded by the<br />

wing. Veratrum alburn, Rhinanthus glaber.<br />

Winged at top, epipteralum. Banksia, Bignonia.<br />

Two-winged, bi-alatuin, dlpterum.<br />

Three-winged, tri-alalum, triptenim. Moringa, Fterospermum.<br />

Tufted, comahim. With a tuft of hairs or coma, produced<br />

either by an expansion of the seed-covers, Tamarix;<br />

or by the umbilical cord drying, and splitting into fine<br />

filaments, Asclepias, Epilobium.<br />

Bald-headed, calvum. Without any tuft. Vinca.<br />

Drupelike, dntpeolatum. Surrounded with pulp and<br />

like a stone-fruit. Ixia Chinensis, Punica Granatus.<br />

Arilled, ar'illatum. Having an arill. Myristica, Oxalis,<br />

Evonymus.<br />

Parts of the seed.<br />

Seed covers, Integumenla propria seminum, TuniccE seminales.<br />

The covers that grow along with the ovule, and are<br />

not very distinct until the ovary is ripened into a pericarp ;<br />

they comprise the arill, the outer and the inner skin.<br />

The kernel, Amygdala. The seed stripped of its covers,<br />

being either a simple embryo, or an embryo accompanied<br />

with a perisperm.<br />

Arill.<br />

Arillus, Calyptra. An appendage to the hile, usually<br />

Jormlng an expansion' round the seed, which falls off of itself<br />

mid is peculiar to afew seeds only.<br />

Complete, Arillus complelns. Covering the seed entirely.<br />

Oxalis.<br />


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